# Django migration linter
Detect backward incompatible migrations for your Django project.
It will save you time by making sure migrations will not break with a older codebase.
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## Quick installation
pip install django-migration-linter
And add the migration linter your ``INSTALLED_APPS``:
## Usage example
$ python manage.py lintmigrations
(app_add_not_null_column, 0001_create_table)... OK
(app_add_not_null_column, 0002_add_new_not_null_field)... ERR
NOT NULL constraint on columns
(app_drop_table, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_drop_table, 0002_delete_a)... ERR
(app_ignore_migration, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_ignore_migration, 0002_ignore_migration)... IGNORE
(app_rename_table, 0001_initial)... OK
(app_rename_table, 0002_auto_20190414_1500)... ERR
*** Summary ***
Valid migrations: 4/8
Erroneous migrations: 3/8
Migrations with warnings: 0/8
Ignored migrations: 1/8
The linter analysed all migrations from the Django project.
It found 3 migrations that are doing backward incompatible operations and 1 that is explicitly ignored.
The list of incompatibilities that the linter analyses [can be found at docs/incompatibilities.md](./docs/incompatibilities.md).
More advanced usages of the linter and options [can be found at docs/usage.md](./docs/usage.md).
## Integration
One can either integrate the linter in the CI using its `lintmigrations` command, or detect incompatibilities during generation of migrations with
$ python manage.py makemigrations --lint
Migrations for 'app_correct':
- Add field column to a
Linting for 'app_correct':
(app_correct, 0003_a_column)... ERR
NOT NULL constraint on columns
The migration linter detected that this migration is not backward compatible.
- If you keep the migration, you will want to fix the issue or ignore the migration.
- By default, the newly created migration file will be deleted.
Do you want to keep the migration? [y/N] n
Deleted tests/test_project/app_correct/migrations/0003_a_column.py
The linter found that the newly created migration is not backward compatible and deleted the file after confirmation.
This behaviour can be the default of the `makemigrations` command through the `MIGRATION_LINTER_OVERRIDE_MAKEMIGRATIONS` Django setting.
Find out more about the [makemigrations command at docs/makemigrations.md](./docs/makemigrations.md).
### More information
Please find more documentation [in the docs/ folder](./docs/).
Some implementation details [can be found in the ./docs/internals/ folder](./docs/internals/).
### Blog post
* [Keeping Django database migrations backward compatible](https://medium.com/3yourmind/keeping-django-database-migrations-backward-compatible-727820260dbb)
* [Django and its default values](https://medium.com/botify-labs/django-and-its-default-values-c21a13cff9f)
### They talk about the linter
* [Django News](https://django-news.com/issues/6?m=web#uMmosw7)
* [wemake-django-template](https://wemake-django-template.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/template/linters.html#django-migration-linter)
* [Testing Django migrations on sobolevn's blog](https://sobolevn.me/2019/10/testing-django-migrations#existing-setup)
### Related
* [django-test-migrations](https://github.com/wemake-services/django-test-migrations) - Test django schema and data migrations, including migrations' order and best practices.
### License
*django-migration-linter* is released under the [Apache 2.0 License](./LICENSE).
##### Maintained by [David Wobrock](https://github.com/David-Wobrock)