# Editor.js for Django
Django plugin for using [Editor.js](https://editorjs.io/)
> This plugin works fine with JSONField in Django >= 3.1
## Installation
pip install django-editorjs-fields
Add `django_editorjs_fields` to `INSTALLED_APPS` in `settings.py` for your project:
# settings.py
## Upgrade
pip install django-editorjs-fields --upgrade
python manage.py collectstatic # upgrade js and css files
## Usage
Add code in your model
# models.py
from django.db import models
from django_editorjs_fields import EditorJsJSONField # Django >= 3.1
from django_editorjs_fields import EditorJsTextField
class Post(models.Model):
body_default = models.TextField()
body_editorjs = EditorJsJSONField() # Django >= 3.1
body_editorjs_text = EditorJsTextField()
#### New in version 0.2.1. Django Templates support
<!-- template.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
{% load editorjs %}
{{ post.body_default }}
{{ post.body_editorjs | editorjs}}
{{ post.body_editorjs_text | editorjs}}
## Additionally
You can add custom Editor.js plugins and configs ([List plugins](https://github.com/editor-js/awesome-editorjs))
Example custom field in models.py
# models.py
from django.db import models
from django_editorjs_fields import EditorJsJSONField
class Post(models.Model):
body_editorjs_custom = EditorJsJSONField(
"@editorjs/code@2.6.0", # version allowed :)
"Gist": {
"class": "Gist" # Include the plugin class. See docs Editor.js plugins
"Image": {
"config": {
"endpoints": {
"byFile": "/editorjs/image_upload/" # Your custom backend file uploader endpoint
'messages': {
'blockTunes': {
"delete": {
"Delete": "Удалить"
"moveUp": {
"Move up": "Переместить вверх"
"moveDown": {
"Move down": "Переместить вниз"
**django-editorjs-fields** support this list of Editor.js plugins by default:
<a name="plugins"></a>
'Image': {
'class': 'ImageTool',
'inlineToolbar': True,
"config": {
"endpoints": {
"byFile": reverse_lazy('editorjs_image_upload'),
"byUrl": reverse_lazy('editorjs_image_by_url')
'Header': {
'class': 'Header',
'inlineToolbar': True,
'config': {
'placeholder': 'Enter a header',
'levels': [2, 3, 4],
'defaultLevel': 2,
'Checklist': {'class': 'Checklist', 'inlineToolbar': True},
'List': {'class': 'List', 'inlineToolbar': True},
'Quote': {'class': 'Quote', 'inlineToolbar': True},
'Raw': {'class': 'RawTool'},
'Code': {'class': 'CodeTool'},
'InlineCode': {'class': 'InlineCode'},
'Embed': {'class': 'Embed'},
'Delimiter': {'class': 'Delimiter'},
'Warning': {'class': 'Warning', 'inlineToolbar': True},
'LinkTool': {
'class': 'LinkTool',
'config': {
'endpoint': reverse_lazy('editorjs_linktool'),
'Marker': {'class': 'Marker', 'inlineToolbar': True},
'Table': {'class': 'Table', 'inlineToolbar': True},
`EditorJsJSONField` accepts all the arguments of `JSONField` class.
`EditorJsTextField` accepts all the arguments of `TextField` class.
Additionally, it includes arguments such as:
| Args | Description | Default |
| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| `plugins` | List plugins Editor.js | `EDITORJS_DEFAULT_PLUGINS` |
| `tools` | Map of Tools to use. Set config `tools` for Editor.js [See docs](https://editorjs.io/configuration#passing-saved-data) | `EDITORJS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TOOLS` |
| `use_editor_js` | Enables or disables the Editor.js plugin for the field | `True` |
| `autofocus` | If true, set caret at the first Block after Editor is ready | `False` |
| `hideToolbar` | If true, toolbar won't be shown | `False` |
| `inlineToolbar` | Defines default toolbar for all tools. | `True` |
| `readOnly` | Enable read-only mode | `False` |
| `minHeight` | Height of Editor's bottom area that allows to set focus on the last Block | `300` |
| `logLevel` | Editors log level (how many logs you want to see) | `ERROR` |
| `placeholder` | First Block placeholder | `Type text...` |
| `defaultBlock` | This Tool will be used as default. Name should be equal to one of Tool`s keys of passed tools. If not specified, Paragraph Tool will be used | `paragraph` |
| `i18n` | Internalization config | `{}` |
| `sanitizer` | Define default sanitizer configuration | `{ p: true, b: true, a: true }` |
## Image uploads
If you want to upload images to the editor then add `django_editorjs_fields.urls` to `urls.py` for your project with `DEBUG=True`:
# urls.py
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static
urlpatterns = [
path('editorjs/', include('django_editorjs_fields.urls')),
] + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
In production `DEBUG=False` (use nginx to display images):
# urls.py
from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
path('editorjs/', include('django_editorjs_fields.urls')),
See an example of how you can work with the plugin [here](https://github.com/2ik/django-editorjs-fields/blob/main/example)
## Forms
from django import forms
from django_editorjs_fields import EditorJsWidget
class TestForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Post
exclude = []
widgets = {
'body_editorjs': EditorJsWidget(config={'minHeight': 100}),
'body_editorjs_text': EditorJsWidget(plugins=["@editorjs/image", "@editorjs/header"])
## Theme
### Default Theme

### Dark Theme
plugin use css property [prefers-color-scheme](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme) to define a dark theme in browser

## Configure
The application can be configured by editing the project's `settings.py`
| Key | Description | Default | Type |
| --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `EDITORJS_DEFAULT_PLUGINS` | List of plugins names Editor.js from npm | [See above](#plugins) | `list[str]`, `tuple[str]` |
| `EDITORJS_DEFAULT_CONFIG_TOOLS` | Map of Tools to use | [See above](#plugins) | `dict[str, dict]` |
| `EDITORJS_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH` | Path uploads images | `uploads/images/` | `str` |
| `EDITORJS_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PATH_DATE` | Subdirectories | `%Y/%m/` | `str` |
| `EDITORJS_IMAGE_NAME_ORIGINAL` | To use the original name of the image file? | `False` | `bool` |
| `EDITORJS_IMAGE_NAME` | Image file name. Ignored when `EDITORJS_IMAGE_NAME_ORIGINAL` is `True` | `token_urlsafe(8)` | `callable(filename: str, file: InMemoryUploadedFile)` ([docs](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/files/uploads/)) |
| `EDITORJS_EMBED_HOSTNAME_ALLOWED` | List of allowed hostname for embed | `('player.vimeo.com','www.youtube.com','coub.com','vine.co','imgur.com','gfycat.com','player.twitch.tv','player.twitch.tv','music.yandex.ru','codepen.io','www.instagram.com','twitframe.com','assets.pinterest.com','www.facebook.com','www.aparat.com'),` | `list[str]`, `tuple[str]` |
| `EDITORJS_VERSION` | Version Editor.js | `2.25.0` | `str` |
For `EDITORJS_IMAGE_NAME` was used `from secrets import token_urlsafe`
## Support and updates
Use github issues https://github.com/2ik/django-editorjs-fields/issues