# Django Vite Vue
[![pub package](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/django-vitevue)](https://pypi.org/project/django-vitevue/)
Manage Vitejs frontends and compile them to Django static files and templates. Features
- [Configure Vitejs for Django](#configuration-of-a-vitejs-app-to-compile-to-django-templates-and-static-files): use a management
command to help configuring Vitejs to compile to Django templates and static files
- [Typescript scaffolding](#typescript-models): generate Typescript models from existing Django models
- [Api and views](#add-an-api-to-the-generated-frontend-models): api helper frontend class configured for Django and login/logout views with single page app support
## Install
pip install django-vitevue
Add `"vv",` to `INSTALLED_APPS`
Make sure the basic Django template and static dirs settings are present. Run the
`vvcheck` management command to see if the config is ok
## Configuration of a Vitejs app to compile to Django templates and static files
### Architecture and settings
The recommended file structure for a single page app is:
- project_root_dir
- django_project
- vite_project
A management command is available to configure some Vitejs frontends compilation options
and commands. First create a frontend in the parent folder of the Django project with a command
yarn create vite frontend --template=vue-ts
Or use and existing one.
The root directory can be configured by a setting. By default it is
the parent directory of the Django's `BASE_DIR`, like in the file structure shown above.
Example setting to put the frontend dev code directly in the django project directory:
### Generate the Vitejs config
If the Vite app project folder is named *frontend* the command can run without arguments:
python {django_project}/manage.py viteconf
Otherwise add the app folder name as an argument:
python {django_project}/manage.py viteconf --app=my_frontend_app_folder_name
This command will do the following things:
- Generate compilation options for the *vite.config.js* or *vite.config.ts* file
- Generate npm build commands for *package.json*
- Check if all the required npm dependencies are installed
The command runs in dry mode and outputs the config. To write to config files
use the `-w` flag:
python {django_project}/manage.py viteconf -w
### Options
#### Configure templates and static files destination
The npm *build* command will be configured to output to the Django static file
folder and an *index.html* template. To change these options use these command flags:
`--template=mytemplate.html`: the template to compile to. Relative to the django templates dir
`--static=myfolder`: the static folder to compile assets to. Relative to the first staticfiles dir
Example to compile the template to `templates/myapp/mytemplate.html` and the static assets to `static/myapp`:
python {django_project}/manage.py viteconf --template=myapp/mytemplate.html --static=myapp
#### Compile to a partial template
By default it will compile a full index page, in single page app mode. It is possible to
compile to a static partial template, without the html tags. Use the partial flag:
`-p`: the template will not have html tags and can be included in a parent Django template
To configure Vitejs to compile an app in partial mode to a specific template and static folder:
python {django_project}/manage.py viteconf -p --app=partialapp --template=mytemplate.html --static=myfolder
## Typescript models
### Generate Typescript models from Django models
The `tsmodels` command can generate Typescript models from Django models:
python {django_project}/manage.py tsmodels my_django_app
To write the models to the frontend app:
python {django_project}/manage.py tsmodels my_django_app -w
<summary>Example output:</summary>
These Django models:
class Market(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Instrument(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class Trade(models.Model):
date = models.DateTimeField()
price = models.FloatField()
quantity = models.FloatField()
market = models.ForeignKey(Market, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
instrument = models.ForeignKey(Instrument, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
side = models.CharField(max_length=4, choices=SIDE)
Output these Typescript models:
// Model Market
import MarketContract from "./contract";
export default class Market {
id: number;
name: string;
constructor ({id, name}: MarketContract) {
static fromJson(data: Record<string, any>): Market {
return new Market(data as MarketContract)
// -------------- Interface --------------
export default interface MarketContract {
id: number,
name: string,
// Model Instrument
import InstrumentContract from "./contract";
export default class Instrument {
id: number;
name: string;
constructor ({id, name}: InstrumentContract) {
static fromJson(data: Record<string, any>): Instrument {
return new Instrument(data as InstrumentContract)
// -------------- Interface --------------
export default interface InstrumentContract {
id: number,
name: string,
// Model Trade
import MarketContract from "../market/contract";
import InstrumentContract from "../instrument/contract";
import TradeContract from "./contract";
export default class Trade {
id: number;
date: string;
price: number;
quantity: number;
market: MarketContract;
instrument: InstrumentContract;
side: string;
constructor ({id, date, price, quantity, market, instrument, side}: TradeContract) {
static fromJson(data: Record<string, any>): Trade {
return new Trade(data as TradeContract)
// -------------- Interface --------------
import MarketContract from "../market/contract";
import InstrumentContract from "../instrument/contract";
export default interface TradeContract {
id: number,
date: string,
price: number,
quantity: number,
market: MarketContract,
instrument: InstrumentContract,
side: string,
### Add an api to the generated frontend models
To scaffold an api for an existing frontend model:
python {django_project}/manage.py tsapi my_django_app_name
This will create an api for the Typescript models and copy an `api` helper
in the frontend `src` directory
<summary>Example output</summary>
<p>Methods will be added to models. Ex:</p>
export default class Market {
// ...
static async load(id: number | string): Promise<Market> {
const res = await api.get<Record<string, any>>(`/api/market/${id}/`);
return Market.fromJson(res)
### Login views
Some login/logout views are available from the backend, and supported by the frontend
api helper class. Add the urls in `urls.py`:
urlpatterns = [
path("vv/", include("vv.urls")),
Two api views will be available: `/vv/auth/login/` and `/vv/auth/logout/`. The frontend api
helper class have support for these views [example code](https://github.com/synw/django-vitevue-example/blob/main/django_vitevue_example/static/demo/App.vue)
## Example
Example repository: https://github.com/synw/django-vitevue-example
## Run the tests
Clone and run:
make install
make test-initial
To run the code quality checker install [Pycheck](https://github.com/emencia/pycheck) and run:
make quality