# django-boosmap
## Starting
_These instructions will allow you to install the library in your python project._
### Current features
- Get default payload.
- Create shipping.
### Pre-requisitos
- Python >= 3.7
- Django >= 3
- requests >= 2
## Installation
1. To get the latest stable release from PyPi:
pip install django-boosmap
2. From a build
git clone https://gitlab.com/linets/ecommerce/oms/integrations/django-boosmap
cd {{project}}
python setup.py sdist
and, install in your project django
pip install {{path}}/django-boosmap/dist/{{tar.gz file}}
3. Settings in django project
## Usage
1. Create instance to be sent
import json
from types import SimpleNamespace
dict_ = {
'reference': '99999',
'delivery_date': '2018-12-06 13:00:00'
'created_at': '12/12/21',
'shipping_date': '12/12/21',
'expiration_date': '26/12/21'
'tracking_code': '6075620-1',
'transport_guide_number': '1121632479536-01-1',
'purchase_number': 'CLV0048146676851-1',
'items': [
'code': 'SKU1234',
'name': 'POLOS',
'price': '2500',
'qty': '2'
'code': 'SKU12345',
'name': 'SHORT',
'price': '1500',
'qty': '1'
'customer': {
'first_name': 'Marcos',
'last_name': 'Sac',
'full_name': 'Marcos Sac',
'phone': '932932932',
'email': 'test@gmail.com',
'rut': '16936195-9'
'address': {
'number': '513',
'unit': 'DEPTO 6A',
'full_address': 'ALEJANDRO VENEGAS CADIZ 513 DEPTO 6A'
'commune': {
'name': 'Aisen',
'code': '',
'zone_code': '11201',
'zone_post': 'WPA',
'location': {
'code': 'MONTANDON',
'name': 'MNN',
'region': {
'name': 'Aysén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo',
'code': '11',
'iso_code': 'CL-XI',
instance = json.loads(json.dumps(dict_), object_hook=lambda attr: SimpleNamespace(**attr))
2. Get default payload:
from boosmap_express.handler import BoosmapHandler
handler = BoosmapHandler()
default_data = handler.get_default_payload(<instance>)
3. Create shipping:
from boosmap_express.handler import BoosmapHandler
handler = BoosmapHandler()
default_data = handler.create_shipping(<default_data>)
4. Get events:
from boosmap_express.handler import BoosmapHandler
handler = BoosmapHandler()
raw_data = {
'tracking_number': 999999,
'status': 'Entregado',
'events': [{
'city': 'Santiago'
'state': 'RM',
'description': 'Llego al almacén',
'date': '12/12/2021'
response = handler.get_events(raw_data)
'city': 'Santiago'
'state': 'RM',
'description': 'Llego al almacén',
'date': '12/12/2021'
5. Get status and if "is_delivered":
from boosmap_express.handler import BoosmapHandler
handler = BoosmapHandler()
raw_data = {
'tracking_number': 999999,
'status': 'Entregado',
'events': [{
'city': 'Santiago'
'state': 'RM',
'description': 'Llego al almacén',
'date': '12/12/2021'
response = handler.get_status(raw_data)
('Entregado', True)