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Choices for Django model fields as enumeration
- Specialized `enum types <#enum>`__
- Specialized `model fields <#modelfield>`__
- Accessible in `templates <#templates>`__
- `Python <https://www.python.org/>`__ >= 3.5
- `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`__ >= 1.11.29
Using `PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-echoices>`__
1. Run ``pip install django-echoices``.
Using the source code
1. Make sure ```pandoc`` <http://pandoc.org/index.html>`__ is installed
2. Run ``./pypi_packager.sh``
3. Run ``pip install dist/django_echoices-x.y.z-[...].wheel``, where
``x.y.z`` must be replaced by the actual version number and ``[...]``
depends on your packaging configuration
First, define your choices enumeration (in your ``models.py`` for
from echoices.enums import EChoice
class EStates(EChoice):
# format is: (value -> char or str or int, label -> str)
CREATED = ('c', 'Created')
SUBMITTED = ('s', 'Submitted')
Model field
Regular model field
Then, either use a regular model field:
from django.db import models
class MyModel(models.Model):
state = models.CharField(max_length=EStates.max_value_length(),
**Note**: If your value is an ``int``, you can use
``models.IntegerField`` instead.
Specialized field
You can also use specialized field. Using such a field, you will then
only handle ``Echoice`` instances.
from django.db import models
from echoices.fields import make_echoicefield
class MyModel(models.Model):
# `max_length` is set automatically
state = make_echoicefield(EStates, default=EStates.CREATED)
**Note**: ``MyModel.state`` will be ``Estates`` instance stored in a
``EStatesField`` field. See `documentation <#modelfield>`__ for more
**WARNING**: requires special handling of migrations. Read more in the
`documentation <#migrations>`__.
You can add your own fields to the ``value`` and ``label`` ones. To do
so, you have to override the **init**\ () and your signature must look
like: ``self, value, label, *args`` where you replace ``*args`` with
your own positional arguments, as you would do when defining a custom
Enum. Do *not* call the super().\ **init**\ (), as ``value`` and
``label`` are already set internally by ``EChoice``.
As when dealing with a derived Enum, you can also add your own methods.
from echoices.enums import EChoice
class EMyChoices(EChoice):
"""Another variant of EChoice with additionnal content"""
MY_CHOICE = (1, 'First choice', 'my additional value')
def __init__(self, value, label, my_arg):
self.my_arg = my_arg
# Note: super().__init__() shall *not* be called!
def show_myarg(self):
"""Used as: EMyChoices.MY_CHOICE.show_myarg()"""
def show_all(cls):
"""Used as: EMyChoices.show_all()"""
print(", ".join([e.my_arg for e in list(cls)]))
In templates
Assume a ``Context(dict(estates=myapp.models.EStates))`` is provided to
the following templates.
- Fields of the ``EChoice`` can be accessed in the templates as:
{{ estates.CREATED.value }}
{{ estates.CREATED.label }}
- ``EChoice`` can also be enumerated:
{% for state in estates %}
{{ state.value }}
{{ state.label }}
{% endfor %}
Short documentation
Specialized enum types
Base enum type. Each enum element is a tuple ``(value, label)``, where
[t]he first element in each tuple is the actual value to be set on the
model, and the second element is the human-readable name
\ `doc <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/models/fields/#choices>`__\ .
Values **must** be unique. Can be derived for further customization.
Supports ordering of elements. ``EOrderedChoice.choices()`` takes an
extra optional argument, ``order``, which supports three values:
'sorted', 'reverse' or 'natural' (default). If ``sorted``, the choices
are ordered according to their value. If ``reverse``, the choices are
ordered according to their value as if each comparison were reversed. If
``natural``, the order is the one used when instantiating the
Generates auto-incremented numeric values. It's then used like:
from echoices.enums import EAutoChoice
class EStates(EAutoChoice):
# format is: label -> str
CREATED = 'Created'
SUBMITTED = 'Submitted'
Overriden EnumMeta methods
- ``EChoice.__getitem__()``, such that you can retrieve an ``EChoice``
instance using ``EChoice['my_value']``
Additional classmethods
- ``choices()`` generates the choices as expected by a Django model
- ``max_value_length()`` returns the max length for the Django model
field, if the values are strings
- ``values()`` returns a list of all the values
- ``get(value, default=None)`` returns the EChoice instance having that
value, else returns the default
Specialized model fields
``fields.EChoiceField`` via ``fields.make_echoicefield()``
Deal directly with the enum instances instead of their DB storage value.
The specialized field will be derived from a ``models.Field`` subclass,
the internal representation is deduced from the value type. So for
example if the values are strings, then the the ``EChoiceField`` will
subclass ``models.CharField``; and if the values are integers then it
will be ``models.IntegerField``. Actually supports ``str``, ``int``,
``float`` and (non-null) ``bool`` as enum values.
``make_echoicefield()`` will return an instance of ``EChoiceField``
which subclasses a field type from ``models.CharField``. The exact name
of the field type will be ``MyEnumNameField`` in Django >= 1.9, note the
suffixed 'Field'. For earlier versions of Django, it will be
Thus, ``MyModel.my_echoice_field`` will be an ``EChoice`` instance
stored in an ``EChoiceField`` field.
Since the field is generated with the help of a factory function, it
does not exist as is as a field class in ``echoices.fields``. But, when
generating a migration file, Django will set the class of the field as
the resulting class from ``make_echoicefield()``, which does not exist
in ``echoices.fields``. This will cause the Django server to crash, as
``AttributeError: module 'echoices.fields' has no attribute 'MyEnumNameField'``
exception will be raised.
To prevent this, you have to edit the migration file and replace the
instantiation of the non-existing class with a call to
``make_echoicefield()``, with the same parameters as when defining the
field in your model.
For example, assume you have the following model defined in
from django.db import models
from echoices.fields import make_echoicefield
class MyModel(models.Model):
state = make_echoicefield(EStates, default=EStates.CREATED)
Then you would replace the generated field instantiation statement in
# Replace the statement below
('state', echoices.fields.EStatesField(
('state', echoices.fields.make_echoicefield(
Similar to previous fields, but supports multiple values to be selected.
`**Not yet
implemented** <https://github.com/mbourqui/django-echoices/issues/3>`__.
Usage in templates
Assume a ``Context(dict(estates=myapp.models.EStates))`` is provided to
the following templates.
- Fields of the ``EChoice`` can be accessed in the templates as:
{{ estates.CREATED.value }}
{{ estates.CREATED.label }}
- ``EChoice`` can also be enumerated:
{% for state in estates %}
{{ state.value }}
{{ state.label }}
{% endfor %}
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