Django TastyPie's Extended ModelResource
The ``ExtendedModelResource`` is an extension for TastyPie's ``ModelResource`` that adds some interesting features:
* Supports easily using resources as *nested* of another resource, with proper authorization checks for each case.
* [This feature has already been included in the official TastyPie] Supports using a custom identifier attribute for resources in uris (not only the object's pk!)
* Latest django-tastypie from repository (0.9.12-alpha or hopefully greater) and its requirements.
* Django 1.4.1 for the sample project.
Clone repository and do:
python setup.py install
Or just do
pip install django-tastypie-extendedmodelresource
to get the latest version from `pypi <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-tastypie-extendedmodelresource>`_.
*Nested* resources
Here we explain what we mean by *nested resources* and what a simple use case would be.
Imagine you have a simple application which has users, each of which can write any number of entries. Every entry is associated to a user. For example ::
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models
class Entry(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='entries')
# ... more fields
The 'standard' TastyPie models for this would be ::
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from tastypie.resources import ModelResource
from myapp.models import Entry
class UserResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = User.objects.all()
class EntryResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Entry.objects.all()
This gives you full CRUD ability over users and entries, with uris such as ``/api/user/`` and ``/api/entry/``.
Now imagine you want to be able to easily list all the entries authored by a given user, with a uri such as ``/api/user/<pk>/entries``. Additionally, you would like to be able to POST to this uri and create an entry automatically associated to this user. This is why nested resources are for.
If a resource such as the ``EntryResource`` is to be accessed as ``/api/user/<pk>/<something>`` where ``<something>`` is custom-defined (for example ``entries``), then we say the ``EntryResource`` is being used as **nested** of the ``UserResource``. We also say that ``UserResource`` is the **parent** of ``EntryResource``.
The standard TastyPie's ``ModelResource`` would force you to write a function overriding the urls of the ``UserResource`` and adding a method to handle the entry resource (see `Nested Resources <http://django-tastypie.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cookbook.html#nested-resources>`_). Using ``ExtendedModelResource`` it is as easy as ::
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from tastypie import fields
from extendedmodelresource import ExtendedModelResource
from myapp.models import Entry
class UserResource(ExtendedModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = User.objects.all()
class Nested:
entries = fields.ToManyField('api.resources.EntryResource', 'entries')
class EntryResource(ExtendedModelResource):
user = fields.ForeignKey(UserResource, 'user')
class Meta:
queryset = Entry.objects.all()
And that's it!
How authorization is handled
If a resource does not have a nested resource, the authorization is handled the same way as in the standard TastyPie. You define an ``Authorization`` class and associate it to the resource. This class may implement the ``is_authorized`` and ``apply_limits`` methods.
For an ``ExtendedModelResource`` with nesteds, all the authorization when using the nested as such is handled from the authorization class **of the parent resource**. For each resource used as nested, the ``Authorization`` class of the parent can implement two methods:
* ``is_authorized_nested_<attribute>``
* ``apply_limits_nested_<attribute>``
where ``<attribute>`` is the name of the attribute parameter in the ``ApiField`` that declares the resource as nested. These functions work identically to the original ones, except that they also receive a ``parent_object`` parameter which will contain the parent object.
For our users and entries example, an ``Authorization`` can be something like::
from tastypie.authorization import Authorization
class UserResourceAuthorization(Authorization):
Our Authorization class for UserResource and its nested.
def is_authorized(self, request, object=None):
# Only 'newton' is authorized to view the users
if 'newton' in request.user.username:
return True
return False
def apply_limits(self, request, object_list):
return object_list.all()
def is_authorized_nested_entries(self, request,
parent_object, object=None):
# Is request.user authorized to access the EntryResource as
# nested?
return True
def apply_limits_nested_entries(self, request, parent_object,
# Advanced filtering.
# Note that object_list already only contains the objects that
# are associated to parent_object.
return object_list.all()
* ``ExtendedModelResource`` only supports one level nesting.
* Resources used as nested can also be registered in an **Api** instance, but need not to. That is, there can be resources used **only** as nested and not exposed otherwise in the urls.
Changing object's identifier attribute in urls
Using the latest TastyPie you can define a ``detail_uri_name`` attribute
in the ``Meta`` class, to use a different attribute than the object's ``pk`` ::
class UserResource(ExtendedModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = User.objects.all()
detail_uri_name = 'username'
With ``ExtendedModelResource`` you can change the regular expression used for your identifier attribute in the urls, you can override the method ``get_url_id_attribute_regex`` and return it, like the following example ::
def get_detail_uri_name_regex(self):
return r'[aA-zZ][\w-]*'
More information
:Date: 08-20-2012
:Version: 0.2
- Alan Descoins - Tryolabs <alan@tryolabs.com>
- Martín Santos - Tryolabs <santos@tryolabs.com>