# django-add-comments
Add `comments` to a Django model via mixin:
# app/models.py
from comment.models import AbstractCommentable # import mixin
class Sentinel(AbstractCommentable): # add to class declaration
"""Any `app`, e.g. `essay`, `article`... can be 'commentable'."""
title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
| Action | Authorization | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| View comments list | All users | Add filter public/private later |
| Get comment form | Authenticated users | Reactive via htmx / hyperscript [^1] |
| Delete / edit comment | Authorized authors | Reactive via htmx / hyperscript [^1] |
## Setup
### Load virtual env
.venv> poetry add django-add-comments # pip3 install django-add-comments
Will include dependencies from [pyproject.toml](../../pyproject.toml):
python = "^3.8"
Django = "^4.0"
django-extensions = "^3.1.5"
django-crispy-forms = "^1.13.0"
### Add app to project settings
# in project_folder/settings.py
'crispy_forms', # add crispy_forms at least > v1.13, if not yet added
'comments' # this is the new django-comments folder
### Add basic routes to urlpatterns
# in project_folder/urls.py
from django.urls import path, include # new
urlpatterns = [
path('comments/', include('comments.urls')) # routes for update, delete, view, toggle comment
### Add Comment model to database
.venv> python manage.py migrate
## Configuration
### What we're going to do
>>> obj = Sentinel.objects.create(title="A sample title") # instance is made, e.g. id=1, id=2, etc.
>>> obj.add_comment_url # url to add a comment to `A sample title`
A sentinel is the model being commented on.
We've created a dummy `Sentinel` model to represent this construct.
Let's say we've initialized one model instance called `obj` with `slug`="a-sample-title".
What we'd like is the ability to write a comment to `obj` through a url represented by: `obj.add_comment_url`
`@add_comment_url` thus needs to become a property of the `Sentinel` model.
### Add imports
# sentinels/models.py
from comments.models import AbstractCommentable # new
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse # new
from django.urls import reverse, URLPattern # new
from django.utils.functional import cached_property, classproperty # new
### Make sentinel model inherit from abstract base model
# sentinels/models.py
class Sentinel(AbstractCommentable): # new
### Add model properties
# sentinels/models.py
class Sentinel(AbstractCommentable):
id = models.UUIDField ... # identifier is UUID
slug = models.Slugfield ...
@cached_property # copy this to the sentinel model, note `slug` as identifier
def add_comment_url(self) -> str:
return self.set_add_comment_url(self.slug)
@classmethod # copy this to the sentinel model, note `slug` as identifier
def add_comment_func(cls, request, slug: str) -> TemplateResponse:
target = cls.objects.get(slug=slug)
return cls.allow_commenting_form_on_target_instance(request, target)
@classproperty # copy this to the sentinel model, note `slug` as identifier
def add_comment_path(cls) -> URLPattern:
return cls.set_add_comment_path("<slug:slug>", cls.add_comment_func)
_Gotcha_: if `pk` is identifier, revise `<slug:slug>` to `<pk:int>` above:
1. `self.set_add_comment_url(self.pk)`
2. `def add_comment_func(cls, request, pk: int):`
3. `target = cls.objects.get(pk=pk)`
4. `cls.set_add_comment_path("<int:pk>", cls.add_comment_func)`
### Add sentinel namespaced url for adding comments
Add path to the sentinel's url patterns:
# sentinels/urls.py
from .models import Sentinel
from .apps import SentinelConfig # already pre-made during `python manage.py startapp sentinels`
app_name = SentinelConfig.name # remember the `app_name` in relation to the `add_comment_url` property
url_patterns = [
Sentinel.add_comment_path, # This is really just a shortcut to a created path.
### Add template tag for displaying comment form with list of added comments
Add template tag to sentinel's template to show form with list
<!-- sentinels/templates/sentinel_detail.html -->
<h1>Title: {{ object.title }}</h1>
{% load comments %} <!-- see templatetags/comments.py which contains `object.add_comment_url` -->
{% list_comments sentinel_target_obj=object head_label='Add an Answer'%}
<!-- the `object` is whatever variable passed to the template, the head_label provides an ability to label the items to be inputted. The default is 'Add a Comment' -->
The form that represents this "add comment" action / url will be loaded in every comment list. See context in [template tag](./comments/templatetags/comments.py).
[^1]: [No page refresh](./comments/docs/frontend.md)