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Simple bulk update over Django ORM or with helper function.
This project aims to bulk update given objects using **one query** over
**Django ORM**.
pip install django-bulk-update
With manager:
import random
from django_bulk_update.manager import BulkUpdateManager
from tests.models import Person
class Person(models.Model):
objects = BulkUpdateManager()
random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
people = Person.objects.all()
for person in people: = random.choice(random_names)
Person.objects.bulk_update(people, update_fields=['name']) # updates only name column
Person.objects.bulk_update(people, exclude_fields=['username']) # updates all columns except username
Person.objects.bulk_update(people) # updates all columns
Person.objects.bulk_update(people, batch_size=50000) # updates all columns by 50000 sized chunks
With helper:
import random
from django_bulk_update.helper import bulk_update
from tests.models import Person
random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
people = Person.objects.all()
for person in people: = random.choice(random_names)
bulk_update(people, update_fields=['name']) # updates only name column
bulk_update(people, exclude_fields=['username']) # updates all columns except username
bulk_update(people, using='someotherdb') # updates all columns using the given db
bulk_update(people) # updates all columns using the default db
bulk_update(people, batch_size=50000) # updates all columns by 50000 sized chunks using the default db
Note: You can consider to use `.only('name')` when you only want to update `name`, so that Django will only retrieve name data from db.
And consider to use `.defer('username')` when you don't want to update `username`, so Django won't retrieve username from db.
These optimization can improve the performance even more.
Performance Tests:
Here we test the performance of the `bulk_update` function vs. simply calling
`.save()` on every object update (`dmmy_update`). The interesting metric is the speedup using
the `bulk_update` function more than the actual raw times.
# Note: SQlite is unable to run the `timeit` tests
# due to the max number of sql variables
In [1]: import os
In [2]: import timeit
In [3]: import django
In [4]: os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'tests.test_settings'
In [5]: django.setup()
In [6]: from tests.fixtures import create_fixtures
In [7]: django.db.connection.creation.create_test_db()
In [8]: create_fixtures(1000)
In [9]: setup='''
import random
from django_bulk_update import helper
from tests.models import Person
random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
ids = list(Person.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)[:1000])
people = Person.objects.filter(id__in=ids)
for p in people:
name = random.choice(random_names) = name = '' % name
bu_update = lambda: helper.bulk_update(people, update_fields=['name', 'email'])
In [10]: bu_perf = min(timeit.Timer('bu_update()', setup=setup).repeat(7, 100))
In [11]: setup='''
import random
from tests.models import Person
from django.db.models import F
random_names = ['Walter', 'The Dude', 'Donny', 'Jesus']
ids = list(Person.objects.values_list('id', flat=True)[:1000])
people = Person.objects.filter(id__in=ids)
def dmmy_update():
for p in people:
name = random.choice(random_names) = name = '' % name['name', 'email'])
In [12]: dmmy_perf = min(timeit.Timer('dmmy_update()', setup=setup).repeat(7, 100))
In [13]: print 'Bulk update performance: %.2f. Dummy update performance: %.2f. Speedup: %.2f.' % (bu_perf, dmmy_perf, dmmy_perf / bu_perf)
Bulk update performance: 7.05. Dummy update performance: 373.12. Speedup: 52.90.
- Django 1.8+
- [aykut](
- [daleobrien](
- [sruon](
- [HowerHell](
- [c-nichols](
- [towr](
- [joshblum](
- [luzfcb](
- [torchingloom](
- [cihann](
- [wetneb](
- [tatterdemalion](
- [gabriel-laet](
- [arnau126](
- Geometry Fields support
django-bulk-update is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.