# Directord
Directord is a powerful automation platform and protocol built to drive
infrastructure and applications across the physical, edge, IoT, and cloud
boundaries; [efficient, pseudo-real-time, at scale](https://directord.com/analysis.html),
made simple.
## Design Principles
The Directord design principles can be
[found here](https://directord.com#first-principles).
## Documentation
Additional documentation covering everything from application design, wire
diagrams, installation, usage, and more can all be
[found here](https://directord.com).
## Welcome Contributors
* Read documentation on how best to deploy and leverage directord.
* When ready, if you'd like to contribute to Directord pull-requests are very
welcomed. Directord is an open platform built for operators. If you see
something broken, please feel free to raise a but and/or fix it.
* Information on running tests can be [found here](https://directord.com/testing).
### Have Questions?
Join us on [`libera.chat`](https://libera.chat/guides/connect) at
**#directord**. The community is just getting started: folks are here to help,
answer questions, and support one another.
## Quick Introduction
This quick cast shows how easy it is to install, bootstrap, and deploy a scale test environment.
## Hello World
Let's create a virtual env on your local machine to bootstrap the installation,
once installed you can move to the server node and call all your tasks from there
``` shell
$ python3 -m venv --system-site-packages ~/directord
$ ~/directord/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
$ ~/directord/bin/pip install directord
We need to create a catalog for bootstrapping. Let's assume we are installing directord in two machines:
* directord-1 : directord server, a client
* directord-2 : Only a client
For that we create a file
``` shell
$ vi ~/directord-catalog.yaml
with the contents
``` yaml
- host:
port: 22
username: fedora
port: 22
username: fedora
- host:
- host:
We can now call directord to bootstrap the installation. Bootstrapping uses ssh to connect to the machines but after that ssh is no longer used.
and you only need the ssh keys to connect your local machine to the machines you are installing into the server and client do not need shared keys between themselves.
To kickstart the bootstrapping you call directord with the catalog file you created and a catalog with the jobs required to bootstrap them.
``` shell
$ ~/directord/bin/directord bootstrap \
--catalog ~/directord-catalog.yaml \
--catalog ~/directord/share/directord/tools/directord-dev-bootstrap-zmq.yaml
Once that is ran you can now ssh to the server and issue all the commands from there
``` shell
$ ssh fedora@
First to make sure all the nodes are connected
``` shell
$ sudo /opt/directord/bin/directord manage --list-nodes
Should show you
``` shell
----------- -------- --------- -------------- --------------
directord-1 132.2 0.9.0 1:38:53.240000 0:00:00.051849
directord-2 131.69 0.9.0 1:39:25.780000 0:00:00.099533
Then we create our first orchestration job lets add a file called
``` shell
$ vi helloworld.yaml
With the contents
``` yaml
- jobs:
- ECHO: hello world
Then we call the orchestration to use it
``` shell
$ sudo /opt/directord/bin/directord orchestrate helloworld.yaml
Should return something like:
``` shell
Job received. Task ID: 9bcf31cb-7faf-4367-bf37-57c11b3f81dc
We use that task ID to probe how the job went or we can list all the jobs with"
``` shell
$ sudo /opt/directord/bin/directord manage --list-jobs
That returns something like:
``` shell
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ---------------- --------- --------
9bcf31cb-7faf-4367-bf37-57c11b3f81dc 9bcf31cb-7faf-4367-bf37-57c11b3f81dc 0.02 2 0
With the task id we can see how the job went:
``` shell
$ sudo /opt/directord/bin/directord manage --job-info 9bcf31cb-7faf-4367-bf37-57c11b3f81dc
And voila here is our first orchestrated hello world:
``` shell
-------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
ID 9bcf31cb-7faf-4367-bf37-57c11b3f81dc
INFO test1 = hello world
test2 = hello world
STDOUT test1 = hello world
test2 = hello world
## License
Apache License Version 2.0