``distroinfo`` is a python module for parsing, validating and querying
distribution/packaging metadata stored in human readable and reviewable
text/YAML files.
This is a proper generic (re)implementation of
`rdoinfo <https://github.com/redhat-openstack/rdoinfo>`__ parser which
proved well suited for the task of interfacing with distribution
metadata in a human friendly way. If you consider code reviews human
friendly, that is.
``distroinfo`` is a part of `Software Factory
project <https://softwarefactory-project.io/docs/>`__
``distroinfo`` is available from Fedora/EPEL repos and is **BEING
`rdopkg <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/rdopkg>`__ and
`DLRN <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/DLRN>`__ are first
``rdoinfo`` compatibility is ensured through offline and online tests.
CI is enabled.
See `distroinfo
reviews <https://softwarefactory-project.io/dashboard/project_distroinfo>`__.
Use github
`Issues <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo/issues>`__
to make requests and report bugs.
from source
If you want to hack ``distroinfo`` or just have the latest code without
waiting for next release, you can use the git repo directly:
git clone https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo
cd distroinfo
python setup.py develop --user
You may set the preference over ``distroinfo`` RPM by correctly
positioning ``~/.local/bin/distroinfo`` in your ``$PATH``.
Or you can use virtualenv to avoid conflicts with RPM:
git clone https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo
cd distroinfo
virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/distroinfo-venv
source ~/distroinfo-venv/bin/activate
python setup.py develop
ln `which distroinfo` ~/bin/distroinfo-dev
distroinfo-dev --version
Required python modules are listed in
`requirements.txt <requirements.txt>`__.
from Fedora/EPEL repos (default)
``distroinfo`` is available on **Fedora 27** and newer:
dnf install python2-distroinfo
including Python 3 version:
dnf install python3-distroinfo
On CentOS/RHEL 7, ``distroinfo`` is available from
`EPEL <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>`__.
On **CentOS 7**:
yum install epel-release
yum install python2-distroinfo
On **RHEL 7**:
yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum install python2-distroinfo
from PyPI
For your convenience, ``distroinfo`` is available from the Cheese Shop:
pip install distroinfo
You can **fetch info files from an URL** by specifying ``remote_info``
base URL:
from distroinfo.info import DistroInfo
di = DistroInfo('rdo-full.yml',
info = di.get_info()
Or you can **fetch info files from a remote git repository** using
from distroinfo.info import DistroInfo
di = DistroInfo('rdo-full.yml',
info = di.get_info()
Or you can **fetch info files from a local directory** using
from distroinfo.info import DistroInfo
INFO_PATH = '/path/to/info'
di = DistroInfo('rdo-full.yml',
info = di.get_info()
For remote fetchers info files/repos are cached in
You can navigate info structure yourself or use ``query`` module:
from distroinfo import query
# get a package info by strict package name
nova = query.get_package(info, 'openstack-nova')
# find a package by human reference (smart search)
keystone = query.find_package(info, 'keystone')
Alternatively, you can get info with ``packages`` and ``releases`` as
dictionaries indexed by project/release name for easier access using
info = di.get_info(info_dicts=True)
nova = info['packages']['nova']
It is also possible to filter packages matching a given criteria.
The following query will show all packages matching criteria conf: client AND tags: antelope.
# rexen is a dictionary of applied filters.
# pkg is the currently processed package.
info = di.get_info()
pkgs = info['packages']
rexen = {"conf": "client", "tags": "antelope"}
finding = query.filter_pkgs(pkgs, rexen)
It is also possible to apply negative filtering with "~" character, which
can be combined with other filters, like conf: client.
info = di.get_info()
pkgs = info['packages']
rexen = {"tags": "~newton", "conf": "client"}
finding = query.filter_pkgs(pkgs, rexen)
When using this feature, the output will contain packages WITHOUT newton tag but
containing conf:client.
Until proper documentation is in place, please refer to:
- `rdoinfo <https://github.com/redhat-openstack/rdoinfo>`__ for prime
example of ``distroinfo`` format usage
- `rdoinfo integration
tests <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo/blob/master/tests/integration/test_rdoinfo_online.py>`__
for code examples
- `dlrn.drivers.rdoinfo <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/DLRN/blob/master/dlrn/drivers/rdoinfo.py>`__
for a real world code that uses tags and
- `distroinfo.info <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo/blob/master/distroinfo/info.py>`__
Command Line Interface
A simple CLI is provided in ``scripts/di.py`` which can be used to test
basic ``distroinfo`` functionality, profile, dump parsed data, etc.
An example of dumping parsed rdoinfo into both YAML and JSON files:
$> ./scripts/di.py dump -y rdoinfo.yaml -j rdoinfo.json -f git \
'https://github.com/redhat-openstack/rdoinfo' rdo-full.yml
Dumping YAML to: rdoinfo.yaml
Dumping JSON to: rdoinfo.json
Additional ``docopt`` module is required to run the CLI.
Please use the `github
Issues <https://github.com/softwarefactory-project/distroinfo/issues>`__
to report bugs.