This package marries `Django`_ with `CodeMirror`_. It provides (1) a customisable form widget, and (2) a shorthand way to use this widget in the admin. In both cases the relevant static files (including mode/theme/addon files) are automatically included as form assets.
This is a Python 3 package with no other dependencies apart from Django and it is offered at the `Cheese Shop`_:
.. code:: sh
# usually inside a virtual environment
pip install django-mirror
The CodeMirror files (version `5.63.3`_) are included in the package. The supported Django versions are **2.2**, **3.0**, **3.1**, and **3.2**.
.. code:: python
# add 'django_mirror' to your INSTALLED_APPS if you want the package to be
# handled by Django's collectstatic command
INSTALLED_APPS += ['django_mirror']
# use DJANGO_MIRROR_DEFAULTS to specify default options for your widgets
# see the next section for more info about the options
'mode': 'rst',
'addons': ['mode/overlay'],
'line_wrapping': True,
Bascially this package provides a form widget called ``MirrorArea`` that extends Django's ``Textarea`` widget.
.. code:: python
from django import forms
from django_mirror.widgets import MirrorArea
class CommentForm(forms.Form):
text = forms.CharField(
attrs={'rows': 20}, # the parent class' attrs still works
mode='markdown', # the other kwargs are forwarded to CodeMirror
The ``MirrorArea`` widget can be initialised with the following arguments:
- Any of CodeMirror's `config options`_. These can be specified in either camelCase or snake_case (e.g. both ``tabSize`` and ``tab_size`` would work). The css/js files associated with the ``mode``, if provided, are included as form assets.
- ``addons``, a list of CodeMirror `addons`_, e.g. ``dialog/dialog``. The css/js files associated with the addons are recursively included as form assets.
- ``attrs``, just as Django's form widgets.
The addons and config options are merged with and override ``DJANGO_MIRROR_DEFAULTS`` if the setting has been defined.
If you want to use the widget in the admin panel, you can subclass the ``MirrorAdmin`` mixin, which provides the ``mirror_fields`` model admin option:
.. code:: python
from django.contrib import admin
from django_mirror.admin import MirrorAdmin
from weblog.models import Comment
class CommentAdmin(MirrorAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
mirror_fields = ('comment',) # default options
mirror_fields = ( # with custom options
('comment', {
'mode': 'markdown',
'line_wrapping': True,
The mixin also includes a bit of css to make CodeMirror look more like regular admin textarea fields.
similar projects
There are several other packages that provide customisable CodeMirror widgets:
* `django-codemirror`_
* `django-codemirror2`_
* `django-codemirror-widget`_
* `django-codemirror-widget-2`_
`GNU LGPLv3`_. Please refer to ``COPYING`` for the base GPLv3 licence and to ``COPYING.LESSER`` for the additional permissions on top that constitute LGPLv3.
.. _`5.63.3`: https://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror/releases/tag/5.63.3
.. _`addons`: https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#addons
.. _`Cheese Shop`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-mirror
.. _`CodeMirror`: https://codemirror.net/
.. _`config options`: https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#config
.. _`Django`: https://www.djangoproject.com/
.. _`django-codemirror`: https://pypi.org/project/django-codemirror/
.. _`django-codemirror2`: https://pypi.org/project/django-codemirror2/
.. _`django-codemirror-widget`: https://pypi.org/project/django-codemirror-widget/
.. _`django-codemirror-widget-2`: https://pypi.org/project/django-codemirror-widget-2/
.. _`GNU LGPLv3`: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html