# Cajax
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This amazing library was developed to facilitate communication between your Django Server and your Website through AJAX requests. Check below the wiki to view the operation of the library.
## Manual
Here is a manual how it works.
### Installation
Download and install package:
$ pip install django-cajax
Through Github:
$ pip install -e git://github.com/FelipeLimaM/django-cajax#egg=djangocajax
### Configure Cajax on your Django Project
urlpatterns += [
url(r'^', include('cajax.urls')),
{% load cajax %}
<p>My Page!</p>
<div id="val"></div>
<p>End of my page.</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/jquery.js"></script> <!-- needs jQuery library -->
{% cajax csrf_token %} <!-- import the library core, with csrf_token -->
### Using Cajax
Create a file called "cajax.py" for each app that you want to use Cajax.
The Cajax Core will import all the methods in these files.
--app1 <-- django app NOT using cajax
--app2 <-- django app using cajax
---cajax.py <-- put your specific methods here
--app3 <-- django app using cajax
---cajax.py <-- put your specific methods here
In this file, you'll create a new type of views on Django, called "Cajax Views". These views are executed by Cajax Core.
Each view will receive two arguments:
* request: Django Request Instance, like a normal django view;
* cajax: Cajax Core Instance (See attributes and methods avaliable below)
Don't worry about return anything.
import json # use json.dumps() to send dictionarys
def my_cajax_view(request, cajax):
info = "important text"
result = cajax.data['value1'] + cajax.data['value2']
my_dict = {
'name': cajax.data['name'],
'result': result
if cajax.data['name']:
cajax.script("alert('Welcome "+ cajax.data['name'] +"!');")
cajax.script("on_client('Result: "+ result +"');")
cajax.script("with_dictionary("+ json.dumps(my_dict) +");")
cajax.html("#val", '<b>info</b>')
# More Methods
# cajax.render('#id', 'template.html', {'value': 12})
# cajax.html('.class', '<b>Hello World!</b>')
# cajax.add_css_class('a', 'css-class')
# cajax.redirect('www.google.com')
# cajax.get_response()
Now on your template, call cajax(view) or cajax(view, data).
function on_client(string) {
function with_dictionary(dict) {
// Cajax Calls
// or
cajax("my_cajax_view", {'name': 'João', 'value1': 2, 'value2': 3});
## Cajax Core Attributes and Methods
The Cajax Core has the following attributes and methods avaliable to use:
Attribute | Description
--------- | -----------
data | Dicionary with data passed by cajax(url, data)
Method | Description
------ | -----------
get_response() | Return the HttpResponse that will be returned on the end. USE WITH CAUTION!
clean() | Erase all data on response
script(code) | Put a raw javascript code on response
redirect(url) | Redirect page to **url**
show(selector) | Force *display: block;* on node
hide(selector) | Force *display: none;* on node
prepend(selector, value) | Prepend value on node
append(selector, value) | Append value on node
assign(selector, attribute, value) | Put a value on attribute of each node
add_css_class(selector, class) | Add class on node
remove_css_class(selector, class) | Remove class on node
html(selector, html) | Put html value on node
render(selector, template, context={}) | Render a template using context with Django Template on node
## Contributors
* Felipe Lima Morais
* ElaboraInfo
* Elabora Consultoria Ltda
* Gabriel de Biasi