# Django groups manager
[](https://travis-ci.org/vittoriozamboni/django-groups-manager) [](https://coveralls.io/r/vittoriozamboni/django-groups-manager?branch=master) 
This application allows to create hierarchical groups by using [django-mptt](https://github.com/django-mptt/django-mptt) tree structure.
It is also possible to synchronize the groups with Django's `auth.models` Group and User, in order to take advantage of permissions applications like [django-guardian](https://github.com/lukaszb/django-guardian/).
## Documentation
Online documentation is available at http://django-groups-manager.readthedocs.org/.
### Note
Version `1.1.0` changed the default slugify function from `awesome-slugify` to `django.utils.text.slugify`.
To keep using `awesome-slugify` you need to install it separately, and then
[customize the settings](https://django-groups-manager.readthedocs.io/en/latest/settings.html#slugify-function):
from slugify import slugify
# ... other settings
'SLUGIFY_FUNCTION': lambda s: slugify(s, to_lower=True),
'SLUGIFY_USERNAME_FUNCTION': lambda s: slugify(s, to_lower=True, separator="_")
## Requirements
- Python >= 3.5
- Django >= 2
- django-guardian for user permissions
- jsonfield == 3.1.0
For older versions of Python or Django, please look at 0.6.2 version.
## Installation
Use pip to install `django-groups-manager`:
pip install django-groups-manager
To use per-object permissions related features, `django-guardian` is required as well:
pip install django-guardian
### Django Configuration
1. Add `groups_manager` into your `INSTALLED_APPS`:
# 'guardian', # add as well to use permissions related features
2. Create models with `migrate`:
python manage.py migrate groups_manager
Note: for users that are upgrading from <0.4.2, launch:
python manage.py migrate groups_manager 0001 --fake
python manage.py migrate groups_manager
3. To enable django `auth.models` synchronization, add to the settings module:
## Basic usage
The common case is to create a simple parent-son relation:
from groups_manager.models import Group, Member
fc_internazionale = Group.objects.create(name='F.C. Internazionale Milan')
staff = Group.objects.create(name='Staff', parent=fc_internazionale)
players = Group.objects.create(name='Players', parent=fc_internazionale)
thohir = Member.objects.create(first_name='Eric', last_name='Thohir')
palacio = Member.objects.create(first_name='Rodrigo', last_name='Palacio')
Per-object permissions handling is done by `django-guardian`. The Group/Member relation can be used to assing objects:
from football.models import TeamBudget
small_budget = TeamBudget.objects.create(euros='1000')
thohir.assign_object(staff, small_budget)
thohir.has_perm('change_teambudget', small_budget) # True
palacio.has_perm('change_teambudget', small_budget) # False
# or via group
mid_budget = TeamBudget.objects.create(euros='3000')
thohir.has_perm('change_teambudget', mid_budget) # True
palacio.has_perm('change_teambudget', mid_budget) # False
Owner/Group members policies can be defined via `PERMISSIONS` setting, as a dictionary of `GROUPS_MANAGER`, but can also be overwritten via `custom_permissions` `kwarg`:
from football.models import Match
fc_barcelona = Group.objects.create(name='FC Barcelona')
friendly_match = Match.objects.create(home=fc_internazionale, away=fc_barcelona)
palacio.assign_match(players, friendly_match, custom_permissions={'group': ['play']})
thohir.has_perm('play_match', friendly_match) # False
palacio.has_perm('play_match', friendly_match) # True
For more complex cases, see documentation.