Django-cachebot provides automated caching and invalidation for the Django ORM.
1. ``easy_install django-cachebot`` or ``pip install django-cachebot``
2. Add ``cachebot`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``
3. Set a cache backend to one of the backends in ``cachebots.backends``, for instance::
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'cachebot.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
Current supported backends are::
4. If you want to add caching to a model, the model's manager needs to be ``CacheBotManager`` or a subclass of it, e.g::
from django.db import models
from cachebot.managers import CacheBotManager
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
objects = CacheBotManager()
class BookManager(CacheBotManager):
def for_author(self, name):
return self.filter(author__name=name)
class Book(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
objects = BookManager()
By default, all ``get`` queries for ``CacheBotManager`` will be cached::
photo = Photo.objects.get(user=user)
If you don't want this behavior, call ``CacheBotManager(cache_get=False)`` when defining the manager, or to change this globally set ``CACHEBOT_CACHE_GET=False`` in settings.
For more complex queries, suppose you had a query that looked like this and you wanted to cache it::
Photo.objects.filter(user=user, status=2)
Just add ``.cache()`` to the queryset chain like so::
Photo.objects.cache().filter(user=user, status=2)
This query will get invalidated if any of the following conditions are met::
1. One of the objects returned by the query is altered.
2. The user is altered.
3. A Photo is modified and has status = 2.
4. A Photo is modified and has user = user.
This invalidation criteria is probably too cautious, because we don't want to invalidate this cache every time a Photo with ``status = 2`` is saved. To fine tune the invalidation criteria, we can specify to only invalidate on certain fields. For example::
Photo.objects.cache('user').filter(user=user, status=2)
This query will get invalidated if any of the following conditions are met::
1. One of the objects returned by the query is altered.
2. The user is altered.
3. A Photo is modified and has user = user.
django-cachebot can also handle select_related, forward relations, and reverse relations, ie::
Photo.objects.select_related().cache('user').filter(user__username="david", status=2)
Photo.objects.cache('user').filter(user__username="david", status=2)
Photo.objects.cache('message__sender').filter(message__sender=user, status=2)
- default: ``True``
- If set to ``True``, ``CacheBotManager`` will be called with ``cache_get=True`` by default.
- default: ('django_session', 'django_content_type', 'south_migrationhistory')
- A list of tables that cachebot should ignore.
Caveats (Important!)
1. Adding/Removing objects with a ManyRelatedManager will not automatically invalidate. You'll need to manually invalidate these queries like so::
from cachebot.signals import invalidate_object
2. ``count()`` queries will not get cached.
3. If you're invalidating on a field that is in a range or exclude query, these queries will get invalidated when anything in the table changes. For example the following would get invalidated when anything on the User table changed::
Photo.objects.cache('user').filter(user__in=users, status=2)
Photo.objects.cache('user').exclude(user=user, status=2)
4. You should probably use a tool like django-memcache-status_ to check on the status of your cache. If memcache overfills and starts dropping keys, it's possible that your queries might not get invalidated.
5. .values_list() doesn't cache yet. You should do something like this instead::
[photo['id'] for photo in Photo.objects.cache('user').filter(user=user).values('id')]
.. _django-memcache-status:
* Django 1.3
If you use Django 1.2, you can use django-cachebot version 0.3.1