Django Settings Toml
This project is used to configure `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com>`_ projects using a `Toml <https://github.com/toml-lang/toml>`_ configuration file. This project chooses Toml over other configuration language becuase of it's simplicity and small specification. It is easier to understand and looks very much like INI-style config. We couldn't use INI-style because it is difficult to repsent data structures like dictionaries and lists, and there is no support for nesting.
- Add support for Substitution in maps and lists.
- Fix loading settings where values are non-string which caused TypeError in v0.0.3.
- Fix packaging for the new release.
- Add support for variable substitution using ``${VAR}`` syntax in values.
To use this in your Django project, Add the following to your ``settings.py`` file::
# settings.py
from django_settings_toml import load_settings
load_settings(__name__, ['/etc/project.toml', '~/.project.toml'])
Then, you can run your django project like this::
$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project.settings django-admin runserver
Variable Substitution
Values can refer to other keys defined in the same file using ``${VAR}``
syntax. For example::
# /etc/project.toml
HOSTNAME = 'domain.local'
EMAIL1 = 'aperson@${HOSTNAME}'
EMAIL2 = 'bperson@${HOSTNAME}'
In the above example, the value of ``EMAIL1 = 'aperson@domain.local`` and
similar for ``EMAIL2``.
If they variables that are being referred to aren't defined, the template is
left as-is and doesn't raise any errors. For example, in the above example, if
``HOSTNAME`` wasn't defined, the value will be ``EMAIL1 =
Example Settings
# /etc/project.toml
# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = 'change-this-on-your-production-server'
# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = false
['Mailman Suite Admin', 'root@localhost'],
# Application definition
ROOT_URLCONF = 'project.urls'
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'project.wsgi.application'
HOSTNAME = 'project.local'
EMAIL_NAME = 'project1@${HOSTNAME}'
ENGINE = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'
NAME = 'mailmansuite.db'
version = 1
disable_existing_loggers = false
'()' = 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse'
level = 'ERROR'
filters = ['require_debug_false']
class = 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler'
level = 'INFO'
class = 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler'
filename = 'logs/mailmansuite.log'
formatter = 'verbose'
handlers = ['mail_admins', 'file']
level = 'ERROR'
propagate = true
format = '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(process)d %(name)s %(message)s'
- Please make sure that you have writtena valid Toml, you can use
`TOML Validator <https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml/tree/master/cmd/tomlv>`_ or
`tomlcheck <https://github.com/vmchale/tomlcheck>`_ tools to
validate the toml file.
- Please make sure that all smiple ``KEY = value`` pairs are in the
root namespace (above any ``[section]``) so that they don't get
swallowed under one of the maps or arrays. Previously, we have
seen ``ImproperlyConfiguredError`` for missing keys that were
actually defined in the toml file.
The contents of this project is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Please see
the LICENSE file for a complete copy of license text.