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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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Django smoketest framework
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل django-smoketest-1.2.0
نام django-smoketest
نسخه کتابخانه 1.2.0
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده Anders Pearson
ایمیل نویسنده ctl-dev@columbia.edu
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/ccnmtl/django-smoketest
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/django-smoketest/
مجوز BSD
django-smoketest ================ [![Actions Status](https://github.com/ccnmtl/django-smoketest/workflows/build-and-test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ccnmtl/django-smoketest/actions) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ccnmtl/django-smoketest/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/ccnmtl/django-smoketest?branch=master) Motivation ---------- Smoke test framework for Django. Smoke tests are tests that are run on a production environment to quickly detect major systemic problems. Eg, after you run a deploy, you want to quickly check that everything is running properly so you can roll back quickly instead if there are problems. Too often, this just means visiting the site and manually clicking around through a few links (at best). You probably already have unit tests verifying the correctness of low level parts of your code, and integration and acceptance tests running on a staging server or CI system. Maybe you've even got automatic configuration management ensuring that your staging server is configured as an exact replica of production. So logically, if your code passes all the tests on the staging server and the production server is configured the same, everything *must* work right in production. Right? Wouldn't it be wonderful if the world were so simple? Of course we know that it's not. That's why we want smoke tests to actually verify that at least the major components of the system are all basically functional and able to talk to each other and we didn't do something stupid like writing code that depends on a new environment variable that hasn't been set to the correct value on production yet. You probably don't want to run your unit tests or integration tests in production with production settings in effect. Who knows what kind of insanity would result? Test data sprayed all through your production database, deleting user data from the file system, the sun rising in the west and setting in the east? This is what smoke tests are for. Smoke tests should be *safe* to run in production. Verify that the application can connect to the database, that whatever filesystem mounts are expected are in place, etc. bridging that last gap between existing test coverage and the wilderness of production. But all while stepping carefully around the production data. I also find myself frequently writing small views to support ad-hoc monitoring. Eg, if an application relies on an NFS mount for some infrequent operation and that mount has a tendency to go stale, a cron job that runs every few minutes (or via nagios or some other monitoring application) and has the application try to read a file off the mount can help ensure that we are alerted to the stale mount before users encounter it. Getting Started --------------- Install django-smoketest $ pip install django-smoketest Add `smoketest` to your `INSTALLED_APPS`. In each application of yours that you want to define smoke tests for, make a `smoke.py` file or a `smoke` directory with an `__init__.py` and one or more python files with your tests. In your `urls.py`, add something like: ('smoketest/', include('smoketest.urls')) To your `urlpatterns`. In your `smoke.py` (or module), you put something like this: from smoketest import SmokeTest from myapp.models import FooModel class DemoTest(SmokeTest): def test_foomodel_reads(self): """ just make sure we can read data from the db """ cnt = FooModel.objects.all().count() self.assertTrue(cnt > 0) def test_foomodel_writes(self): """ make sure we can also write to the database but do not leave any test detritus around. Smoketests are automatically rolled back. """ f = FooModel.objects.create() Now, if you make a `GET` to `http://yourapp/smoketest/`, django-smoketest will go through your code, finding any `smoke` modules, and run the tests you have defined (if you've used unittest or nose, you get the idea): PASS test classes: 1 tests run: 3 tests passed: 3 tests failed: 0 tests errored: 0 time: 1200.307861328ms So you can just check the result for `PASS` if you are calling it from a monitoring script or as part of an automated deploy. If tests fail or error out, you instead get something like: FAIL test classes: 1 tests run: 8 tests passed: 5 tests failed: 2 tests errored: 1 time: 3300.07861328ms module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_foo failed module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_bar failed module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_baz errored If your HTTP client makes the request with `application/json` in the `Accept:` headers, responses will be JSON objects with the same information in a more easily parseable form: $ curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://yourapp/smoketest/ {"status": "FAIL", "tests_failed": 2, "errored_tests": ["module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_baz"], "tests_run": 8, "test_classes": 1, "tests_passed": 5, "failed_tests": ["module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_foo", "module1.smoke.DemoTest.test_foo"], "tests_errored": 1, "time": 1.6458759307861328} QUESTION: I'm thinking about keeping the output simple to parse automatically, but maybe we ought to just stick with unittest's existing output format instead? API --- The main class is `smoketests.SmokeTest`, which should be though of as equivalent to `unittest.TestCase`. It will do basically the usual stuff there, running `setUp` and `tearDown` methods, and supporting the usual array of `assertEquals`, `assertRaises`, `assertTrue` methods. All smoketests are wrapped in a database transaction which is then rolled back after running. This frees you up to do potentially destructive things and just let the DB clean up for you. The usual caveats apply about making sure you are using a database that supports transactions and that it can only roll back database operations, not other side effects. By default, django-smoketest will search through all apps mentioned in your `INSTALLED_APPS`, looking for smoketests. If you define a `SMOKETEST_SKIP_APPS` setting with a list of apps, django-smoketest will bypass any mentioned there. Asserts supported (so far): * assertEqual(a, b) * assertNotEqual(a, b) * assertTrue(t) * assertFalse(x) * assertIs(a, b) * assertIsNot(a, b) * assertIsNone(x) * assertIsNotNone(x) * assertIn(a, b) * assertNotIn(a, b) * assertIsInstance(a, b) * assertNotIsInstance(a, b) * assertRaises(exception, function) * assertLess(a, b) * assertLessEqual(a, b) * assertGreater(a, b) * assertGreaterEqual(a, b) * assertAlmostEqual(a, b) * assertNotAlmostEqual(a, b) All call accepts custom message as the last parameter (msg) just like all assert calls in unittest libraries. Open Questions -------------- What other unittest/nose flags, conventions, etc should we support? `--failfast`? output verbosity? ability to target or skip specific tests in certain cases? Automatic timeouts (a lot of smoke tests involve trying to connect to an external service and failing if it takes more than a specified period of time)? Progress -------- TODO: * I think it only handles `smoke.py` files or `smoke/__init__.py` and won't yet find subclasses in submodules like `smoke/foo.py`. * setUpClass/tearDownClass * extended assert* methods (listed in `smoketest/__init__.py`) DONE: * walk `INSTALLED_APPLICATIONS` and find/run smoke tests * report numbers in simple text format * run setUp and tearDown methods * when tests fail/error, report which ones failed/errored * proper `module.class.method` info on test failures/errors report * support the basic expected set of assert* methods from unittest * JSON output * time test runs and include in output * run tests in a rolled back transaction * report additional info (exception/tracebacks) on errors (Kristijan Mitrovic <kmitrovic>) * support messages on asserts (Kristijan Mitrovic <kmitrovic>) * `SMOKETEST_SKIP_APPS`


مقدار نام
>=1.8 Django

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج whl django-smoketest-1.2.0:

    pip install django-smoketest-1.2.0.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz django-smoketest-1.2.0:

    pip install django-smoketest-1.2.0.tar.gz