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Celery-deferred, cached fields on Django ORM for expensive-to-calculate attributes
ویژگی مقدار
سیستم عامل -
نام فایل django-cached-field-1.5.1
نام django-cached-field
نسخه کتابخانه 1.5.1
نگهدارنده []
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نویسنده Martin Chase
ایمیل نویسنده outofculture@gmail.com
آدرس صفحه اصلی https://github.com/outofculture/django-cached-field
آدرس اینترنتی https://pypi.org/project/django-cached-field/
مجوز BSD
Django Cached Field =================== Introduction ------------ Using Django ORM and Celery, cache expensive-to-calculate attributes. Example ------- Say you have a CTO who believes everything belongs in a relational database and a slow method on one of your models: .. code:: python class Lamppost(models.Model): # ... @property def slow_full_name(self): ackermann(5, 2) return 'The %s %s of %s' % (self.weight, self.first_name, self.country) Ugh; too slow. Let's cache that (but not with, say, a dedicated caching system). We'll want a few tools. `Celery <http://celeryproject.org/>`_ with `django-celery <http://github.com/ask/django-celery>`_ will need to be set up and humming along smoothly. Then we'll add in our cached field and rename our method appropriately: .. code:: python from django_cached_field import CachedIntegerField class Lamppost(models.Model): # ... slow_full_name = CachedTextField(null=True) def calculate_slow_full_name(self): ackermann(5, 2) return 'The %s %s of %s' % (self.weight, self.first_name, self.country) (Yeah, ``calculate_*`` is just a convention. I clearly haven't given up the ruby ghost, but you can pass in your own method name with the ``calculation_method_name`` arg to the field declaration.) Next, migrate your db schema to automatically include the new cache control fields. Note that at least two fields will be added to this table, ``cached_slow_full_name`` of type *text*, ``slow_full_name_recalculation_needed`` of type *boolean*, probably defaulting to true, and possibly ``slow_full_name_expires_after`` of type *datetime*, if we pass ``temporal_triggers=True`` into the field declaration (more on that later). Already that's kinda better. ``lamppost.slow_full_name`` may take a while the first time it gets called for a given record, but from then on, it'll be nigh instant. Of course, at this point, it will never change after that first call. The remaining important piece of the puzzle is to invalidate our cache using ``flag_slow_full_name_as_stale``. It is probably changed in some views.py (this example code could be more clever about noticing if the relevant values are updated): .. code:: python @render_to('lamppost/edit.html') def edit(request, lamppost_id): lamppost = Lamppost.objects.get(pk=lamppost_id) form = LamppostForm(request.POST, lamppost) if form.is_valid(): form.save() lamppost.flag_slow_full_name_as_stale() return {'form': form, 'lamppost': lamppost} **This is the hardest part as the developer.** Caching requires you hunt down every place the value could be changed and calling that ``flag_slow_full_name_as_stale`` method. Is country assigned a random new value every morning at cron'o'clock? That flag had best be stale by cron'o'one. Do you calculate weight based on the sum of all associated pigeons? Hook into the pigeons landing. And takeoff. And everything that changes an individual pigeon's weight. As Francis Bacon said, "There are only two hard problems in programming: naming, cache invalidation and off-by-one errors." One possible invalidation scheme you might want to use is expiration dates. We know the pigeons on our lamppost are going to die and turn into ghosts, right: .. code:: python class Pigeon(models.Model): death_date = models.DateField() def die(self): self.weight = 0 self.save() And rather than bother the pigeon-death-handling system, we'll take note of their death as they land: .. code:: python class Lamppost(models.Model): #... def notice_pigeon_landing(self, pigeon): earliest = self.pigeon_set.all().aggregate( models.Min('death_date'))['death_date'] self.expire_slow_full_name_after(earliest) Or maybe you only want the cache to ever be valid for 30 minutes, lest **They** have too easy a job tracking your thoughts. So, yeah, you get the idea. Installation ------------ You can make things easy on yourself: .. code:: sh pip install django-cached-field Or, for a more artisanal feeling, you can clone the repo and install it using python and setup.py: .. code:: sh git clone git@github.com:outofculture/django-cached-field.git cd django-cached-field/ python setup.py install Tested with minimum versions python 2.7, django 1.3.1, celery 2.3.1, and django-celery 2.3.3. Should be compatible with as recent as python 3.8, django 3.0.5, celery 3.1.26.post2 and django-celery 3.3.1. Configuration ------------- If you're going to have expiration dates on your values, and you want to use timezone-aware datetimes, you will need to set this setting to True: .. code:: python CACHED_FIELD_USE_TIMEZONE = False # default One setting for test environments: whether recalculation should happen when flagged as stale (default) or be left to the next time the attribute is accessed. This is useful for optimizing testing environments where you don't care that your cached values are invalid or that the expense of calculation is applied to a user. Note that, in this situation, you wouldn't need celery. : .. code:: python CACHED_FIELD_EAGER_RECALCULATION = True # default This is a global option, so individual exceptions should instead be handled by passing the ``and_recalculate`` argument to the ``flag_FIELD_as_stale`` call. Configuration for Django < 1.6 ------------------------------ Use of this library under at least version >= 1.6 of Django should not require any configuration changes; just import and use. For older Djangos, two settings changes are probably required for things to work: make sure it's a registered app, make sure celery sees its tasks file: .. code:: python INSTALLED_APPS += ['django_cached_field',] CELERY_IMPORTS += ['django_cached_field.tasks',] Caveats ------- * All ORM methods (e.g. ``order_by``, ``filter``) can only access this field through ``cached_FIELD``. * ``recalculate_FIELD`` uses ``.update(cached_FIELD=`` to set the value. Don't expect ``.save`` to be called. * ``flag_FIELD_as_stale`` uses ``.update``, as well. * This may break if you try to add this mixin to a field class that multiply-inherits (I'm currently grabbing an arbitrary, non-CachedFieldMixin class and making the real field with it). * The FIELD_recalculation_needed field is accessed by regex in at least one place, so problems will result from user fields that match the same pattern. * Exceptions in a post-hook will potentially break saves of the data. TODO ---- * Figure out if we can turn temporal_triggers into a celery job that happens once at the given time. * All my tests are in the project I pulled this out of, but based on models therein. I don't have experience making tests for standalone django libraries. Someone wanna point me to a tutorial? * Recalculation task will not adapt to recalculation_needed_field_name option * Replace use of _recalculation_needed regex with class-level registry of cached fields.

نحوه نصب

نصب پکیج whl django-cached-field-1.5.1:

    pip install django-cached-field-1.5.1.whl

نصب پکیج tar.gz django-cached-field-1.5.1:

    pip install django-cached-field-1.5.1.tar.gz