django-satella-metrics is a library to measure [Django's](
requests using [Satella's]( metrics
See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for text of the license. This library may contain
code taken from elsewhere on the internets, so this is copyright (c) respective authors.
As far as compatible Djangos are considered: This has been tested as early as Django 1.8 with Python 3.6
and as late as Django 3.0.3 with Python 3.8. Enjoy!
# Usage
First, add the following to your `MIDDLEWARE` (or `MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`):
Define the following in your settings:
from satella.instrumentation.metrics import getMetric
'summary_metric': getMetric('django.summary', 'summary'),
'histogram_metric': getMetric('django.histogram', 'histogram'),
'status_codes_metric': getMetric('django.status_codes', 'counter')
Or pass any other metrics that you'd like. This is the default configuration, so if you pass nothing it will be
as if you passed the listed code.
## Extra configuration
If you want URL readed from the request in a different way than reading URL, you can define a key called `url_getter`.
This should contain a callable that accepts a single argument, the request passed, and return a str, the URL to use.
Additionally, if you want the Prometheus exporter to add extra labels to your exported metrics, you can add a key to
the config of name `extra_labels` which will contain a dict with the labels to add, eg.
'extra_labels': {
'service_name': 'my_service',
'instance': 1
'monitor_metrics': False
If you specify `monitor_metrics`, which is a bool, to be True, then `/metrics` endpoint will also be
considered during monitoring.
## Exporting from the same server
If you want to export metrics to Prometheus using Django, here you go. Just add following rule to your `urlpatterns`:
from django_satella_metrics import export_metrics
urlpatterns = [
... ,
path('metrics', export_metrics),
## External Prometheus server
If you want to set up an external Prometheus server, use the following snippet:
from satella.instrumentation.metrics.exporters import PrometheusHTTPExporterThread
phet = PrometheusHTTPExporterThread('', 8080, {'service_name': 'my_service'})