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*django-screamshot* is a **very naive** implementation of Web pages capture
with `CasperJS <http://casperjs.org>`_ (*aaAAaah!*, `phantomjs <http://phantomjs.org>`_:))
(*See the issues pages for more details about what remains to be done.*)
Checkout `screamshotter <https://github.com/makinacorpus/django-screamshot/tree/screamshotter>`_,
the simplest Django project powered by *django-screamshot*.
First make sure you have either the ``casperjs`` or ``phantomjs`` command in your ``PATH``, using
related installation instructions:
* `CasperJS <http://casperjs.org>`_.
* `PhantomJS <http://phantomjs.org>`_.
Then install the egg :
pip install django-screamshot
* Add ``screamshot`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
As a screenshot Web API
Add it to your project URLs :
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^capture/$', include('screamshot.urls', namespace='screamshot', app_name='screamshot')),
You can then obtain a screenshot using the following GET parameters :
The website URL to capture. This can be a fully qualified URL, or the
name of a URL to be reversed in your Django project. Note: do not forget to
encode the url.
CSS3 selector. It will restrict the screenshot to the selected element.
HTTP method to be used (*default:* ``GET``)
Viewport width (*default:* ``1400``)
Viewport height (*default:* ``900``)
HTTP data to be posted (*default:* ``{}``)
CSS3 selector. The screenshot will be performed only once this selector is
satisfied. Typical usage: if your page contains a heavy javascript processing,
you can add a CSS class on an element when the processing is finished to make
sure the screenshot will get the page properly rendered.
If render=html, it will return an HTML page containing the image and where the
print diaplo box will be automatically opened.
Resize image (width x height, e.g: ``500x500``), need install ``PIL`` or ``Pillow``.
If ``true``, then resulting image is cropped to match specified size.
For example : http://server/capture/?url=http://django-fr.org&selector=body&width=1024&height=768&size=500x500
As a template tag
You can include screenshots in your pages using a template tag. It will
perform the capture and return the base64 version of the resulting image.
This is very useful if you don't want to expose the capture API publicly.
{% base64capture URL SELECTOR %}
For example, in a SVG template :
{% load screamshot %}
xlink:href="data:{% base64capture "company:map" "#map" %}"
width="640" />
If you run the capture server on a different instance, you can specify the
root url for reversing (*default is local*) :
As a library - render local Django template
Sometimes, you don't have access to the request object. A typical example would be creating a PDF receipt for a customer and emailing it. Both of these tasks can take a while, so it is natural to push them into some queue (like RabbitMQ). But if your pdf-rendering task get's executed, you don't have access to the request object. Don't worry - you can still use screamshot as a library. Here's how.
from screamshot.utils import render_template
# you can either render the template to a TemporaryFile:
with render_template('my-template.html', {'context': 'variables'}) as output:
# do anything you want with the output
# like attach it to email message, etc.
# or you can specify a path instead:
{'context': 'variables'},
Please note, that in order to load your static files, screamshot will try to replace all STATIC_URL occurence with a local path to your static files (only if they are not hosted via https of course)
Customizing the page rendering
The CasperJS script appends the `screamshot` CSS class on the `body` element.
You can easily customize the rendering for printing using this CSS marker in
your CSS stylesheet:
.screamshot #navigation {
display: none;
.screamshot #main {
margin: 2em;
Capture views with authentication
You can use Basic HTTP authentication in your Django project, create a dedicated
user for screenshots and capture the full URL with credentials (``http://user:password@host/page/``).
Alternatively, you can use a specific view decorator.
Define the authorized IP to capture your pages in your settings :
And use the provided decorator :
from screamshot.decorators import login_required_capturable
def your_view(request):
Renderer command and CLI arguments
You can specify which renderer you would like to use, by setting the
``CAPTURE_METHOD`` setting. The default value is 'casperjs'. Possible values
are 'casperjs' and 'phantomjs'.
'CAPTURE_METHOD': 'phantomjs',
By default, we look for thr CasperJS/PhantomJS binary in the ``PATH``
environment variable (like ``which``), but you can bypass this:
'CASPERJS_CMD': '/home/you/Downloads/apps/casperjs',
'PHANTOMJS_CMD': '/home/you/Downloads/apps/phantomjs'
Please note, that the ``CAPTURE_METHOD`` setting specifies which location would
be evaluated, i.e. if you set ``CAPTURE_METHOD`` to 'phantomjs', ``PHANTOMJS_CMD``
would be evaluated.
You can also specify PhantomJS/CasperJS extra-args, such as
``--disk-cache=true`` with the ``CLI_ARGS`` setting :
'CLI_ARGS': ['--disk-cache=true', '--max-disk-cache-size=30000']
See related documentation on PhantomJS and CasperJS homepages.
You can also override the capture script. A default implementation uses capture
script written for CasperJS. A default capture script for PhantomJS is also provided.
If you have your own script which you would like to use, specify it in
``CAPTURE_SCRIPT`` option.
'CAPTURE_SCRIPT': '/home/you/scripts/capture.js',
You can add timeout corresponding to maximum time to wait for CSS3 selector (see waitfor option)
'TIMEOUT': 7000 #ms 5000 by default,
Notes about runserver
If you want to test it using ``manage.py runserver``, you won't be able
to capture pages coming from the same instance.
Run it twice (on two ports) and configure ``CAPTURE_ROOT_URL``.
* Mathieu Leplatre <mathieu.leplatre@makina-corpus.com>
* mozillag
* dynamicguy
* Eric Brehault <eric.brehault@makina-corpus.com>
.. |makinacom| image:: http://depot.makina-corpus.org/public/logo.gif
.. _makinacom: http://www.makina-corpus.com
* Lesser GNU Public License
0.8.5 (2020-04-09)
* Fix support Django 2, 2.1, 2.2
0.8.4 (2020-04-08)
* Add support Django 2, 2.1, 2.2
* Add waittimeout settings
0.8.2 (2018-07-04)
* Response errors status code from 400 to 500
0.8.1 (2017-06-14)
* Fix phantom path in PATH
0.8.1 (2017-05-05)
* Fix python 3 support
* Add support for Django 1.11
* Drop support for Django <1.8
0.7.0 (2017-01-08)
* Support for rendering PDF
* Python 3 support
* Django 1.8 support
0.6.0 (2014-11-27)
* Added support of pure PhantomJS capture, i.e. without CasperJS, without selector (by Mateusz Mikolajczyk)
* Support for capturing locally rendered templates, without external request (by Mateusz Mikolajczyk)
0.5.0 (2014-11-11)
* Added screenshot model and adminsite support (by Luc Milland)
* Allows to wait for a given time (milliseconds) before doing the screenshot (by Florent Lebreton)
* Replace mimetype by content_type in HttpResponse for django1.7 compliance (by Florent Lebreton)
0.4.0 (2014-03-19)
* If URL not provided, use request's host (by Mozillag)
* Allow to provide a custom PhantomJS command (by mo-mughrabi)
* Improved logging
* Added some minimalistic unit tests
0.3.1 (2014-01-31)
* Fix requirement spelling
0.3.0 (2013-09-05)
* Return appropriate HTTP responses on parameter errors (400)
* Better processing of capture errors, not for remote JS yet. (ref #1)
* Save temporary file step is specified output for ``casperjs_capture`` is a filepath
* Add a *screamshotter* orphan branch, as a demo Django project
* Ability to control image format (other than ``png`` or ``html``)
0.2.0 (2013-08-18)
* CASPERJS_CMD setting to bypass PATH lookup
* Query ``crop`` parameter to control resize
* Query ``size`` parameter to control image size
* Query ``render`` parameter to control output format
* Remove ``remote.message`` loging
* Query ``waitFor`` parameter to control capture timing
* Inject *screamshot* class on *body* to allow capture styling
* Use capture instead of captureSelector if no selector provided
* Query parameters to control viewport size
* Ability to add extra command-line arguments
* Updated CasperJS CLI status code
* Detect forwarded IP address in login decorator
0.1.1 (2012-04-17)
* Include package data
0.1.0 (2012-04-17)
* Initial working version