# Django-sphinxsearch
[SphinxSearch](http://sphinxsearch.com) database backend for [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/).
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* Not a [django_sphinx_db](https://github.com/smartfile/django-sphinx-db) fork
* `Django>=2.0,<3.1` supported
* Tested against Django-2.2 (LTS) and Django-3.0
## Installation and usage
1. Install django-sphinxsearch package
pip install django_sphinxsearch
2. Configure Django settings
'ENGINE': 'sphinxsearch.backend.sphinx',
'HOST': '',
'PORT': 9306,
'use_unicode': False # if non-ascii letters looks bad in results
DATABASE_ROUTERS = ['sphinxsearch.routers.SphinxRouter']
3. Create index definitions in sphinx.conf
index testapp_testmodel
type = rt
path = /data/sphinx/testapp/testmodel/
rt_field = sphinx_field
rt_attr_uint = attr_uint
rt_attr_bool = attr_bool
rt_attr_bigint = attr_bigint
rt_attr_float = attr_float
rt_attr_multi = attr_multi
rt_attr_multi_64 = attr_multi_64
rt_attr_timestamp = attr_timestamp
rt_attr_string = attr_string
rt_attr_json = attr_json
4. Define Django model for index
from datetime import datetime
from django.db import models
from sphinxsearch import models as spx_models
class FieldMixin(spx_models.SphinxModel):
# Note that NULL values are not allowed for sphinx rt-index.
# Indexed text field. If no attribute with same name defined, can't be
# retrieved from index.
class Meta:
abstract = True
# Indexed text field. If no attribute with same name defined, can't be
# retrieved from index.
sphinx_field = spx_models.SphinxField(default='')
other_field = spx_models.SphinxField(default='')
# Numeric attributes
attr_uint = spx_models.SphinxIntegerField(default=0, db_column='attr_uint_')
attr_bigint = spx_models.SphinxBigIntegerField(default=0)
attr_float = models.FloatField(default=0.0)
attr_timestamp = spx_models.SphinxDateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
attr_bool = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# String attributes
attr_string = models.CharField(max_length=32, default='')
attr_json = spx_models.JSONField(default={})
# Multi-value fields (sets of integer values)
attr_multi = spx_models.SphinxMultiField(default=[])
attr_multi_64 = spx_models.SphinxMulti64Field(default=[])
class TestModel(FieldMixin, spx_models.SphinxModel):
5. Query index from your app
# Numeric attributes filtering
TestModel.objects.filter(attr_uint=0, attr_float__gte=10, attr_multi__in=[1, 2])
# For sphinxsearch>=2.2.7, string attr filtering enabled
TestModel.objects.filter(attr_string='some test')
# Use mysql-fulltext-search filtering:
TestModel.objects.filter(sphinx_field__search='find me')
# Run match queries
'find in all fields',
sphinx_field='only in this field')
# Insert and update documents to index
obj = TestModel.objects.create(**values)
obj.attr_uint = 1
## Run tests
docker-compose up django
## Notes for production usage
* Sphinxsearch engine has some issues with SQL-syntax support, and they vary
from one version to another. I.e. float attributes are not comparable,
string attributes were not comparable till v2.2.7.
* Without limits sphinxsearch returns only 20 matched documents.
* uint attributes accept -1 but return it as unsigned 32bit integer.
* bigint accept 2**63 + 1 but return it as signed 64bit integer.
* Use SphinxIntegerField and SphinxBigIntegerField instead of IntegerField and
BigIntegerField from django.db.models, because IN is an expression in
SQL (`value IN column`), but a function (`IN(value, column)`) in sphinxsearch.
* Since 3.0.1 multi64 field incorrectly parses values greater than 2**31 and is
completely unusable for bigint values.
* In 3.1.1 you can create rt index with same string field and attr from config
but you cant clone this index, so you attr-based filtering does not work.