.. image:: ../logo.png
:width: 400
:align: center
:alt: ReadTheDocs
:target: https://difit.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
*difit*: **A diffusion MRI models fitting software**
*difit* is being developed as an attempt to bring in major diffusion models into one place (*v1.0.0* can do DTI and DKI models). *difit* allows to choose b-values and b0-images from multi-shell data as the user desires. This enable the user to test different combinations easily without splitting data prior to the model fitting.
Major software packages in the background
*difit's* versions of DTI and DKI models come from `dipy <https://dipy.org/>`_. Nodes were built using `nipype <https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_. Other dependancies are listed in the setup.cfg file.
``pip install difit``
Models fitting command
``python -m difit 'path/to/input/dir' 'path/to/output/dir' 'path/to/work/dir' --models dti --dti_b_values 1000 --dti_b0_images 3 --mem 6 --nprocs 2``
``python -m difit 'path/to/input/dir' 'path/to/output/dir' 'path/to/work/dir' --models dki --dki_b_values 500 1000 3000 --dki_b0_images 4 --mem 9 --nprocs 2``
Both DTI and DKI
It is possible to fit more than one model in one run. DTI followed by DKI will be fitted with the below command.
``python -m difit 'path/to/input/dir' 'path/to/output/dir' 'path/to/work/dir' --models dti dki --dki_b_values 500 1000 2000 --dki_b0_images 3 --dti_b_values 1000 --dti_b0_images 3 --mem 12 --nprocs 2``
Parallel Processing
difit can fit multiple subjects in parallel. If you have more than one subject, you can issue the command similar to below with the wildcard (*). If you want to fit few of the available subjects, you can use the curly bracket notaions to specify the subjects.
``python -m difit 'path/to/input/sub*/data' 'path/to/output/sub*/out' 'path/to/work/dir' --models dti dki --dki_b_values 500 1000 2000 --dki_b0_images 3 --dti_b_values 1000 --dti_b0_images 3 --mem 32 --nprocs 8``
Input dwi data files
*difit* searches for files ending with `*_dwi.nii.gz`, `*_dwi.bval`, `*_dwi.bvec` and `*_mask.nii.gz` in the input directory. Make sure to name your files with the same endings. If you use `qsiprep <https://qsiprep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html>`_ to preprocess data, you will end up with the above format which uses `BIDS <https://bids.neuroimaging.io/>`_ convention. If you used a different software to preprocess your data, name your files to match the above convention. The `*` indicate any name/s before the underscore can take place.
An example for multi models and multi subjects parallel processing
Assume there are two subject directories namely **sub01** and **sub02** and in each directory there are *data* and *out* directories available. In this example, diffusion data have four shells (500,1000,2000,3000) and 6 b0 images. But we are going to use only one shell for DTI and three shells for DKI model. The both models will use 3 b0 images (consecutive).
├── sub01
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── example_dwi.bval
│ │ ├── example_dwi.bvec
│ │ ├── example_dwi.nii.gz
│ │ └── example_mask.nii.gz
│ └── out
├── sub02
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── example_dwi.bval
│ │ ├── example_dwi.bvec
│ │ ├── example_dwi.nii.gz
│ │ └── example_mask.nii.gz
│ └── out
└── work
``python -m difit '/projectdifit/sub*/data' '/projectdifit/sub*/out' '/projectdifit/work' --models dti dki --dki_b_values 500 1000 2000 --dki_b0_images 3 --dti_b_values 1000 --dti_b0_images 3 --mem 32 --nprocs 8``
Output files
├── dki
│ ├── AK.nii.gz
│ ├── dki_AD_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_AD.nii.gz
│ ├── dki_AK_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_FA_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_FA.nii.gz
│ ├── dki_kFA_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_MD_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_MD.nii.gz
│ ├── dki_MK_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_RD_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_RD.nii.gz
│ ├── dki_RK_mosaic.png
│ ├── dki_summary_plots.html
│ ├── kFA.nii.gz
│ ├── MK.nii.gz
│ └── RK.nii.gz
└── dti
├── dti_AD_mosaic.png
├── dti_AD.nii.gz
├── dti_FA_mosaic.png
├── dti_FA.nii.gz
├── dti_MD_mosaic.png
├── dti_MD.nii.gz
├── dti_RD_mosaic.png
├── dti_RD.nii.gz
└── dti_summary_plots.html
*difit* creates **dti** and **dki** directories in the out directory to store the above output files for each subject.
``python -m difit -h``
dmri models fitter work flow
positional arguments:
input_dir Input data directory. This directory must contain *_dwi.nii.gz, *_mask.nii.gz, *_dwi.bval,
*_dwi.bvec. Multiple subjects can be list with wild cards e.g. ~/data/sub_*/data ; each
subject directory contain its own set of diffusion files.
output_dir The output directory for models metrices. In this directory seperate subdirectories will be
created for each model; For multiple subjects, output can be given with a wildcard e.g.
work_dir directory for intermediate results
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--models MODELS [MODELS ...]
Choose the model or models you want to fit to your data. Choose one or a combination from dti,
dki (default: None)
Options for choosing shell numbers for DTI processing:
--dti_b_values DTI_B_VALUES [DTI_B_VALUES ...]
Choose a b-value/s of multishell data to use for DTI model fitting (default: None)
--dti_b0_images DTI_B0_IMAGES
If dwi data contain more than one b0 images, choose how many you want to use for DTI model
fitting (default: 1)
Options for choosing shell numbers and b0 images for DKI processing:
--dki_b_values DKI_B_VALUES [DKI_B_VALUES ...]
Choose a b-values of multishell data to use for DKI model fitting (default: None)
--dki_b0_images DKI_B0_IMAGES
If dwi data contain more than one b0 images, choose how many you want to use for DKI model
fitting (default: 1)
Options to specify computer resources:
--nprocs NPROCS maximum number of cpus across all processes (default: None)
--omp-nthreads OMP_NTHREADS
maximum number of threads per-process (default: None)
--mem MEMORY_GB upper bound memory limit (GB) for difit models fitting (default: None)
--use-plugin FILE nipype plugin configuration file (default: None)
Future Additions
*MSMT-CSD particle filtering tractography*, *NODDI* and *FSL PROBTRACKX*.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.1. For details and usage
information on PyScaffold see https://pyscaffold.