A short description
diffDomain is a new computational method for identifying reorganized
TADs using chromatin contact maps from two biological conditions.
A long description diffDomain
The workflow of diffDomain is illustrated down below.
The goal is to test if a TAD identified in one biological condition has
structural changes in another biological condition.
The core of diffDomain is formulating the problem as a hypothesis
testing problem where the null hypothesis is that the TAD doesn’t
undergo significant structural reorganization at later condition. The
input are Hi-C contact matrices of the TAD region in the two biological
conditions (*A*). The Hi-C contact matrices are log-transformed to
adjust for the exponential decay of Hi-C contacts between chromosome
bins with increased distances.
Their entry-wise difference is calculated (*B*).
The difference matrix *D* is normalized by iteratively standardizing its
*k*-off diagonal parts, *-N+2 <= k <= N-2*, adjusting absolute
differences in contact frequencies due to different sequencing depths in
the two biological conditions (*C*).
Note that, standardization is TAD-specific. Each TAD has its own
parameters that are only estimated from its contact matrices in a pair
of biological conditions.
Intuitively, if a TAD is not significantly reorganized, normalized *D*
would resemble a random matrix with white noise entries, enabling us to
borrow theoretical results in random matrix theory. Indeed, normalized
*D* is a generalized Wigner matrix (D), a well studied high-dimensional
random matrices.
| Its largest singular value is proved to be fluctuating around 2 under
the null hypothesis. Armed with the fact, diffDomain reformulates the
reorganized TAD identification problem into a hypothesis testing
| 1. H0: the largest singular value equals to 2;
| 2. H1: the largest singular value is greater than 2.
| For a user given set of TADs, *P* values are adjusted for multiple
comparisons using *BH* method as default.
| Once we identify the subset of reorganized TADs, we classify them into
six subtypes to aid biological analysis and interpretations.
Installation instructions
diffDomain is tested on MacOS & Linux (Centos).
diffDomain-py3 is dependent on - Python 3 - hic-straw 1.3.1 - TracyWidom
- pandas - numpy - docopt -tqdm - matplotlib - statsmodels
Download diffDomain source package by running following command in a
git clone https://github.com/Tian-Dechao/diffDomain.git
or :
pip install diffDomain-py3
Get started with example usage
We downloaded data
`GEO:GSE63525 <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE63525>`__
from Rao et al
`(2014) <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867414014974>`__
for standalone example usage of diffDomain. Example data saved in
``<data/>``: 1. GM12878 TADs. 2. GM12878 combined Hi-C data on Chr1 that
is extracted by `Juicebox <https://github.com/aidenlab/Juicebox>`__ with
resolution at 10 kb and normalization method at KR. The produced Hi-C
data is 3-column: column 1 and column 2 are chromosomal bins, column 3
is KR normalized contact frequencies between the two bins. 3. K562
combined Hi-C data on Chr1. Settings are the same as GM12878.
Testing if one TAD is reorganized
In this example, we tested the GM12878 TAD that is reorganized in K562
`Ref <http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2017.07.022>`__). Data are
saved in ``<data/single-TAD/>``.
Running the command
- Usage: scriptname dvsd one <chr> <start> <end> <hic0> <hic1>
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py dvsd one 1 163500000 165000000 data/single-TAD/GM12878_chr1_163500000_165000000_res_10k.txt data/single-TAD/K562_chr1_163500000_165000000_res_10k.txt --reso 10000 --ofile res/chr1_163500000_165000000.txt
diffDomain also provide visualization function to visualize Hi-C
matrices side-by-side.
- Usage: scriptname visualization <chr> <start> <end> <hic0> <hic1>
Figure are saved in ``<res/images/>``.
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py visualization 1 163500000 165000000 data/single-TAD/GM12878_chr1_163500000_165000000_res_10k.txt data/single-TAD/K562_chr1_163500000_165000000_res_10k.txt --reso 10000 --ofile res/images/side_by_side
Note: in this example, there is no need to do multiple comparison
adjustment. Multiple comparisons adjustment by *BH* will be demonstrated
in the next example.
Identifying the reorganized TADs on a 50 Mb region (Chr1:1-50,000,000)
In this example, multiple comparison adjustment is requried to adjust
the *P*-values. chr1_50M_domainlist are saved in ``<data/TADs_chr1/>``.
- Usage: scriptname dvsd multiple <hic0> <hic1> <bed> [options]
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py dvsd multiple data/TADs_chr1/chr1_50M_GM12878.h5 data/TADs_chr1/chr1_50M_K562.h5 data/TADs_chr1/GM12878_chr1_50M_domainlist.txt --reso 10000 --ofile res/temp/GM12878_vs_K562_chr1_50M_temp.txt
The function pydiff.diffdomain_multiple will return the dataframe of
- Adjusting multiple comparisons by *BH* method (default, Optional
parameters: *fdr_by*, *bonferroni*, *holm*, *hommel* etc.) and
Filtering out reorganized TADs with *BH < 0.05*
- Usage: scriptname adjustment <method> <input> <output>
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py adjustment fdr_bh res/temp/GM12878_vs_K562_chr1_50M_temp.txt res/GM12878_vs_K562_chr1_50M_adjusted_filter.tsv --filter true
For interactive integrative analysis, we recommend using the `Nucleome
Browser <http://www.nucleome.org/>`__. Example visualization outputs are
shown below.
.. figure:: /figures/TADs_chr1.png
:alt: reorganized TADs on chr1
reorganized TADs on chr1
Identifying GM12878 TADs that are reorganized in K562, using all TADs.
Data is using Amazon.
- Identify TADs in multiple chromosomes simultaneously.
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py dvsd multiple https://hicfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/hiseq/gm12878/in-situ/combined.hic https://hicfiles.s3.amazonaws.com/hiseq/k562/in-situ/combined.hic data/GSE63525_GM12878_primary+replicate_Arrowhead_domainlist.txt --ofile res/temp/temp.txt
- MultiComparison adjustment.
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py adjustment fdr_bh res/temp/GM12878_vs_K562_chr1_50M_temp.txt res/adjusted_TADs2.txt
- optional parameter **[–filter]**, Filtering out reorganized TADs with
*BH < 0.05*.
python diffdomain/diffdomains.py adjustment fdr_bh res/temp/GM12878_vs_K562_chr1_50M_temp.txt res/reorganized_TADs_GM12878_K562.tsv --filter true
The final output is saved to
- Classification of TADs
Running the command:
python diffdomain/classificattion.py -d adjusted_TADs2.txt -t GSE63525_K562_Arrowhead_domainlist.txt
Contact information
More information please contact Dunming Hua at huadm@mail2.sysu.edu.cn, Ming Gu at guming5@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
or Dechao Tian at tiandch@mail.sysu.edu.cn.