django-contentmanager is a so-called 'reusable app' to, wait for it,
manage content. It does so using plugins that can be scattered over
any number of apps, each providing specific types of content. A plugin
could list the ten most popular news-stories, highest rated vegetarian
dishes or show a selected gallery from a photo-collection app. Of
course it could also be a block of (marked up) text.
.. contents:: Table of Contents
Quick start
To try it out clone the repository_ and go to the demoproject-dir.
Assuming you have django on your PYTHONPATH you should be up and
running with these commands::
$./manage.py syncdb --noinput
$./manage.py runserver
Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/.
This will bring up a rather plain page (with this README) as an
example of a 'paragraph'. If you follow the 'login' link you will go
to the admin where you can login with test/test. In your normal
project you would have to provide a nicer mechanism for your users to
log in (and out) but this is just a quick demo so I'll leave that as
an exercise for the reader.
Back at http://localhost:8000/ you will now see a link 'Editmode
On'. This will turn on 'editmode' and allow you to add, edit and
delete plugins in an, in my opion, intuitive way. Right there on the
page: No need to swich back and forth between admin and 'frontend' but
instant feedback.
Using the contentmanager
To use the contentmanager in your project or application you'll need
to add the contentmanager to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py::
make sure your project uses the request-context-processsor::
and finally include contentmanager.urls in your urls.py and run
urlpatterns = patterns(
(r'^contentmanager/', include('contentmanager.urls')),
from contentmanager import autodiscover
and hook up the the contentmanager in your template(s)::
{% load contentmanagertags %}
{% block content %}
{% get_area request 'content' %}
{% end block %}
{% block sidebar %}
{% get_area request 'sidebar' %}
{% end block %}
Writing plugins
Included with the demoapp are a few simple plugin examples (in
basicblocks/reveplugins.py) to give you the basic idea.
To write your own plugins you have to add a reveplugins module to you
application and subclass from contentmanager.plugins.BasePlugin (or
BaseModelPlugin). The most basic plugins just need to define their own
render method. The render method is passed the request object and
should return a (unicode) string::
class HelloWorld(BasePlugin):
def render(self, request):
return "Hello world"
To make the plugin available to the contentmanager and ultimately your
users you need to register it::
from contentmanager import registry
Finally, to populate the registry you should include the following in
your projects urls.py::
from contentmanager import autodiscover
This will find all reveplugins modules in all your INSTALLED_APPS and
load any registered plugins.
.. note::
The name reveplugins was chosen over simply 'plugins' to
prevent naming conflicts. Since the contentmanager is distilled
from reveCMS_ it seemed an appropriate enough name. ReveCMS
itself is named afer Karel van het Reve_, a dutch writer, not to
be confused with his brother Gerard_ although he is also a fine
Plugins roughly follow the same permission system as
django-models. When a plugin is registered the contentmanager
automatically creates add, change and delete permissions. Since these
permissions could collide with model permissions all plugin
permissions are kept in the contentmanager 'namespace' (linked to the
content_type PluginType if you really want to know) and are appended
with '_plugin'.
For example, a HTML-plugin would have the permissions
'contentmanager.add_html_plugin', 'contentmanager.delete_html_plugin',
Plugins have convenient `has_add_permission`, `has_change_permission`,
`has_delete_permission` methods but if you use the proper codename as
explained above you can use the standard django permissions system in
both python- and templatecode.
Plugins can also add additional permissions in the same manner as
`django models`_ do except that they are all 'bound' to PluginType.
* More complex plugin example
* BaseModelPlugin example
* Plugin API overview
.. _reveCMS: http://www.co-capacity.org/
.. _Reve: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karel_van_het_Reve
.. _Gerard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_Reve
.. _repository: http://bitbucket.org/pterk/django-contentmanager/
.. _django models: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/options/#permissions