django-anyvcs is a Django app providing homogenous management of multiple
version control systems, and the access rights to them. Currently supported
VCS systems are git, Mercurial, and Subversion.
Each instance of ``django_anyvcs.models.Repo`` corresponds to a VCS repository
on the server's disk. You can grant access on these repos to one or more
Django ``User`` or ``Group`` (from ``django.contrib.auth.models``).
All repositories can be made available through the SSH access method. The SSH
server should be configured with user public keys which force a specific
command to be run, instead of the command that was requested - this command
should be ``django-anyvcs-ssh``, which is generated by setuptools when this
package is installed. You'll probably want to use django-sshkey_ to help
you do this. The original ``ssh_dispatch.py`` script is still included with a
deprecation warning for backwards compatibility.
The ``django-anyvcs-ssh`` program interprets the original ssh command, which
should be in the ``SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND`` environment variable (automatically
set by OpenSSH), and fulfills the request, granting and denying access as
configured in Django.
Add ``django_anyvcs`` to your project's ``INSTALLED_APPS``.
The ``django_anyvcs.views.access`` view is used by ``django-anyvcs-ssh``.
The URL that maps to this view should be accessible to the host running
``django-anyvcs-ssh`` (usually localhost).
The ``django_anyvcs.views.api_call`` view is not used by any component of
django-anyvcs, but is made available to provide a web API to access the
underlying repository. The ``django_anyvcs.remote`` module provides a python
API to this web API which provides an interface similar to
``anyvcs.common.VCSRepo`` objects.
Do not make any URLs from ``django_anyvcs.urls`` available to the public,
as they can reveal sensitive information.
django-anyvcs looks at the following variables in your project's settings.py:
String, required. The root directory in which all VCS repositories are
Function, optional. Override the default path given to a repo. The function
is given a repo and returns a string (the path).
Boolean, defaults to True. If true then repo paths are checked against all
other repo paths to make sure they aren't nested inside each other. This is
a fairly expensive operation, so if you know this won't ever happen then set
this to False.
Boolean, defaults to False. If true then VCS systems that support it will
allow path nesting. Currently, only Mercurial supports this.
Boolean, defaults to True. If true then the UserRights model will be enabled.
Boolean, defaults to True. If true then the GroupRights model will be
String, defaults to ``AUTH_USER_MODEL`` or ``'auth.User'``. Defines the user
model that UserRights is tied to.
String, defaults to ``'auth.Group'``. Defines the group model that
GroupRights is tied to.
Function, optional. If set, this function is called with two parameters: the
repository being accessed, and the user who is accessing the repository (may
be None to indicate an anonymous user). The function should return the
rights string, which is one of '-' (deny access), 'r' (read-only access), or
'rw' (read and write access).
Function, optional. If set, this function is called with one parameter which
is a repository. The function should return a ``dict`` which maps
``auth.User`` instances to a rights string, one of '-', 'r', or 'rw' for the
given repository.
Function, optional. If set, this function is called with one parameter which
is a repository. The function should return a ``dict`` which maps
``auth.Group`` instances to a rights string, one of '-', 'r', or 'rw' for the
given repository.
Boolean, optional. If true, django-anyvcs will automatically recalculate
disk size of repositories whenever `django-anyvcs-ssh` is invoked to access
them. Defaults to true.
Boolean, optional. If true, django-anyvcs will not consider cached
information generated by python-anyvcs_ a part of the disk size. Defaults to
When used with django-sshkey_, a setting similar to this will tie together
the two apps::
'command="env VCSREPO_ROOT=%s /path/to/django-anyvcs-ssh ' \
'http://localhost:8000/anyvcs/access {username}",no-agent-forwarding,' \
'no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding' % VCSREPO_ROOT
* python-anyvcs_ version 1.1.0 or greater
Although not a strict dependency, django-anyvcs was designed to be used in
conjunction with django-sshkey_ (version 2.0.0 or greater) and would be
fairly useless without it or something that provides a similar functionality.
.. _django-sshkey: https://github.com/ClemsonSoCUnix/django-sshkey
.. _python-anyvcs: https://github.com/ScottDuckworth/python-anyvcs