# Django-bureaucracy
Django-Bureaucracy is a small wrapper around the [bureacracy](https://bitbucket.org/maykinmedia/bureaucracy)
package that can be used to generate word and pdf documents from .docx-templates
using Mailmerge fields.
## Installation:
pip install --process-dependency-links -e git+https://bitbucket.org/maykinmedia/django-bureaucracy.git#egg=django_bureaucracy-0.1
(Note that setuptools is annoying and that this doesn't work without the
`--process-dependency-links` flag which is deprecated. Have fun figuring out
how to do this when it's removed.)
... and then add `django_bureaucracy` to `INSTALLED_APPS`.
## Usage
### Example
from django_bureaucracy.models import Document
# The document model is used to store a template and render documents from a context:
doc = Document(
context = {
'table': Table(data=[['this is the first cell of the first row', 'this is the second cell of the first row'],
['the second row', 'etc'],
['etc', 'etc']],
headers=['header 1', 'header 2']),
'image': Image('pigeon.jpg')
'html': HTML("<h1>This is a header from html. And the styling works! Right?</h1><p><strong>bold</strong>-notbold</p><ul><li>hop</li><li>la</li><li>kee</li></ul>")
'text': 'some text',
# return bytes of the document generated from the template file and the context
doc_bytes = doc.render(context)
# idem but for pdf bytes:
pdf_bytes = doc.render(context, format='pdf')
# save to a file:
doc.render_to_file(context, '/path/to/file') # docx
doc.render_to_file(context, '/path/to/file', format='pdf') # pdf
### Rendering to HTTPResponse with the correct mimetype.
from django_bureaucracy.shortcuts import render_to_download
def view(request)
# (...)
resp = render_to_download(Document.objects.get(...), context, format='docx')
# or...
resp = render_to_download(DocxTemplate(...), context, format='pdf')
# or ...
resp = render_to_download(DocxTemplate('/path/to/file', context)
# or ...
resp = render_to_download(DocxTemplate(file_like_object, context)
return resp
### Admin Integration
When the package is installed, `Document`-objects can be created in the
admin. When the `validate_fields` box is checked, the model's `clean` method
will check the `DOCX_TEMPLATE_VARS` setting to see whether the fields in
the template file and the document type match the ones provided in the setting and
raise a `ValidationError` if this is not the case.
# in settings.py
'tps_report': ['image', 'table', 'html', 'text'],
'letter': ['graph']