Django Activity Sync
Django-activitysync is an easy to use social activity aggregator for Django
It can be used to store and display activity from a range of social networks
(such as Twitter, Reddit, Google Reader, etc). Unlike other utilities for
accessing and displaying activity, django-activitysync separates rendering
from activity updating. All activity information is stored in the project's
database using Django models, providing great performance for page requests.
Updating activities happens through a Django management command, which can
be automated by using a utility like cron.
- Currently supports the following activity providers:
* `Twitter`_
* `Google Reader`_
* `Reddit`_
- Providers are implemented using a simple, common interface, making it very
easy to add support for additional networks
Dependencies that *must* be meet to use the application:
- Twitter support depends on python-twitter_
- Google Reader and Reddit support depend on feedparser_ (version 4.1)
From pypi_::
$ pip install django-activitysync
$ easy_install django-activitysync
or clone from Bitbucket_::
$ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/dancarroll/django-activitysync
and add activitysync to PYTHONPATH::
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/django-activitysync/
$ cd django-activitysync
$ sudo python setup.py install
- Add activitysync to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in settings.py::
- Add desired providers to ``ACTIVITYSYNC_PROVIDERS`` setting::
- Add provider settings to settings.py (dependent on which providers are added).
For ease of use and organizational purposes, all settings for providers should
be stored in the ``ACTIVITYSYNC_SETTINGS`` dictionary. Settings required for
built-in providers are::
'TWITTER_USERNAME': '', # Username to use for TwitterUserProvider
'TWITTER_SEARCHTERM': '', # Search term to use for TwitterSearchProvider
'REDDIT_USERNAME': '', # Username to use for RedditProvider
'GOOGLEREADER_SHARED_RSS': '', # URL of Google Reader shared items RSS feed
'GOOGLEREADER_PUBLIC_URL': '', # URL to Google Reader public page
- Sync database to create needed models::
python manage.py syncdb
or (if you have South installed)::
python manage.py migrate activitysync
Fetching and creating activity items
Once configuration is completed, run the included management command
to fetch activities for the configured providers::
python manage.py updateactivities
The command will print out all new activities to the command line. All
activity items are stored with a unique guid value, so this command can
be run as often as needed without worrying about creating duplicate values.
In a production site, this command likely would be added to the crontab (or
other scheduler) to run fairly often (such as every 30 minutes).
There are a few options available for the management command.
- Use the ``--send-result`` option to send an email to the site admins
(controlled by the Django ADMIN setting) with the newly added activities
(no email is sent if there are no new items)::
python manage.py updateactivities --send_result
- Use the ``--dry-run option`` to output the items to the console, but not
actually create items in the database::
python manage.py updateactivities --dry-run
Using activity items
Activity items can be accessed like any other model using Django's ORM. Here
is a quick example of getting all published activity items (fetched items
default to public, but can be hidden by modifying the item in the Django
admin site)::
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from activitysync.models import Activity
def index(request):
return render_to_response(
{ 'activities': Activity.objects.published() }
Django-activitysync also provides a template tag for displaying items::
{% load activitysync_extras %}
{% render_activities activities %}
The ``render_activities`` template tag will pass the object list and
``MEDIA_URL`` values to the template ``activitysync/activities_tag.html``.
The project comes with a sample template that will be used by default, or you
can use it as a basis for your own. A second template tag,
``render_activities_with_date_headers`` renders the activity list along with
date headers for each unique day encountered.
.. _Twitter: http://twitter.com/
.. _Google Reader: http://www.google.com/reader/
.. _Reddit: http://reddit.com/
.. _pypi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-activitysync/
.. _Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/dancarroll/django-activitysync
.. _python-twitter: http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/
.. _feedparser: http://www.feedparser.org/