# distrilockper - Distributed Lock Helper
### Feature
- Support Redis Cluster and Redis Single setup
- Redis operation with Lua scripting (Atomic operations)
- Lock watch dog (auto increase the alive time of key if the process time is large than key ttl)
- Thread safe
- Support Reentrant lock
- Support expired unlock function, automatically unlock after x seconds, no need to manually unlock by call unlock method
- Support try lock, wait n second if the lock is existed.
### Basic Usage
1. Install
pip install distrilockper
2. declare config instance
from distrilockper import Config
config = Config()
3. select single Redis server mode or cluster Redis servers mode
4. set the config
config.use_single_server().set_config(host='', port=6379)
config.use_cluster_servers().set_config(host='', port=7000)
config.use_cluster_servers().add_node_address(host='', port=7000) \
.add_node_address(host='', port=7001) \
.add_node_address(host='', port=7002) \
.add_node_address(host='', port=7003) \
.add_node_address(host='', port=7004) \
.add_node_address(host='', port=7005)
The set_config and add_node_address method takes several arguments from python redis library
5. declare the lock instance
helper = LockHelper()
6. get a kind of lock
lock = helper.get_reentrant_lock(key='apples')
7. try lock the key
result = lock.try_lock(wait_time=10,lease_time=7,time_unit='second')
The try_lock method takes several arguments:
- `wait_time` : try lock operation time out
- `lease_time` : the release time of the lock
- `time_unit` : unit of lease_time and wait_time
- `seconds` / `s`
- `hour` / `h`
- `minute` / `m`
- `milliseconds`/ `ms`
8. unlock after business logic done
## Reentrant
the reentrant lock only supports in the same thread
### Get the lock in different thread
from distrilockper import Config
from distrilockper import LockHelper
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
config = Config()
config.use_single_server().set_config(host='', port=6379)
helper = LockHelper()
def get_lock(_):
print("run", _)
Locker1 = helper.get_reentrant_lock(key='apples')
re1 = Locker1.try_lock(60, 10, 'second')
assert re1 == True
print("get lock",re1)
assert Locker1.is_exists() == True
print('exists', Locker1.is_exists())
pool = ThreadPool(100)
results = pool.map(get_lock, range(10))
### get the lock in same thread
from distrilockper import Config
from distrilockper import LockHelper
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
config = Config()
config.use_single_server().set_config(host='', port=6379)
helper = LockHelper()
for i in range(10):
Locker1 = helper.get_reentrant_lock(key='apples')
re1 = Locker1.try_lock(60, 10, 'second')
assert re1 == True
print("get lock", re1)
assert Locker1.is_exists() == True
print('exists', Locker1.is_exists())
## Watchdog (for lock)
use case: the time is not predictable for time-consuming task or business logic. you can not set the fixed release time for lock you got. An Alternative plan that you can set a high number for release but it will be wait a long long time when you program be aborted unexpectedly
Watchdog mechanism will refresh regularly the lock until you call unlock method or the program be aborted unexpectedly
from distrilockper import Config
from distrilockper import LockHelper
from random import randint
from time import sleep
config = Config()
config.use_single_server().set_config(host='', port=6379)
helper = LockHelper()
for i in range(10):
Locker1 = helper.get_reentrant_lock(key='apples')
re1 = Locker1.try_lock(wait_time=60, time_unit= 'second')
assert re1 == True
print("get lock", re1)
assert Locker1.is_exists() == True
print('exists', Locker1.is_exists())
print('do something ')
assert Locker1.unlock() == True