Spgateway for Django
Write Django and your store as usual, and let ``django-spgateway`` handle your transactions with Spgateway
- Python 3.7
- Django 2.1
- pycrypto 2.6.1
- We only tested on environment as below
1. Install using pip or pipenv:
``pip install django-spgageway``
Alternatively, you can install download or clone this repo and call ``pip install -e .``.
2. Add to INSTALLED_APPS in your ``settings.py``:
3. Add settings in your ``settings.py``:
.. code:: Python
'YOUR_MerchantID': {
'MerchantID': 'YOUR_MerchantID',
'HashKey': 'YOUR_HashKey',
'HashIV': 'YOUR_HashIV',
4. Add urlpattern into your ``urls.py``:
``path('spgateway/', include('spgateway.urls')),`` for Django 2
``url(r'^spgateway/', include('spgateway.urls')),`` for Django 1
5. Import ``from spgateway.models import SpgatewayOrderMixin`` and inherit from it with your order model.
6. Run ``python manage.py makemigrations`` and ``python manage.py migrate`` as usual.
7. Get form from your order by calling ``generate_credit_form`` in view:
``credit_form = order_object.generate_credit_form(request)``
And use it in your template:
.. code:: Django
<form action="{{ credit_form.action }}" method="POST">
{{ credit_form.as_p }}
<input type="submit">
8. Add ``SpgatewaySameSiteCookieMiddleware`` before ``SessionMiddleware`` to avoid SameSite cookie while return from payment gateway:
.. code:: Python
Example model
.. code:: Python
from spgateway.models import SpgatewayOrderMixin
class Order(SpgatewayOrderMixin, models.Model):
total = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name='Total Price')
user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name='Order by user')
is_paid = models.BooleanField(default=False)
# Add this parameter to let django-spgateway know which field is amount of price
SpgatewayAmtFieldName = 'total'
# Add this parameter to let django-spgateway set item description
SpgatewayItemDesc = 'Items descriptions'
# Add this method to let django-spgateway retrieve email
def get_SpgatewayEmail(self, **kwargs):
return self.user.email
# Add this method let django-spgateway call when notify from Spgateway server
# Change your order with this method
def spgateway_notify(self, request, trade_info):
status = trade_info['Status']
status_msg = trade_info['Message']
if status == 'SUCCESS':
self.is_paid = True
# TODO: Handle error
# Add this method let django-spgateway call when client return from Spgateway server
# Never trust data from client. Display messages only
def spgateway_return(self, request, trade_info):
status = trade_info['Status']
status_msg = trade_info['Message']
if status == 'SUCCESS':
# TODO: Display success message to user
# TODO: Display error message to user
# django-spgateway will call this method to redirect user after user return from Spgateway server
def get_absolute_url(self):
Bugs and suggestions
If you have found a bug or if you have a request for additional functionality, please use the issue tracker on GitHub.
You can use this under MIT. See `LICENSE
<LICENSE>`_ file for details.
Developed and maintained by `CJLTSOD <https://about.me/cjltsod/>`_.
Thanks to everybody that has contributed pull requests, ideas, issues, comments and kind words.
Please see AUTHORS.rst for a list of contributors.