# Django Group Role
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`django-group-role` aims to simplify "role based access" in django-based projects and applications.
This app is build on top on `contrib.auth` and `guardian` apps.
`django-group-role` aims to enhance existing `Group` and `Permission` models of `contrib.auth` app to configure global-level access rules.
## Install
First add `'django_group_role'` to `INSTALLED_APPS` after `contrib.auth` and `guardian` and then configure the "role-definition" module:
# every used role must be registered in this module
ROLES_MODULE = "myproject.roles"
## Basic Setup
"Roles" are classes derived from `django_group_role.roles.Role` and should declare the following two attributes:
- `name`: the name of the group which will be bound to this role (mandatory)
- `permissions`: specify which permissions are granted to this role, it may be indicated in one of the following form:
- a _list_ of available permission which will be bound to this role, they must be provided using the notation `'<appname>.<codename>'`
- a _dict_ which keys can be app-names or `<appname.model>` (see example below)
from django_group_role import Role
class BasicRole(Role):
name = "Base"
abstract = True
permissions = ["auth.view_user", "auth.view_group"]
class ExpandedRole(BasicRole):
name = "Expanded"
permissions = ["auth.add_user", "auth.change_user"]
class DerivedRole(BasicRole):
name = "Derived"
permissions = {
'auth': {
'user': ['view_user', 'add_user', 'delete_user']
'auth.group': ['view_group'],
> NOTE: to do not have the command creating a "base" group set it as ``abstract = True``
## Role inheritance
Roles can derive one-another like normal python classes, when a roles extend an other one it is not required to provide the `permissions` list. When extending an existing role its permissions gets merged with those defined in the base class.
> NOTE: ATM multi-role inheritance is not tested, it may work but it is not guaranteed.
## Database alignment
Since `Role` classes are not bound to database `Group` they must be synchronized in order to work as expected. To perform this the management command `populate_roles` is available. This command takes every configured role defined in `ROLES_MODULE` and set-up its permissions on the database, also creating the appropriate group if it does not exists yet.
See command help for further information regarding its arguments.
### Signals
Upon setup each role fires two signals:
- `pre_role_setup`: before the setup process starts, providing `role` and `clear` kwargs
- `post_role_setup`: after the setup process ends, providing `role` kwargs
## Use in unittest (TestCase)
For django style `TestCase` based testing is it possible to use the `RoleEnabledTestMixin`. This overrides the `setUpTestData` to load and create role-related data before running tests.
> NOTE: ATM it is not guaranteed that loading different roles in each test may not collide, it could be released in the future.
## Credits
This work was in part inspired by [django-role-permissions](https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-role-permissions).
[pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/django-group-role/
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