Django Voting
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A generic voting application for Django projects, which allows
registering of votes for any ``Model`` instance.
1. Install the ``django-voting`` distribution
2. Add ``voting`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``::
3. Run ``django-admin migrate``
Votes are represented by the ``Vote`` model, which lives in the
``voting.models`` module.
Votes are recorded using the ``record_vote`` helper function::
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> from shop.apps.products.models import Widget
>>> from voting.models import Vote
>>> user = User.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> widget = Widget.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> Vote.objects.record_vote(widget, user, +1)
The score for an object can be retrieved using the ``get_score``
helper function::
>>> Vote.objects.get_score(widget)
{'score': 1, 'num_votes': 1}
If the same user makes another vote on the same object, their vote
is either modified or deleted, as appropriate::
>>> Vote.objects.record_vote(widget, user, -1)
>>> Vote.objects.get_score(widget)
{'score': -1, 'num_votes': 1}
>>> Vote.objects.record_vote(widget, user, 0)
>>> Vote.objects.get_score(widget)
{'score': 0, 'num_votes': 0}
``Vote`` objects have the following fields:
* ``user`` -- The user who made the vote. Users are represented by
the ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` model.
* ``content_type`` -- The ContentType of the object voted on.
* ``object_id`` -- The id of the object voted on.
* ``object`` -- The object voted on.
* ``vote`` -- The vote which was made: ``+1`` or ``-1``.
``Vote`` objects have the following custom methods:
* ``is_upvote`` -- Returns ``True`` if ``vote`` is ``+1``.
* ``is_downvote`` -- Returns ``True`` if ``vote`` is ``-1``.
Manager functions
The ``Vote`` model has a custom manager that has the following helper
* ``record_vote(obj, user, vote)`` -- Record a user's vote on a
given object. Only allows a given user to vote once on any given
object, but the vote may be changed.
``vote`` must be one of ``1`` (up vote), ``-1`` (down vote) or
``0`` (remove vote).
* ``get_score(obj)`` -- Gets the total score for ``obj`` and the
total number of votes it's received.
Returns a dictionary with ``score`` and ``num_votes`` keys.
* ``get_scores_in_bulk(objects)`` -- Gets score and vote count
details for all the given objects. Score details consist of a
dictionary which has ``score`` and ``num_vote`` keys.
Returns a dictionary mapping object ids to score details.
* ``get_top(Model, limit=10, reversed=False)`` -- Gets the top
``limit`` scored objects for a given model.
If ``reversed`` is ``True``, the bottom ``limit`` scored objects
are retrieved instead.
Yields ``(object, score)`` tuples.
* ``get_bottom(Model, limit=10)`` -- A convenience method which
calls ``get_top`` with ``reversed=True``.
Gets the bottom (i.e. most negative) ``limit`` scored objects
for a given model.
Yields ``(object, score)`` tuples.
* ``get_for_user(obj, user)`` -- Gets the vote made on the given
object by the given user, or ``None`` if no matching vote
* ``get_for_user_in_bulk(objects, user)`` -- Gets the votes
made on all the given objects by the given user.
Returns a dictionary mapping object ids to votes.
* ``get_voted_users(object)`` -- Gets all users
voted on the given object.
Returns a list of objects contains user ids.
Generic Views
The ``voting.views`` module contains views to handle a couple of
common cases: displaying a page to confirm a vote when it is requested
via ``GET`` and making the vote itself via ``POST``, or voting via
XMLHttpRequest ``POST``.
The following sample URLconf demonstrates using a generic view for
voting on a model, allowing for regular voting and XMLHttpRequest
voting at the same URL::
from django.urls import re_path
from voting.views import vote_on_object
from shop.apps.products.models import Widget
widget_kwargs = {
'model': Widget,
'template_object_name': 'widget',
'allow_xmlhttprequest': True,
urlpatterns = [
A view that displays a confirmation page and votes on an object. The
given object will only be voted on if the request method is ``POST``.
If this view is fetched via ``GET``, it will display a confirmation
page that should contain a form that ``POST``\s to the same URL.
**Required arguments:**
* ``model``: The Django model class of the object that will be
voted on.
* Either ``object_id`` or (``slug`` *and* ``slug_field``) is
If you provide ``object_id``, it should be the value of the
primary-key field for the object being voted on.
Otherwise, ``slug`` should be the slug of the given object, and
``slug_field`` should be the name of the slug field in the
``QuerySet``'s model.
* ``direction``: The kind of vote to be made, must be one of
``'up'``, ``'down'`` or ``'clear'``.
* Either a ``post_vote_redirect`` argument defining a URL must
be supplied, or a ``next`` parameter must supply a URL in the
request when the vote is ``POST``\ed, or the object being voted
on must define a ``get_absolute_url`` method or property.
The view checks for these in the order given above.
**Optional arguments:**
* ``allow_xmlhttprequest``: A boolean that designates whether this
view should also allow votes to be made via XMLHttpRequest.
If this is ``True``, the request headers will be check for an
``HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH`` header which has a value of
``XMLHttpRequest``. If this header is found, processing of the
current request is delegated to
* ``template_name``: The full name of a template to use in
rendering the page. This lets you override the default template
name (see below).
* ``template_loader``: The template loader to use when loading the
template. By default, it's ``django.template.loader``.
* ``extra_context``: A dictionary of values to add to the template
context. By default, this is an empty dictionary. If a value in
the dictionary is callable, the generic view will call it just
before rendering the template.
* ``context_processors``: A list of template-context processors to
apply to the view's template.
* ``template_object_name``: Designates the name of the template
variable to use in the template context. By default, this is
**Template name:**
If ``template_name`` isn't specified, this view will use the template
``<app_label>/<model_name>_confirm_vote.html`` by default.
**Template context:**
In addition to ``extra_context``, the template's context will be:
* ``object``: The original object that's about to be voted on.
This variable's name depends on the ``template_object_name``
parameter, which is ``'object'`` by default. If
``template_object_name`` is ``'foo'``, this variable's name will
be ``foo``.
* ``direction``: The argument which was given for the vote's
``direction`` (see above).
A view for use in voting on objects via XMLHttpRequest. The given
object will only be voted on if the request method is ``POST``. This
view will respond with JSON text instead of rendering a template or
**Required arguments:**
* ``model``: The Django model class of the object that will be
voted on.
* Either ``object_id`` or (``slug`` *and* ``slug_field``) is
If you provide ``object_id``, it should be the value of the
primary-key field for the object being voted on.
Otherwise, ``slug`` should be the slug of the given object, and
``slug_field`` should be the name of the slug field in the
``QuerySet``'s model.
* ``direction``: The kind of vote to be made, must be one of
``'up'``, ``'down'`` or ``'clear'``.
**JSON text context:**
The context provided by the JSON text returned will be:
* ``success``: ``true`` if the vote was successfully processed,
``false`` otherwise.
* ``score``: an object containing a ``score`` property, which
holds the object's updated score, and a ``num_votes`` property,
which holds the total number of votes cast for the object.
* ``error_message``: if the vote was not successfully processed,
this property will contain an error message.
Template tags
The ``voting.templatetags.voting_tags`` module defines a number of
template tags which may be used to retrieve and display voting
Tag reference
Retrieves the total score for an object and the number of votes
it's received, storing them in a context variable which has ``score``
and ``num_votes`` properties.
Example usage::
{% score_for_object widget as score %}
{{ score.score }} point{{ score.score|pluralize }}
after {{ score.num_votes }} vote{{ score.num_votes|pluralize }}
Retrieves the total scores and number of votes cast for a list of
objects as a dictionary keyed with the objects' ids and stores it in a
context variable.
Example usage::
{% scores_for_objects widget_list as scores %}
Retrieves the ``Vote`` cast by a user on a particular object and
stores it in a context variable. If the user has not voted, the
context variable will be ``None``.
Example usage::
{% vote_by_user user on widget as vote %}
Retrieves the votes cast by a user on a list of objects as a
dictionary keyed with object ids and stores it in a context
Example usage::
{% votes_by_user user on widget_list as vote_dict %}
Given an object and a dictionary keyed with object ids - as returned
by the ``votes_by_user`` and ``scores_for_objects`` template tags -
retrieves the value for the given object and stores it in a context
variable, storing ``None`` if no value exists for the given object.
Example usage::
{% dict_entry_for_item widget from vote_dict as vote %}
Intended for use in vote confirmatio templates, creates an appropriate
message asking the user to confirm the given vote for the given object
Example usage::
{% confirm_vote_message widget.title direction %}
Filter reference
Given a string mapping values for up and down votes, returns one
of the strings according to the given ``Vote``:
========= ===================== =============
Vote type Argument Outputs
========= ===================== =============
``+1`` ``'Bodacious,Bogus'`` ``Bodacious``
``-1`` ``'Bodacious,Bogus'`` ``Bogus``
========= ===================== =============
If no string mapping is given, ``'Up'`` and ``'Down'`` will be used.
Example usage::
{{ vote|vote_display:"Bodacious,Bogus" }}