# django-plausible

Django module to provide easy [Plausible](https://plausible.io/) integration, with [Wagtail](https://wagtail.io/) support.
## Installation
pip install django-plausible
Then simply add `plausible` to `INSTALLED_APPS`.
## Usage
`django-plausible` provides a `plausible` template tag, which can be used to output the required [script tag](https://plausible.io/docs/plausible-script) for Plausible.
{% load plausible %}
{% plausible %}
Will result in:
<script defer data-domain="example.com" src="https://plausible.io/js/plausible.js"></script>
### Configuration
Configuration can be changed either in `settings.py`, or when calling the `plausible` template tag:
- `PLAUSIBLE_DOMAIN`: The domain Plausible is running on (defaults to `plausible.io`)
- `PLAUSIBLE_SCRIPT_NAME`: The name of the script to use (defaults to `plausible.js`). See [script extensions](https://plausible.io/docs/script-extensions) for available options.
These settings will affect all calls to the `plausible` template tag. To override it at call time, you can also pass them into the template tag:
{% plausible plausible_domain="my-plausible.com" script_name="plausible.hash.js" %}
By default, the domain (`data-domain`) used will be based on the request's hostname (using [`request.get_host()`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#django.http.HttpRequest.get_host)). To override this, pass `site_domain` to the template tag.
If the ["compat" script](https://plausible.io/docs/script-extensions#plausiblecompatjs) is used, `django-plausible` will automatically add the required `id` to the `script` tag. It is excluded by default to help hide Plausible's presence.
## Usage with Wagtail
Additionally, `django-plausible` provides an (optional) deep integration with [Wagtail](https://wagtail.io), allowing configuration through the Wagtail admin. To enable this, additionally add `plausible.contrib.wagtail` to `INSTALLED_APPS`.
Configuration is done through the "Plausible Analytics" [setting](https://docs.wagtail.io/en/stable/reference/contrib/settings.html#settings):
- `site_domain`: the value for `data-domain`. If left blank (the default), the request's hostname will be used (as above), **not** the site hostname.
- `plausible_domain`: The domain Plausible is running on (as above)
- `script_name`: The name of the script to use (as above)
To access the template tag, load `plausible_wagtail`, rather than `plausible`. The template tag itself is still `plausible`. Note that unlike the Django variant, the Wagtail template tag doesn't allow options to be passed.
{% load plausible_wagtail %}
{% plausible %}