You must declare blocks in a dictionnary setting named
CMS_PLUGIN_BLURP_RENDERERS, each block define a name, a renderer
class and its configuration. The key of the dictionnary define the
slug of each renderer instance, and the value associated to this
slug must be a dictionnary containing at least a key called 'name'
containing the human name of this instance.
A renderer is a class with the following interface::
class Renderer(object):
def __init__(self, slug, config):
def render(self, context):
'''Return the context to render the template'''
def render_template(self):
'''Return a template path or a Template object'''
The render method must return a context which will be passed to its
template, the render_template method must return template path or a
Django Template object.
You can also define the following class method::
def check(cls, config)
'''Validate the config dictionnary and yield an ASCII string for each error'''
You can raise ImproperlyConfigured when the configuration does not validate.
There is two abstract helper classes:
- `cmsplugin_blurp.renderers.base.BaseRenderer`
which provide abstract method for checking that `render()` and
`render_template()` are properly overriden and a generic
`check()` method which call the `check_config()` config method
which must return an iterator yielding strings if errors are
- `cmsplugin_blurp.renderers.template.TemplateRenderer`
an abstract subclass of the `BaseRenderer` which provide a
generic implementation of `render_template()` which extract the
template path from the configuration dictionnary using the key
`template_name` and if it is not found return a template parsed from the
value of the key `template`.
Common configuration keys
- ``ajax`` if True this key indicate to the base plugin to render the plugin using an AJAX request.
Requires jQuery to be loaded previously by the page using the plugin.
You must add the ``cmsplugin_blurp.urls`` to your urls::
url(r'^cmsplugin_blurp/', include('cmsplugin_blurp.urls')),
- ``ajax_refresh`` if more than zero it indicates the time between refresh of
the plugin content using the AJAX request otherwise the content is never
refreshed after the first loading.
Static renderer
The simplest renderer is the static renderer you can configure one like this::
'homepage_text': {
'name': u'Homepage text',
'class': 'cmsplugin_blurp.renderers.static.Renderer',
'content': u'This is the text for the homepage',
'template': 'homepage_text.html',
The template `homepage_text.html` could look like this::
{{ config.content }}
Data source renderer
It load one or more local (using a `file://...` URL) or remote file (using
an `http://...` or `https://...` URL) and parses them using the
following parsers:
- a json parser using the `json` package,
- an XML parser using the `etree.ElementTree` package,
- a RSS parser using the `feedparser` package feedparser,
- a CSV parser using the `csv` package.
The resulting data structure can be cached, in this case loading is
asynchronous using a thread.
The config dictonnary can contain the following keys:
- `name`, the human name of this renderer instance,
- `source`, a list of dictionnary defining the remote files, the
content of the dictionnary is described later,
- `template`, the template in which to render the data sources, it
will receive a variable named `data_sources` in its context
containing property named after the `slug` field of each source.
A source definition is a dictionnary containing the following keys:
- `slug`, the field name to hold this source parsed value in the
template, for example with this configuration:
'slug': 'source1',
you can access it with this template fragment:
{{ data_sources.source1 }}
- `url`, the URL of the file for this source, the scheme file://,
http://, and https:// are supported,
- `auth_mech`, whether an authentication mechanism is required by
the http[s]:// URL, it can be `hmac-sha1`, `hmac-sha256` or
`oauth2`. The HMAC mechanism is specified later; the OAuth2
mechanisme is the classical OAuth2 HTTP bearer authentication
mechanism but it prequires that you are using django-allauth and
that an access token for the provider `authentic2` can be
retrieved for the current user,
- `signature_key`, when using the HMAC authentication mechanism it
holds the secret key used to sign the exchanges,
- `async`, if True make refreshing the cache asynchronous (using a thread),
beware that if the cache is currently empty a synchronous update will be
done, lock are used to limit update thread to one by URL, but it you use
a worker engine their could be multiple thread trying to update the same
cache in different workers, value is optional and its default is False,
- `timeout`, a timeout for making the HTTP request, it is optional
and it default to 10 seconds,
- `refresh`, how long to cache the parsed value of the source, it
is optional and it defaults to 3600 seconds,
- `verify_certificate`, when the scheme of URL is https, it
indicates whether to check the SSL certificate against configured
certifate auhtorities, it is optional and defaults to True,
- `allow_redirects`, whether to follow HTTP redirects when getting
the data source file, it is optional and defaults to False,
- `parser_type`, how to parse the loaded file, it can be `json`,
`xml`, `rss`, 'csv' or 'raw' if you do not want any parsing to be
done, it is optional and defaults to 'raw',
- `content_type`, when doing an HTTP request it configures the
content of the `Accept` header, it is optional and automatically
set using the `parser_type` value.
- `limit`, when parsing an RSS file it limits the returned to first
`limit` entries sorted by date, it is optional and defaults to 0
meaning no limit,
- `csv_params`, when parsing a csv file this dictionnary is passed
as keyword arguments to the `reader()` or `DictReader()`
constructors, depending on whether the `fieldnames` arguments is
- `user_context`, whether the user must be part of the cache key. For retro
compatibility If authentication mechanism is OAuth2, it defaults to True
otherwise to False.
Exemple with the JSON parser
The configuration::
'json': {
'name': u'My JSON content',
'class': 'cmsplugin_blurp.renderer.data_source.Renderer',
'sources': [
'slug': 'json_source',
'url': '',
'parser_type': 'json',
'auth_mech': 'hmac-sha1',
'signature_key': 'abcdefgh0123',
'refresh': 600,
'template': 'my-json-block.html',
The `my-json-block.html` template::
{% for key, value in data_sources.json_source.iteritems %}
<dt>{{ key }}</dt>
<dd>{{ value }}</dd>
{% endfor %}
Exemple with the CSV parser
We suppose that the file `/var/spool/data/timesheet.csv` contains
the following datas::
You can present this file using this configuration::
'timesheet': {
'name': u'Timesheet of our organization',
'class': 'cmsplugin_blurp.renderer.data_source.Renderer',
'sources': [
'slug': 'timesheet',
'url': 'file:///var/spool/data/timesheet.csv',
'parser_type': 'csv',
'refresh': 86400,
'csv_params': {
'fieldnames': [
'template': 'timesheet.html',
and the following template::
<tr><td>Day</td><td>Opening hours</td></tr>
{% for row in data_sources.timesheet %}
<tr><td>{{ }}</td><td>{{ row.opening_hours }}</td></tr>
{% endfor %}
SQL Renderer
'student_table': {
'name': u'Table of students',
'class': 'cmsplugin_blurp.renderer.sql.Renderer',
'url': 'postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase',
'views': {
'students': {
'query': 'SELECT name, age, birthdate FROM student WHERE class_id = :class_id',
'bindparams': {
'class_id': 12
'template': 'student-table.html',
<!-- student-table.html -->
{% for row in students %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ row.age }}</td>
<td>{{ row.birthdate }}</td>
{% endfor %}
Template tag
You can render a block in any template using the template tag ``render_blurp``:
{% load blurp_tags %}
{% render_blurp "student_table" %}
blurp block tag
You can insert the context generated by a blurp in your current template to do
the templating yourself, beware that you will lose ajaxification and dynamic
reloading if you use this tag as we cannot send your inline template to the
ajax endpoint::
{% load blurp_tags %}
{% blurp "student_table %}
{% for row in students %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ row.age }}</td>
<td>{{ row.birthdate }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endblurp %}