Fetch external images directly from templates.
A Django template tag library which allows to download external images, store
them locally and return the local path to locally stored image to a desired
context variable, along with ``width`` and ``height`` attributes of the image
fetched. Caches the fetched images locally for the given time (set in
You could, for example, use this app to solve the problems with displaying of
a mixed content (assets loaded from HTTP and HTTPS sources).
- Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10
- Python >=2.7, >=3.4
1. Install ``django-eximagination``
Latest stable version on PyPI:
.. code-block:: sh
pip install django-eximagination
Latest stable version from GitHub:
pip install https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-eximagination/archive/stable.tar.gz
2. Add ``eximagination`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``.
.. code-block:: python
# ...
# ...
3. Configure
By default, ``django-eximagination`` expects your files to be stored in
``/media/external_images`` directory. If location varies, redefine the
directories in your Django settings, make sure the path is writable and that
www-data (or whatever is applicable) has rights to write into it.
.. code-block:: python
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '..', '..', 'media')
EXIMAGINATION_MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'external_images')
EXIMAGINATION_MEDIA_URL = '/media/external_images'
# After 30 days we re-fetch the file anyway.
Usage example (in a Django template)
See the `example directory
<https://bitbucket.org/barseghyanartur/django-eximagination/src>`_ for working
code example.
Example #1:
.. code-block:: html
{% load eximaginate %}
<img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{% eximaginate 'http://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logo.gif' %}">
Example #2:
.. code-block:: html
{% load eximaginate thumbnail %}
{% eximaginate 'http://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logo.gif' as original %}
<img src="{% thumbnail original 100x100 %}">
In both cases there are two additional context variables added:
- ``ei_width`` - Width of the image
- ``ei_height`` - Height of the image
Simply type:
.. code-block:: sh
or use tox:
.. code-block:: sh
or use tox to check specific env:
.. code-block:: sh
tox -e py35
or run Django tests:
.. code-block:: sh
./manage.py test eximagination --settings=settings.testing
GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
For any issues contact me at the e-mail given in the `Author`_ section or open
an issue on BitBucket/GitHub.
Artur Barseghyan <artur.barseghyan@gmail.com>