Django Queue Mailer
A reusable Django app for controlling queuing and sending of app emails.
Key use case is to move sending of emails out of requests to speed-up
request time and help to solve problems with sending email, handling
deferring of email and logging of app email communication.
App started as a fork of Derek Stegelman's `Django Mail
Queue <>`__ and heavilly
inspired by James Tauber's
`django-mailer <>`__.
Any feedback, issues and suggestions are welcome. In that case please
use `Bitbucket's
issues <>`__.
Key features
- Emails are queued and send as asynchronous task with help of Celery
or Huey or as a crontab job scheduler.
- With use of own backend easily integrated into existing app.
- Easily configurable to use different mail backends as Django's SMTP
backend or Amazon SES using `Sea
Cucumber <>`__.
Install django\_queue\_mailer:
$ pip install django_queue_mailer
Add the following to your
# Add django_queue_mailer to INSTALLED_APPS
# Add django_queue_mailer's backend
EMAIL_BACKEND = "django_queue_mailer.backend.DbBackend"
# Setup email backend for sending queued emails
DJANGO_QUEUE_MAILER_EMAIL_BACKEND = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend"
# Or other backed as Sea Cucumber
DJANGO_QUEUE_MAILER_EMAIL_BACKEND = "seacucumber.backend.SESBackend"
You need to create the necessary tables. If you use
`south <>`__, just run
$ python migrate django_queue_mailer
If not, normal ``syncdb`` will do. For easier package upgrades using
`south <>`__ for database
migrations is strongly recommended.
$ python syncdb
Basic usage
Send emails and put them in queue with Django's send\_mail function:
from django.core.mail import send_mail
send_mail('Subject here', 'Here is the message.', '',
[''], fail_silently=False)
Alternatively you can queue message with use of Queue model:
from django_queue_mailer.models import Queue
new_message = Queue()
new_message.subject = "Testing subject"
new_message.to_address = ","
new_message.bcc_address = ""
new_message.from_address = ""
new_message.content = "Mail content"
new_message.html_content = "<h1>Mail Content</h1>" = "someapp"
Queued messages can be send with use of
`Celery <>`__ as asynchronous
tasks. Example of Celery task, in your app folder:
from django_queue_mailer.models import Queue
def send_mail():
`Huey <>`__ is a perfect lightweight
Celery alternative. Example of using it's multi-threaded tasks,
periodical or event based (called from request when needed). Configure
task in
from huey.djhuey import task, periodic_task, crontab
from import call_command
def send_mail():
Simplest solution is to run crontab job, configure crontab using
``crontab -e``:
*/2 * * * * path-to-virtualenv/bin/python path-to-app-folder/ send_queued_messages
Further documentation
Will be added.