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A Django module which extends pyfilesystem2 with several methods to
make it convenient for web use. Specifically, it extends pyfilesystem2
with two methods:
.. code-block::
fs.get_url(filename, timeout=0)
This will return a externally-usable URL to the resource. If
timeout>0, the URL may stop working after that period (in
seconds). Details are implementation-dependent. On Amazon S3, this is
a secure URL, which is only available for that period. For a static
filesystem, the URLs are unsecure and permanent.
.. code-block::
fs.expire(filename, seconds, days, expires=True)
This allows us to create temporary objects. Our use-case was that we
wanted to generate visualizations to users which were .png images. The
lifetime of those images was a single web request, so we set them to
expire after a few minutes. Another use case was memoization.
Note that expired files are not automatically removed. To remove them,
call ``expire_objects()``. In our system, we had a cron job do
this for a while. Celery, manual removals, etc. are all options.
To configure a django-pyfs to use static files, set a parameter in
Django settings:
.. code-block::
DJFS = {'type' : 'osfs',
'directory_root' : 'djpyfs/static/djpyfs',
'url_root' : '/static/djpyfs'}
Here, ``directory_root`` is where the files go. ``url_root`` is the URL
base of where your web server is configured to serve them from.
To use files on S3, you need ``boto`` installed. Then,
.. code-block::
DJFS = {'type' : 's3fs',
'bucket' : 'my-bucket',
'prefix' : '/pyfs/' }
``bucket`` is your S3 bucket. ``prefix`` is optional, and gives a base
within that bucket.
To get your filesystem, call:
.. code-block::
def get_filesystem(namespace)
Each module should pass a unique namespace. These will typically
correspond to subdirectories within the filesystem.
The django-pyfs interface is designed as a generic (non-Django
specific) extension to pyfilesystem2. However, the specific
implementation is very Django-specific.
Good next steps would be to:
* Allow Django storages to act as a back-end for pyfilesystem
* Allow django-pyfs to act as a back-end for Django storages
* Support more types of pyfilesystems (esp. in-memory would be nice)
State: This code is tested and has worked well in a range of settings,
and is currently deployed on edx.org.
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.. |codecov-badge| image:: http://codecov.io/github/edx/django-pyfs/coverage.svg?branch=master
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.. |license-badge| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/edx/django-pyfs.svg
:target: https://github.com/edx/django-pyfs/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
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