# Django-docme
Django-docme is a python library to generate user documentation automatically. For that it uses the behavior tests written with Behave.
## Basic usage
Add this to settings.py
This flag controls the generation of documentation
On environment.py, write like this:
from docme import docme
#Hooks definitions like: before_all, after_scenario, etc.
options = {"output-formats": ["pdf"]}
docme.auto_doc(locals(), "App name", options)
The options variable provides the configuration parameters for generating the documentation. Possible parameters are:
* output-formats -> provide output documentation formats. Available formats are: 'pdf' e 'html'.
* step_vertical_html -> path to custom html file to document vertical formatted steps. This is optional.
* step_horizontal_html -> path to custom html file to document horizontal formatted steps. This is optional.
* css_file -> path to custom css file to customize the documentation style. This is optional.
## Marks on features files
To guide the documentation process, it is necessary to create markups in the files that describe the features.
The markings are added to the names of the features, scenarios and steps as shown below:
Feature: showing off behave:docme
Feature descripton
Scenario: run a simple test:docme
Scenario description
Given we have behave installed:docme:vertical
Text that describes what the step does.
When we implement a test
Then behave will test it for us!:docme
The possible markings are:
* :docme -> Indicates that the element (features, scenarios and steps), must be documented.
* :vertical -> This mark is exclusive for steps. By default, the step is displayed horizontally in the documentation. A screenshot of the browser is displayed on the left side and its title and description on the right. With this mark, the step indicate to be displayed vertically, that is, the scrrenshot above and title and description below.
* :dumpme -> Exclusive for scenarios, this markup provides a sql dump after run scenario.
* :before -> Exclusive for scenarios with :dumpme mark, this markup provides a sql dump before run scenario.
* :notitle -> Exclusive for steps, indicates that the title will not be displayed in the documentation.
### Steps tables
Some steps do interactions with forms. The fields and values of this interaction are
sometimes expressed through the steps tables. These tables can be documented as shown below.
Scenario: some scenario
Given that I log in:docme:withformexample
| name:label | department:value |
| username | username_value |
| password | password_value |
As can be seen in the example, to document tables steps it is necessary to add the flags
:docme and :withformexample to the step name. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the
column with the field name, using the flag :label and the column with the field value,
using the flag :value.