What is it?
Django-denormalize allows you to convert a tree of Django ORM objects into one
data document. With 'data document' we mean a structure of dicts, lists and
other primitive types, that can be serialized to JSON or a Python Pickle.
The resulting document can be used in combination with the Django cache layer
to create blazingly fast views that do not hit the database. The data can also
be synced to a NoSQL store like MongoDB_, for consumption by other frameworks,
like Meteor_ (NodeJS_ based).
If any data changes in the ORM (even if it's on a some deep many-to-many
relationship far away from the root object), django-denormalize will
automatically trigger a cache invalidation of the root object's document
and/or sync the new document to your preferred NoSQL store.
This module also includes special support for content in FeinCMS_ objects: all
regions and content types will be available under a 'content' dictionary.
For example, suppose you have the following models:
.. sourcecode:: python
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(_("title"), max_length=80)
year = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("year"), null=True)
authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=80)
You can write the following class to describe your document collection:
.. sourcecode:: python
from denormalize.models import DocumentCollection
class BookCollection(DocumentCollection):
model = Book
name = "books"
prefetch_related = ['authors']
Let's print all documents:
.. sourcecode:: python
books = BookCollection()
for doc in books.dump_collection():
print doc
Each document will have the following structure:
.. sourcecode:: python
'id': 42,
'title': u'Cooking for Geeks',
'year': 2010,
'authors': [
'id': 18,
'name': u'Jeff Potter',
This in itself can be useful, but the real power of django-documentsync lies
in its backends. Suppose we want to cache these documents, to avoid hitting
the database. We can use these documents in our views, instead of accessing
the Django ORM. Backend and view code:
.. sourcecode:: python
# In models.py
from denormalize.backends.cache import CacheBackend
backend = CacheBackend()
# In views.py
def our_book_view(request, book_id):
book_doc = backend.get_doc(books, book_id)
if not book_doc:
raise Http404("Book not found")
return render(request, 'book.html', {'book': book_doc})
Our `CacheBackend` will try to fetch the book document from the Django cache.
If it cannot be found, it will generate the document from the ORM and then
store it in the cache.
And best of all: if any data on the Author or Book objects for this book
changes, the cache will automatically be invalidated for us! The `book_doc`
we retrieve, will always be up to date.
How does this compare with simply using the Django page cache?
The traditional approach to Django scalability is using the page cache to
cache the entire page rendered by the view. This works quite well, but it has
two big disadvantages:
* The cache will not automatically be invalidated as soon as the underlying
data changes. If you set the page cache time to 60 seconds, it will take
up to 60 seconds for a change to be visible on the site.
* This approach does not work well for websites where users can login and
see customized content.
In simpler cases, these problems can be worked around by using template
fragment caching, as this allows you to cache common regions, and specify
which variables should be incorporated into the cache key. But even in our
simple Book example, it's not easy to invalidate the cache on changes to Author.
The disadvantages of the django-denormalize approach are:
* You no longer have access to the Django models and its methods in your
templates. You are dealing with the raw data. Of course, you can add any
extra information you might need in the template by extending the
`DocumentCollection`, or by creating custom template filters to calculate
some value.
* Writes by the ORM to models that are included in documents are slower,
because they are monitored for changes.
MongoDB backend
The MongoDB_ backend works quite similar to the `CacheBackend`:
.. sourcecode:: python
# In models.py
from denormalize.backends.mongodb import MongoBackend
backend = MongoBackend(
Because the data is persistent and accessed directly through the MongoDB API,
you need to make care to keep it in sync. You can trigger a full one-way sync
using the following management command (TODO: currently not implemented yet
for the MongoBackend, only for LocMemBackend. Coming soon!)::
$ ./manage.py denormalize_sync mongo books
Whenever you update the data through the ORM, the corresponding document will
be updated automatically. The backend preserves any extra keys you may have set
on the document root in MongoDB. Make sure, however, to not add or change keys
on subdocuments created by the driver, because they will be overwritten. In the
book example above, it is safe to set `doc['foo']`, but not safe to set
You should run full syncs in a cronjob, though, to prevent your data from
going out of sync over time due to network outages and changes that
bypass the ORM (see 'bugs and limitations' below).
Creating aggregate collections
Occasionaly you may want to aggregate data from more than one object on the
root model. The key differences here are:
* The output documents do not have a 1:1 relation with the input documents.
* Any change on any root object should trigger an update.
Use cases:
* Creating one document with a tree structure of pages or categories
to generate a menu.
* Calculating statistics about data stored in an entire table.
* Generating an index document, mapping one field to
the ids of the documents where the field has a certain value.
`AggregateCollection` makes this really easy. The following collection will
create an index by tag::
class BookTagIndexCollection(AggregateCollection):
model = Book
name = 'book_tags'
prefetch_related = 'tags'
def aggregate(self, key):
assert key == 'default'
index = {}
for book in self.queryset().all():
for tag in book.tags.all():
tagname = tag.name
index.setdefault(tagname, set()).add(book.id)
return index
FeinCMS support
Django-denormalize has experimental special support for FeinCMS. If you use
the special `FeinCMSCollection`, the `content` attribute will be set to a dict
with all regions represented as lists. All content types are included by
default. If you want to follow relations on content types, you need to
explicitly define all relations to follow. This will become easier in the
Performance optimization
@@@TODO: explain how to prevent spurious updates using `denormalize.context`.
Disadvantages, bugs and implementation notes
Bugs and limitations:
* Django-normalize had not yet been extensively tested in real world
applications. Expect bugs. And since it's an early beta release, there
is no guarantee that the API will not change without warning in the near
* Using django-denormalize on models that receive a lot of writes might
significantly slow down your application, as every write will trigger
database queries to determine the affected documents, and regeneration
of the documents that have changes. Keep you view counters and last login
timestamps out of the models included in documents! (You might want to
move these to a NoSQL store anyway.)
* If you bypass the ORM (raw queries, `manage.py dbshell`,
other applications, etc), django-denormalize cannot detect
the changes made to the models. After perform a large batch
operation, flush the Django cache, or run a full sync (denormalize_sync
management command) to update your NoSQL backend, depending on how you use
* If syncing to a NoSQL store and the NoSQL database is not available, you
will lose the update, it is currently not rescheduled (TODO: implement
a transaction log to keep track of changes and whether they have been
properly synced or not). You should run a regular full sync in a cronjob.
* Syncing happens only one way. If you want to change data, you need to
perform the modification on the ORM side, not a NoSQL side. We do try
hard not to overwrite any extra attributes you added in the NoSQL backends.
* A full sync currently does not delete stale objects (TODO)
* Keep the storage limitations of your backends in mind. Memcached can only
store objects of up to 1MB, MongoDB has a limit of 16MB. Make sure your
documents will not exceed these limits.
Types of projects that would benefit most of django-denormalize:
* Writes are rare and mostly occur due to content updates in the Django admin,
like in CMS systems.
* There are a lot more reads than writes, and you want to speed up the read
views, while keeping the front-end personalized and responsive to data
* You want to use Meteor_ to build the front-end side of your application,
but do not feel like implementing a CMS in Meteor. Django-denormalize
allows you to build the CMS backend using the Django admin and FeinCMS_.
This was the original reason to start this project, so expect more updates
to support this!
* You want to use MongoDB_ to access/query your data, but prefer to keep your
primary data in a traditional, proven, relation database system you have
10 years experience with, because it makes you or your DBA sleep better.
Django-nonrel_ allows you to use the Django ORM to directly access a NoSQL
database, but with limitations. If you do a lot of writes from your front-end
views, or want to prevent data duplication, this might be a better solution.
PS: Need another backend? Writing one is quite simple! You only need to override
a base class, and implement a few methods.
.. _Meteor: http://meteor.com/
.. _NodeJS: http://nodejs.org/
.. _FeinCMS: http://www.feincms.org/
.. _MongoDB: http://www.mongodb.org/
.. _Django-nonrel: http://www.allbuttonspressed.com/projects/django-nonrel