Django Simple Api Auth
Django Simple Api Auth is a Django app to help developers with the Session auth of a rest or graphql api in Django.
- Django Rest Framework
- Graphene
- Ariadne
- Create user
- Login
- Logout
- Social login
- Get user data (Me)
- Recover user password
- Overwrite emails
- Overwrite Me fields (Not implemented for ariadne)
- Reset password vía API
You should read about the CSRF protection in `django <>`_
* You have to send X-CSRFToken token in headers
* Rest framework disable csrf in views using csrf_exempt, and adding the validation to the SessionAuthentication
* Graphene don't do anything with the csrf validation, so you have to exempt them when it makes sense. You can use the view of this `example <>`_ or create your own. Don't disable it for all the endpoints.
Quick start
Add django_simple_api_auth and dependencies to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
Rest framework
You can add the main ViewSet that has all the permissions and features implemented to your router::
router.register(r'users', UserApiViewSet, 'users')
Or you can use mixins to create your own viewset::
class UserCompleteViewSet(UserCreateMixin, UserLoginMixin, UserMeMixin, UserPasswordRecoveryMixin, UserLogoutMixin, UserSocialLoginMixin):
You can add the user queries and mutations to your schema::
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.mutations import UsersMutation
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.queries import UserQuery
class Query(UserQuery, graphene.ObjectType):
class Mutation(UsersMutation, graphene.ObjectType):
schema = graphene.Schema(
or you can create your own query and mutation::
class UsersMutation(graphene.ObjectType):
user_create = UserCreateMutation.Field()
user_login = UserLoginMutation.Field()
user_social_login = UserSocialLoginMutation.Field()
user_logout = UserLogoutMutation.Field()
user_password_recovery = UserPasswordRecoveryMutation.Field()
user_reset_password = UserResetPasswordMutation.Field()
class UserQuery(ObjectType):
get_me = Field(AuthUserType)
def resolve_get_me(self, info, **kwargs):
return info.context.user
You have to add the user queries and mutations to your schema manually::
type Mutation {
userCreate(input: UserCreateMutationInput!): UserCreateMutationPayload
userLogin(input: UserLoginMutationInput!): UserLoginMutationPayload
userLogout(input: UserLogoutMutationInput!): UserLogoutMutationPayload
userPasswordRecovery(input: UserPasswordRecoveryMutationInput!): UserPasswordRecoveryMutationPayload
userResetPassword(input: UserResetPasswordMutationInput!): UserResetPasswordMutationPayload
userSocialLogin(input: UserSocialLoginMutationInput!): UserSocialLoginMutationPayload
type Query {
getMe: AuthUserType
and then you have to add types and ObjectTypes to your executable schema, for example::
import os
from ariadne import make_executable_schema, gql, load_schema_from_path
import django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.mutations import mutation as auth_mutations
from django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.queries import query as auth_query
from example.graphqls.ariadne.queries import query
auth_types_graphql_dirname = os.path.dirname(django_simple_api_auth.api.graphql.ariadne.__file__)
auth_mutations_type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path(f"{auth_types_graphql_dirname}/mutations.graphql"))
auth_queries_type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path(f"{auth_types_graphql_dirname}/queries.graphql"))
type_defs = gql(load_schema_from_path('./graphqls/ariadne/scheme.graphql'))
type_defs_list = [
schema = make_executable_schema([*type_defs_list], [auth_mutations, auth_query, query])
Create user
User creation is based on BaseUserManager and it manages if you override the USERNAME_FIELD of the user model to use the email field for authentication and login.
Social login
We have the endpoints available to use the `social-app-django <>`_ so read their doc to use it.
Recover user password
By default, email sent to recover user password has a link to 's/accounts/reset'. The easiest way of handle this is to use the django admin views but you can overwrite the REMEMBER_PASSWORD_URL to send to another location.
If you want to use the default link you have to add admin views to your project:
add to your settings::
REMEMBER_PASSWORD_URL = 'front-endpoint'
add to your views::
path('accounts/', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),
If you handle de remember password in your frontend, you can use the reset-password endpoint.
Overwrite emails
You can overwrite emails templates adding new templates to your project::
- project_name/
- project_name/
- templates/
Overwrite Me fields
You can overwrite default fields that the rest and graphql endpoint returns for an authenticated user updating the ME_FIELDS settings::
ME_FIELDS = ("id", "email",)
this feature can't be implemented for ariadne because of the schema first approach.