# django-cognito-saml
Library to implement django authentication using cognito (via pyjwt).
Assumptions made:
- Using `authorization code` flow. Implicit grant is insecure as the access token is transferred over in the request parameters without encryption.
## Settings
The following settings should be set in your settings file against a `COGNITO_CONFIG` dictionary.
| Setting | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| **ENDPOINT** | Either the hosted domain or custom domain for your cognito app |
| **CLIENT_ID** | CLIENT_ID of your application in your user pool |
| **CLIENT_SECRET** | CLIENT_SECRET of your application in your user pool |
| **JWKS_URI** | The JWKS URI of your user pool. Used to verify the JWT. |
| **REDIRECT_URI** | **OPTIONAL** It is possible to share one cognito app with multiple websites via a proxy. |
| **RESPONSE_HOOK** | **OPTIONAL** Post authentication hook to modify the response (perhaps to add headers). Specify it as a django import_string. |
| **REQUIRED_GROUPS** | **OPTIONAL** Specify when using `SuperUserBackend` to restrict the ability to login to saml users with `custom:groups` containing all `REQUIRED_GROUPS. |
## Installation
1. Add the above settings to your settings.
"CLIENT_ID": "",
"JWKS_URI": "",
2. Define your authentication backend. Subclass off `django_cognito_saml.backends.CognitoUserBackend`.
Define the `username` field of your user by customizing the `authenticate` method. If you wish
to add additional fields to the user or modify the user's permissions, override the `configure_user`
method. The `configure_user` method has access to `self.cognito_jwt` which contains the decoded
jwt token with the cognito saml assertions.
Set `create_unknown_user = False` if you want to disable automatic creation of users.
class CustomCognitoBackend(CognitoUserBackend):
# Change this to False if you do not want to create a remote user.
create_unknown_user = True
def authenticate( # type: ignore[override]
self, request: HttpRequest, cognito_jwt: dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any
) -> Optional[AbstractBaseUser]:
# Customizing the username field used to create the user
remote_user = cognito_jwt["username"]
user = super().authenticate(request, remote_user=remote_user, **kwargs)
return user
def configure_user( # type: ignore[override]
self, request: HttpRequest, user: AbstractBaseUser, created: bool = True
) -> AbstractBaseUser:
# Configuring the user post login
if created:
user.name = self.cognito_jwt["name"]
return user
3. Add `SuperUserBackend` to your authentication backends.
4. Add the cognito saml urls to your `urls.py`
urls = [
path("/", include("django_cognito_saml.urls")),