django_grepdb is a simple command-line app to provide basic grep-like searching of
Django model fields using the ORM. Written to facilitate searching for a tag,
filter, named url etc in templates in the database, but can also be used to quickly
find model instances from the command line.
Quick start
1. Add "django_grepdb" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::
or, if you have a separate settings file for development in which you
extend your global settings, like this::
INSTALLED_APPS = INSTALLED_APPS + ('django_grepdb',)
2. Run::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> <app_label.Model.field_name>
Find instances of ``{% custom_template_tag.*%}`` in all text fields on the
model ``EmailAction`` from app ``sprinkle``, show lines containing matches,
and generate admin links (if ``django.contrib.admin`` is installed)::
$ python manage.py grepdb "{% custom_template_tag.*%}" sprinkle.EmailAction
<class 'sprinkle.models.EmailAction'> text_field
User registered (pk=13)
<p>Hi {% custom_template_tag user.get_full_name %},</p>
Password reset request (pk=24)
<p>Hi, {% custom_template_tag user.get_full_name %}</p>
Options are listed using ``$ python manage.py grepdb --help`` but here are some of the things
you can do with ``django_grepdb``.
Search multiple models::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction cms.MarkdownNode
Specify fields instead of finding all text fields::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction.body sprinkle.EmailAction.subject
Find all instances of CharField instead of TextField::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction -c
Show the whole field of a match rather than just the line::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction -sa
Change the hostname of the admin links::
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction -l https://dev.example.com
Specify hostname key-value pairs in settings::
'default': 'https://staging.example.com'
'dev': 'https://dev.example.com',
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> sprinkle.EmailAction -l dev
Specify preset configurations in settings::
'users': dict(identifiers=['auth.user', 'projects.userprofile'],
field_type=['CharField', 'TextField'],
'templates': dict(identifiers=['sprinkle.EmailAction', 'cms.HTMLNode', 'cms.TextNode', 'cms.MarkdownNode'])
$ python manage.py grepdb <pattern> -p templates