# Django Error Reporting
Global error reporting framework for Django, Sentry, and DataDog
## Requirements
* **Python** >= 3.6
* **django** >= 2.2.9
* **sentrysdk** >= 1.5.4
* **ddtrace** >=0.59.0
* **django-datadog-logger** >= 0.5.0
## Installation
Install `django-error-reporting`:
pip install django-error-reporting
Add it to your `INSTALLED_APPS`:
Add this to your `MIDDLEWARE`:
### For DataDog implementations
Add this to your `INSTALLED_APPS`:
Add this to your `MIDDLEWARE`:
#### Log Ingestion
If you plan on implementing log ingestion, you'll also have to do the following:
Add this to your `INSTALLED_APPS`:
And this to your `MIDDLEWARE`:
## Settings
### General
Tuple of enabled integrations.
Default: `("datadog", "sentry")`
Indicates whether event tags related to the request should be added.
These will include:
* `http.headers.ip_address` - remote IP address (see `DER_HEADERS_IP_ADDRESS`)
If `DER_INCLUDE_REQUEST_TAGS` is enabled, this defines the IP address header. This needs to correspond to a HTTP header in the format accepted by [`request.META`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/request-response/#django.http.HttpRequest.META).
Defaults to `REMOTE_ADDR`.
A dictionary of headers to convert to event tags in the format of `{<tag name>: <META name>}` where `<META name>` is the key acccepted by [`request.META`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/request-response/#django.http.HttpRequest.META).
In general, it would be preferable to set these tags via ddtrace's [`DD_TRACE_HEADER_TAGS`](https://ddtrace.readthedocs.io/en/stable/configuration.html) environment variable.
Defaults to `None`.
### Sentry
Your Sentry DSN.
Default: `None`
List of Sentry integrations.
Default: `[]`
Float for sample rate.
Default: `0.0`
Environment name for Sentry.
Default: `local`
Request bodies setting.
Default: `always`
Default: `"0"`.
Indicates if Sentry should use debug mode.
Defaults to `settings.DEBUG`.
### General Logging
Minimum logging level for logs output by DER.
Defaults to `ERROR`.
### DataDog
### DataDog Logging
Indicates whether to setup DataDog logging using `django-datadog-logger`.
Minimum logging level for logs output for DataDog.
Defaults to `DER_LOGGING_LEVEL`.
Indicates whether to send all DataDog logs to console.
Defaults to `False`
Log file for DataDog. This must correspond to
Defaults to `None` which disables file logging.
### Sentry Logging
Minimum logging level for logs output for Sentry.
Defaults to `DER_LOGGING_LEVEL`.
## On Ready
When the app is loaded (i.e., `ready()` is called), it will do the following:
* Load default settings into the project settings
* If DataDog integration is enabled:
* Verify installed apps and middleware were added and throw `NotImplementedError` for missing.
* If DataDog logging is enabled:
* Verify installed apps and middleware were added and throw `NotImplementedError` for missing.
* Set `LOGGING` with formatters, handlers, and loggers.
* If Sentry integration is enabled:
* Verify `DER_SENTRY_DSN` is set and throw `NotImplementedError` if missing.
* Initialize Sentry.
## Middleware
### `ErrorReportingMiddleware`
This middleware adds event tags (using `add_event_tag`) for each request.
It also adds a `trace_id` to the session which is a unique identifier for a request. If using AWS load balancers, it will use the trace ID from it; otherwise, `uuid.uuid4()` is used.
To add app-specific tags, you can set a callback with `ERROR_REPORTING_TAGGING_CALLBACK` which should accept a `Request` instance and the `add_event_tag` function as arguments.
### `DataDogExceptionMiddleware`
When an exception is captured, this middleware will set the appropriate span tags on the root span of the trace.
This middleware should be added as late as possible.
## Contrib
For each implementation, there is a module in `contrib` and it must contain a `setup()` function which will be called during `ready()` to initialize and perform start-up tasks.
## Utilities
### `add_event_tag(name, value, dd_scope=None)`
Adds an event tag to the data sent to Sentry and/or DataDog.
### `print_debug(msg)`
If `settings.DEBUG` is `True`, print `msg`.