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A modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord's user API written in Python.
| **Note:**
| Automating user accounts is against the Discord ToS. This library is a proof of concept and I cannot recommend using it. Do so at your own risk.
Fork Changes
These changes have become too numerous to mention, so check out our `docs <https://discordpy-self.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>`_.
- `Rapptz <https://github.com/Rapptz>`_ for the original library this fork is based on. Without it, the project would not exist.
- `arandomnewaccount <https://www.reddit.com/user/obviouslymymain123/>`_ for help when the project was first started.
Key Features
- Modern Pythonic API using ``async`` and ``await``.
- Proper rate limit handling.
- Optimised in both speed and memory.
- Mostly compatible with the upstream ``discord.py``.
- Prevents user account automation detection.
- Implements vast amounts of the user account-specific API. For a non-exhaustive list:
* Sessions
* Connections
* Relationships
* Protobuf user settings
* Application/team management
* Store/SKUs/entitlements
* Billing (e.g. subscriptions, payments, boosts, promotions, etc.)
* Interactions (slash commands, buttons, etc.)
**Python 3.8 or higher is required.**
To install the library without full voice support, you can just run the following command:
.. code:: sh
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -U discord.py-self
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U discord.py-self
Otherwise to get voice support you should run the following command:
.. code:: sh
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -U "discord.py-self[voice]"
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -U discord.py-self[voice]
To install the development version, do the following:
.. code:: sh
$ git clone https://github.com/dolfies/discord.py-self
$ cd discord.py-self
$ python3 -m pip install -U .[voice]
Optional Packages
* `PyNaCl <https://pypi.org/project/PyNaCl/>`__ (for voice support)
Please note that on Linux installing voice you must install the following packages via your favourite package manager (e.g. ``apt``, ``dnf``, etc) before running the above commands:
* libffi-dev (or ``libffi-devel`` on some systems)
* python-dev (e.g. ``python3.6-dev`` for Python 3.6)
Using with Upstream
If you would like to use the library alongside upstream ``discord.py``, you can install ``selfcord.py`` instead of ``discord.py-self``. Check out the `renamed branch <https://github.com/dolfies/discord.py-self/tree/renamed>`_ for more information.
Quick Example
.. code:: py
import discord
class MyClient(discord.Client):
async def on_ready(self):
print('Logged on as', self.user)
async def on_message(self, message):
# only respond to ourselves
if message.author != self.user:
if message.content == 'ping':
await message.channel.send('pong')
client = MyClient()
Bot Example
.. code:: py
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='>', self_bot=True)
async def ping(ctx):
await ctx.send('pong')
You can find more examples in the examples directory.
- `Documentation <https://discordpy-self.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>`_
- `Project updates <https://t.me/dpy_self>`_
- `Discussion & support <https://t.me/dpy_self_discussions>`_