# Rated reviews application for Django
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Rated reviews is derived from [Django “excontrib” Comments](https://github.com/django/django-contrib-comments/) and can be used to attach reviews with rating to any model. The core difference from comments is that user can provide only one review per item. Rating is expressed by a number and by default visualized with stars. However, it can be changed to whatever you want. Rating grades are also configurable.
Optionally rating can be weighted. For instance, you can designate experts whose rating would be more valuable. Alternatively, add weight to reviews of real byers of sold product.
[Documentation is published](https://django-rated-reviews.readthedocs.io/) on Read the Docs.
## Requirements
* Python 3.3+
* Django 1.11+
## Django Compatibility
* Django 1.11+
* Django 2.0+
* Django 3.0+
## Installation
Install ```django-rated-reviews``` using pip:
pip install django-rated-reviews
Add ```reviews``` to ```INSTALLED_APPS```. Example:
Run ```manage.py migrate``` so that Django will create the review tables.
Add the reviews app’s URLs to your project’s urls.py:
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^reviews/', include('reviews.urls')),
Use the review template tags to embed reviews in your templates.
## Customization
All configuration settings are optional.
The maximum length of the review comment field, in characters. Comments longer than this will be rejected. Defaults to ```3000```.
If ```False``` (default) reviews are not published until they are moderated in admin. If user modifies existing review it is considered unmoderated again.
The maximum review form timeout in seconds. The default value is ```2 * 60 * 60``` (2 hours).
Custom rating choices, each represented by one star (currently the maximum supported number is 10). Default choices are:
('1', _('Terrible')),
('2', _('Poor')),
('3', _('Average')),
('4', _('Very Good')),
('5', _('Excellent')),
If ```True``` (default) rating text (as specified by choices) is displayed next to rating stars.
If ```False``` review comment is checked against words in ```PROFANITIES_LIST```. If it contains any of the words, review is rejected.
Review admin exposes a link to review on a web site. By default it is shown as ▶. It can be changed to any other symbol or text,
e.g. if Font Awesome is attached to admin the following setting can be used: ```'<i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"></i>'```.
Custom reviews app can be set that will define custom ```ReviewForm```, ```Review``` model or rating weight system.
### Examples
#### Custom rating weight definition
def get_review_user_weight(user, target):
if user.has_perm('reviews.can_moderate'):
return 50
from .models import Product, Order
if isinstance(target, Product):
count = Order.objects.filter(user=user.pk,
if count > 0:
return 10
return 1
## Credits
Application code is derived from [Django “excontrib” Comments](https://github.com/django/django-contrib-comments/).
Rating widget uses [star-rating.js library](https://github.com/pryley/star-rating.js) by Paul Ryley.