# Django Spam Classifier
Contact form spam getting you down? We know the feeling. It's demeaning,
draining and relentless.
This a very basic Django app that uses `dbacl` Bayesian text classification tool
to filter out contact form spam. It's not perfect, but it works very well on
blocking the really offensive English text spam. The app was written to avoid
depending on external services like reCAPTCHA or Akismet - these services work
well enough, but introduce some privacy concerns.
## Limitations
Currently doesn't work so well on non-English text, very short input, garbage
input or HTML only with a single hyperlink. It's possible that `dbacl` may have
options to deal more effectively with this.
Additionally, `dbacl` seems to be not so actively maintained, and is currently
not available on Debian Bullseye. I may switch to `bogofilter` or other Bayesian
filtering options in the future.
## Getting started
- Install `django-spam-classifier`
- Install `dbacl` via your OS package manager
- Add a `BASE_DIR` setting
- Enable Django `django.contrib.sites` app and configure your site domain via
Django Admin (used for training links in emails)
- Add `'classifier'` to your `INSTALLED_APPS` setting
- Add `path('', include('classifier.urls')),` to your project's `urls.py`
- Run `python manage.py migrate`
- Create the `classifier_data` directory to hold the classifier database
- In contact form call `classifier.is_spam()` on all text accepted by your
spam, submission = is_spam('\n'.join(submission_fields))
if spam:
# Throw away the form submission and don't notify anyone.
# Process the form submission as normal.
Doing so will internally use `dbacl` to classify the submission as spam or
not spam and generate a confidence of 0-100. Spam/not-spam with a high
confidence is processed as you'd expect. If the confidence is below the
`RECORD_AND_DISCARD_CONFIDENCE`, the submission is treated as not spam
because confidence is too low to make a safe decision. The body is recorded
in the `Submissions` model and can be manually classified via the Django
Admin. If the confidence is above `RECORD_AND_DISCARD_CONFIDENCE` but below
`SILENTLY_DISCARD_CONFIDENCE`, the submission is treated as confidently spam,
but also recorded to the `Submissions` model for manual classification.
- Add a training link to the footer of any notification email you send::
email_body = email_body + spam_footer(submission, site)
Which will output something like:
Spam score: spam (15% confidence)
Train as spam: https://example.com/classifier/1704/spam/
Train as not spam: https://example.com/classifier/1704/not-spam/
- Ensure you have a logging configuration set up so you can see log messages
- Add a cron job to regularly (eg. daily) update the training database with any
new manual classifications you've made:
python manage.py train
- Visit the Django Admin and classify the low-confidence submissions you receive.
- Tune the Django settings as desired (optional):
## Development
Create a venv and install the development requirements:
python3 -m python3.8 -m venv --system-site-packages [VENV-PATH]
source [VENV_PATH]/bin/activate
python -m pip install Django pytz
*TODO: There is undoubtedly a better way of installing dev-dependencies. Perhaps
poetry or flit? Are they the only tools that handle this? What's generally accepted?*
Run tests with `tox` or:
PYTHONPATH=src:.:$PYTHONPATH DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.test_settings pytest tests
Create migrations with:
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.test_settings python -m django makemigrations