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مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

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تبلیغات ما

مشتریان به طور فزاینده ای آنلاین هستند. تبلیغات می تواند به آنها کمک کند تا کسب و کار شما را پیدا کنند.

مشاهده بیشتر


A large text field, stored compressed in the database, for Django and MySQL.
ویژگی مقدار
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نام فایل django-mysql-compressed-fields-1.1.0
نام django-mysql-compressed-fields
نسخه کتابخانه 1.1.0
نگهدارنده []
ایمیل نگهدارنده []
نویسنده David Foster
ایمیل نویسنده david.foster@techsmart.codes
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/techsmartkids/django-mysql-compressed-fields
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/django-mysql-compressed-fields/
مجوز MIT
# django-mysql-compressed-fields <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/techsmartkids/django-mysql-compressed-fields/main/README/logo.svg" title="django-mysql-compressed-fields logo" width="128" height="128" align="right" /> This package provides [CompressedTextField], a MySQL-specific Django model field similar to [TextField] or [CharField] that stores its value in compressed form via [zlib]. In particular you can replace a TextField or CharField like: ```python from django.db import models class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content = models.TextField(blank=True) ``` with: ```python from django.db import models from mysql_compressed_fields import CompressedTextField class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content = CompressedTextField(blank=True) ``` such that the text value of the field is actually compressed in the database. String-based lookups are supported: ```python html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__contains='<html') html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__startswith='<!DOCTYPE') html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__endswith='</html>') empty_html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__in=['', '<html></html>']) ``` Advanced manipulations with MySQL's [COMPRESS()], [UNCOMPRESS()], and [UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()] functions are also supported: ```python from django.db.models import F from mysql_compressed_fields import UncompressedLength files = ProjectTextFile.objects.only('id').annotate( content_length=UncompressedLength(F('content')) ) ``` [TextField]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/models/fields/#textfield [BinaryField]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/models/fields/#binaryfield [CharField]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/models/fields/#charfield [CompressedTextField]: #CompressedTextField [zlib]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/zlib.html ### Dependencies * [Django] 3.2 or later required * [MySQL] 5.7 or later required * ...and nothing else 🎉 [Django]: https://www.djangoproject.com/ [MySQL]: https://www.mysql.com/ ### License [MIT](LICENSE) ### Migration Steps To migrate an existing TextField or CharField to be a CompressedTextField: * Install this package: * `pip3 install django-mysql-compressed-fields` * Find an existing Django model with an uncompressed [TextField] or [CharField] that you want to compress. For example: ```python from django.db import models class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content = models.TextField(blank=True) ``` * Add a `*_compressed` sibling field that will be used to hold the compressed version of the original field. Mark it as `default=''`. Include an explicit `db_column=...` value: ```python from django.db import models from mysql_compressed_fields import CompressedTextField class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content = models.TextField(blank=True) content_compressed = CompressedTextField( blank=True, default='', # needed by Django when adding a field db_column='content_compressed', # pin column name ) ``` * Generate a migration to add the compressed field: * `python3 manage.py makemigrations` * Generate a new empty migration in the same app where the field is defined, which we will use to populate the compressed field: * `python3 manage.py makemigrations --empty __APP_NAME__` * Open the empty migration file. It should look something like: ```python from django.db import migrations class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('ide', '0002_projecttextfile_content_compressed'), ] operations = [ ] ``` * Edit the `operations` field to use a RunPython step to populate the compressed field from the uncompressed field: ```python from django.db import migrations from django.db.models import F from mysql_compressed_fields import Compress def _populate_content_compressed(apps, schema_editor): ProjectTextFile = apps.get_model('ide', 'ProjectTextFile') # NOTE: Assumes "content" field is already UTF-8 encoded, # because CompressedTextField assumes UTF-8 encoding. ProjectTextFile.objects.update(content_compressed=Compress(F('content'))) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('ide', '0002_projecttextfile_content_compressed'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython( code=_populate_content_compressed, reverse_code=migrations.RunPython.noop, atomic=False, ) ] ``` * Remove the original uncompressed field from the model, leaving only the compressed field remaining: ```python from django.db import models from mysql_compressed_fields import CompressedTextField class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content_compressed = CompressedTextField( blank=True, default='', # needed by Django when adding a field db_column='content_compressed', # pin column name ) ``` * Generate a migration to remove the uncompressed field: * `python3 manage.py makemigrations` * Rename the compressed field without the `*_compressed` suffix so that it now has the name of the original uncompressed field: ```python from django.db import models from mysql_compressed_fields import CompressedTextField class ProjectTextFile(models.Model): content = CompressedTextField( blank=True, default='', # needed by Django when adding a field db_column='content_compressed', # pin column name ) ``` * Generate a migration to rename the field: * `python3 manage.py makemigrations` * When prompted whether the field was renamed, answer `y` (for yes). * You now have a compressed version of the original field. All done! 🎉 ### Sponsor This project is brought to you by [TechSmart], which seeks to inspire the next generation of K-12 teachers and students to learn coding and create amazing things with computers. We use Django heavily. [TechSmart]: https://www.techsmart.codes/ ## API Reference All classes and functions below should be imported directly from `mysql_compressed_fields`. For example: ```python from mysql_compressed_fields import CompressedTextField ``` ### Fields #### `CompressedTextField` A large text field, stored compressed in the database. Generally behaves like [TextField]. Stores values in the database using the same database column type as [BinaryField]. The value is compressed in the same format that MySQL's COMPRESS() function uses. Compression and decompression is performed by Django and not the database. If you specify a max_length attribute, it will be reflected in the Textarea widget of the auto-generated form field. However it is not enforced at the model or database level. The max_length applies to the length of the uncompressed text rather than the compressed text. String-based lookups can be used with this field type. Such lookups will transparently decompress the field on the database server. ```python html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__contains='<html') html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__startswith='<!DOCTYPE') html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__endswith='</html>') empty_html_files = ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(content__in=['', '<html></html>']) ``` Note that F-expressions that reference this field type will always refer to the compressed value rather than the uncompressed value. So you may need to use the Compress() and Uncompress() database functions manually when working with F-expressions. ```python # Copy a TextField value (in utf8 collation) to a CompressedTextField ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(...).update(content=Compress(F('name'))) # Copy a CompressedTextField value to a TextField (in utf8 collation) ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(...).update(name=Uncompress(F('content'))) # Copy a CompressedTextField value to a CompressedTextField ProjectTextFile.objects.filter(...).update(content=F('content')) ``` The default form widget for this field is a `django.contrib.admin.widgets.AdminTextareaWidget` (a kind of [TextInput]). [TextInput]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/forms/widgets/#textinput ### Database functions [F() expressions]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/models/expressions/#f-expressions #### `Compress` The MySQL [COMPRESS()] function, usable in [F() expressions]. [COMPRESS()]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_compress #### `Uncompress` The MySQL [UNCOMPRESS()] function, usable in [F() expressions]. [UNCOMPRESS()]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompress #### `UncompressedLength` The MySQL [UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()] function, usable in [F() expressions]. [UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()]: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/encryption-functions.html#function_uncompressed-length #### `compress` ```python def compress(uncompressed_bytes: bytes) -> bytes: ``` The MySQL [COMPRESS()] function. #### `uncompress` ```python def uncompress(compressed_bytes: bytes) -> bytes: ``` The MySQL [UNCOMPRESS()] function. #### `uncompressed_length` ```python def uncompressed_length(compressed_bytes: bytes) -> int: ``` The MySQL [UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()] function. #### `compressed_length` ```python def compressed_length( uncompressed_bytes: bytes, *, chunk_size: int=64 * 1000, stop_if_greater_than: Optional[int]=None) -> int: ``` Returns the length of COMPRESS(uncompressed_bytes). If `stop_if_greater_than` is specified and a result greater than `stop_if_greater_than` is returned then the compressed length is no less than the returned result. ## Running Tests * Install [Docker]. * Install MySQL CLI tools: * If macOS, install using brew: `brew install mysql-client@5.7` * Otherwise install from source: https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/ * Add MySQL CLI tools to path: * `export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql-client@5.7/bin:$PATH"` * Start MySQL server: * `docker run --name ide_db_server -e MYSQL_DATABASE=ide_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -p -d mysql:5.7` * Run tests: * `cd tests/test_data/mysite` * `poetry install` * `poetry run python3 manage.py test` [Docker]: https://www.docker.com/ ## Release Notes ### v1.1.0 * Fix to support Django 4.1 ### v1.0.1 * Add logo. ### v1.0.0 * Initial release.

زبان مورد نیاز

مقدار نام
>=3.9,<4.0 Python

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نصب پکیج whl django-mysql-compressed-fields-1.1.0:

    pip install django-mysql-compressed-fields-1.1.0.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz django-mysql-compressed-fields-1.1.0:

    pip install django-mysql-compressed-fields-1.1.0.tar.gz