# django-passkeys
An extension to Django *ModelBackend* backend to support passkeys.
Passkeys is an extension to Web Authentication API that will allow the user to login to a service using another device.
This app is a slim-down version of [django-mfa2](https://github.com/mkalioby/django-mfa2)
Passkeys are now supported on
* Apple Ecosystem (iPhone 16.0+, iPadOS 16.1, Mac OS X Ventura)
* Chromium based browsers (on PC and Laptop) allows picking up credentials from Android and iPhone/iPadOS.
* Android Credentials creation for ResidentKeys is currently in Beta.
# Installation
`pip install django-passkeys`
Currently, it support Django 2.0+, Python 3.7+
# Usage
1. in your settings.py add the application to your installed apps
2. Collect Static Files
`python manage.py collectstatic`
3. Run migrate
`python manage.py migrate`
4. Add the following settings to your file
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['passkeys.backend.PasskeyModelBackend'] # Change your authentication backend
FIDO_SERVER_ID="localhost" # Server rp id for FIDO2, it the full domain of your project
import passkeys
KEY_ATTACHMENT = NONE | passkeys.Attachment.CROSS_PLATFORM | passkeys.Attachment.PLATFORM
5. Add passkeys to urls.py
urls_patterns= [
url(r'^passkeys/', include('passkeys.urls')),
6. To match the look and feel of your project, Passkeys includes `base.html` but it needs blocks named `head` & `content` to added its content to it.
**Note:** You can override `PassKeys_base.html` which is used by `Passkeys.html` so you can control the styling better and current `Passkeys_base.html` extends `base.html`
7. Somewhere in your app, add a link to 'passkeys:home'
```<li><a href="{% url 'passkeys:home' %}">Passkeys</a> </li>```
8. In your login view, change the authenticate call to include the request as follows
user=authenticate(request, username=request.POST["username"],password=request.POST["password"])
8. Finally, In your `login.html`
* Give an id to your login form e.g 'loginForm', the id should be provided when calling `authn` function
* Inside the form, add
<input type="hidden" name="passkeys" id="passkeys"/>
<button class="btn btn-block btn-dark" type="button" onclick="authn('loginForm')"><img src="{% static 'passkeys/imgs/FIDO-Passkey_Icon-White.png' %}" style="width: 24px">
{%include 'passkeys.js' %}
For Example, See 'example' app and look at EXAMPLE.md to see how to set it up.
# Detect if user is using passkeys
Once the backend is used, there will be a `passkey` key in request.session.
If the user used a passkey then `request.session['passkey']['passkey']` will be True and the key information will be there like this
{'passkey': True, 'name': 'Chrome', 'id': 2, 'platform': 'Chrome on Apple', 'cross_platform': False}
`cross_platform`: means that the user used a key from another platform so there is no key local to the device used to login e.g used an Android phone on Mac OS X or iPad.
If the user didn't use a passkey then it will be set to False
# Check if the user can be enrolled for a platform authenticator
If you want to check if the user can be enrolled to use a platform authenticator, you can do the following in your main page.
<div id="pk" class="alert alert-info" style="display: none">Your device supports passkeys, <a href="{%url 'passkeys:enroll'%}">Enroll</a> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function register_pk()
{% include 'check_passkeys.js'%}
check_passkey function paramters are as follows
* `platform_authenticator`: if the service requires only a platform authenticator (e.g TouchID, Windows Hello or Android SafetyNet)
* `success_func`: function to call if a platform authenticator is found or if the user didn't login by a passkey
* `fail_func`: function to call if no platform authenticator is found (optional).
## Security contact information
To report a security vulnerability, please use the
[Tidelift security contact](https://tidelift.com/security).
Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
# Contributors
* [mahmoodnasr](https://github.com/mahmoodnasr)