> is a powerful cloud database with many services included. Its data browser is simple and not suited for everyday editing (yet).
> This lib is intended to alow the use of Django admin to manage your data and sync it to your app. Notice that you will have a local database and your data will be synced. For faster use, this local data, stored in any database engine supported on Django and configured by you, will be queried from and saved to when necessary.
pip install django-parsesync
Defining your settings
- There are 2 settings you must define in your Django settings:
- You can also provide your master key to realize operations such as creating a new class or list your app schemas:
Saving your model instance to
- To sync your model you should make it a subclass of ParseModel (that subclasses Django model)
- As soon as you do that, your model will have 3 new read-only fields: objectId, createdAt and updatedAt.
- Any time you save your model instance, it will be synced.
from parsesync.models import ParseModel
class MyModel(ParseModel):
Deleting your model instance to
- Deleting a model instance is not made by the model class itself and to extend it is not enough.
- Everytime a content is deleted, a signal is triggered and then the magic happens.
- To make sure the signal will be expected and noticed by our app you should import it to your INSTALLED_APPS on your
Using Django admin customizations
- To make objectId, createdAt and updatedAt visible on your Django model change form and content list you should make your ModelAdmin a subclass of ParseAdmin. ObjectId will also be added as a searchable field on your admin.
- ParseAdmin.parse_list_display method allows you to add your list display fields right before Parse fields.
from parsesync.admin import ParseAdmin
class ProductAdmin(ParseAdmin):
list_display = ParseAdmin.parse_list_display('__unicode__',)
Bringing data from to your local database
- If you already have data on your app or some of it was edited right from Data Browser, you would want to bring it back to your Django admin by using the command parsetodjango.
- By default, the updated date for the last content is recorded and the next time the command is called, only new data is gathered. You can avoid this behavior by using the --all flag and everything will be started over.
- You may also want to grab data from an especific model by using the flag ---model followed by your model name. If your model is called FooBar, then foobar, Foobar, FOOBAR, foobaR are valid options, this parameter is case insensitive.
usage: parsetodjango [--model MODEL] [--all]
Sync data from parse to Django
optional arguments:
--model MODEL Sync only provided model name
--all Query content from the beggining of time