# diffjson
Utilities to diff json data.
# Features
- Enable search like XPATH.
- Enable diff for multi json data.
# Branch Class for Search
## Branch Class
Convert dict/list json data to Branch class format by 'generate_branch'.
Branch class is hierachical class tree.
- RootBranch
- Root for all child branches.
- Provide search and other methods for users.
- DictBranch
- Child branch for dict format child.
- ListBranch
- Child branch for list format child.
- Leaf
- Edge branch for str, bool, int, and float.
- Branch
- Branch common class for inheritate.
## Search
Branch class accept search with xpath like strings. (Strongly inspired by josonpath-ng!!)
# Example Data, sample.yaml
b01-01: string
b01-02: 1
b01-03: 2.0
b01-04: True
- name: n02-01-i01
value: v02-01-i01
- name: n02-01-i02
- name: n02-01-i02-01-i01
value: v02-01-i02-01-i01
- name: n02-01-i02-01-i02
value: v02-01-i02-01-i02
- name: n02-01-i02-01-i03
value: v02-01-i02-01-i03
name: n02-01-i02-02
value: v02-01-i02-02
- name: n02-01-i03
b02-01-i03-01: v02-01-i03-01
b03-01: null
import diffjson
import yaml
with open('sample.yaml'), 'r') as f:
sampledata = yaml.safe_load(f)
# Get dict format data under b01-01
b = diffjson.generate_branch(sampledata)
result = b.search('/branch01/b01-01')
> ['string']
Search returns all matched data as List style.
# DiffBranch Class for Diff JSON Data
## DiffBranch Class
Diff multi json data as Branch instance by 'diff_branches'.
- DiffRootBranch
- Root for all child diff branches.
- DiffCommonBranch
- Child branch for all data format.
- Diff for dict, list and leaf are contained in DiffCommonBranch.Branch.
- DiffBranch
- Branch common class for inheritate.
## Diff
diffbranch = diffjson.diff_branch([data01, data02, data03])
# Export diff in csv format
## NodenameMasks Options
Sometimes data are contained in list format and orders are changes randomly.
For example,,
Data Before.
- name: id01
value: data01
- name: id02
value: data02
- name: id03
value: data03
Data After.
- name: id01
value: data01
- name: id03
value: data03
- name: id02
value: changed
We want to diff "name: id02" and "name: id02".
Don't want to diff second data "name: id02" and "name: id03".
For such case, use mask function.
masks = {'/': lambda x: x['name'], '/branch01': lambda x: x['id']}
diffbranch = diffjson.diff_branch(
[data01, data02, data03],
Nodename masks convert list part to dict part with lambda generated key like follows.
Data Before
name: id01
value: data01
name: id02
value: data02
name: id03
value: data03
Data After
name: id01
value: data01
name: id02
value: changed
name: id03
value: data03
## Diff Search
DiffBranch class accept search.
Arguments are as follows.
- locationpath_string(str): XPath format search string.
- details(bool, option): Return searched path with value, default: False(value only).
- dump_mode(str, option): DiffTwoBranch only.
- 'all': Dump all branch.
- 'added': Dump added branch. Include added root and children.
- 'bulk_added': Dump added root branch, ignore children of them.
- 'removed': Dump removed branch. Include added root and children.
- 'bulk_removed': Dump removed root branch, ignore children of them.
- 'changed': Dump changed branch only.
diffbranch = diffjson.diff_branch([data01, data02, data03])
# Search
diffbranch.search('//', dump_mode='added', details=True)