# DiceBear Py Wrapper
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Always keep an eye on https://dicebear.janvh.tk for updates and warnings about this packages!
[`dicebear`](https://pypi.org/project/dicebear/) is an API wrapper for https://dicebear.com. Using this wrapper you can get custom avatars for your program. \
For an example go to [`examples/dicebear.py`](https://github.com/jvherck/dicebear/tree/main/examples).
## Useful links
* Docs: https://jvherck.github.io/dicebear
* PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/dicebear/
* GitHub: https://github.com/jvherck/dicebear
* Dicebear: https://dicebear.com/
- Dicebear CLI: https://github.com/jvherck/dicebear-cli
## Changelog
Find the changelog here: https://github.com/jvherck/dicebear/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
## How to install
Run `pip install dicebear` \
If that doesn't work try `py -m pip install dicebear`
## Usage
Important note: *Pillow* is not a required dependency, it's only required when you want to be able to edit the avatar images (using `DAvatar.pillow()`).
When using a `PIL` function while it's not installed it will raise `dicebear.errors.PILError`.
import PIL.Image
from dicebear import DAvatar, DStyle, DOptions, DColor, bulk_create
# Creating options
options = DOptions(
# Making a DAvatar object
av = DAvatar(
seed="John Apple",
print(av.url_svg) # Prints the svg url
# Editing the DAvatar object
# Using `extra_options` keep the `rotate` option but override the `backgroundColor` option
print(av.url_png) # Prints the png url
# Editing the style specific customisations
"face": "variant04"
# Using `blank_options` will delete your previous customisations for this DAvatar and generate new ones
print(av.url_jpg) # Prints the jpg url
# Saving an avatar to your device
location=None, # Passing `None` will save it in the current working directory
# Converting the DAvatar object into a PIL.Image.Image object
av_img: PIL.Image.Image = av.pillow()
# Opening and viewing the DAvatar image
av.open(use_pil=True) # or av.view()
# Creating multiple random avatars of the same style at once
avatars: list = bulk_create(style=DStyle.random(), amount=10)
## CLI Usage
Dicebear has a CLI package that uses Python to generate avatars quickly.
You can't customize each avatar, to do that you'll need to use the Python module.
To use the CLI run `pip install dicebear-cli` in a terminal.
Documentation can be found here: https://github.com/jvherck/dicebear-cli.
## Customization
Customize your avatars with these possibilities.
### Styles
All the possible avatar styles. \
* `adventurer`
* `adventurer-neutral`
* `avataaars`
* `avataaars-neutral`
* `big-ears`
* `big-ears-neutral`
* `big-smile`
* `bottts`
* `bottts-neutral`
* `croodles`
* `croodles-neutral`
* `fun-emoji`
* `icons`
* `identicon`
* `initials`
* `lorelei`
* `lorelei-neutral`
* `micah`
* `miniavs`
* `notionists`
* `notionists-neutral`
* `open-peeps`
* `personas`
* `pixel-art`
* `pixel-art-neutral`
* `shapes`
* `thumbs`
### Base Options
All the possible options for the avatar. These options work for all the styles.
* `seed` (type: `str`) - the seed for the avatar generator, determine its basic looks
* `flip` (type: `bool`) - flips the image vertically (default False)
* `rotate` (type: `int`) - rotates the avatar (default 0, min 0, max 360)
* `scale` (type: `int`) - the scale of the avatar drawing itself (default 100, min 0, max 200)
* `radius` (type: `int`) - the radius of the avatar (default 0, min 0, max 50)
* `size` (type: `int`) - the size of the avatar (px) (default 256, min 1, max 256)
* `backgroundColor` (type: `DColor("transparent")` ) - the background color of the avatar. this can be a list of strings
if you have *backgroundType* set to "gradientLinear". (default transparent)
* `backgroundType` (type: `str` ) - set the background to either `gradientLinear` or `solid` (default solid)
* `backgroundRotation` (type: `int` ) - rotate the background if backgroundType is set to `gradientLinear` (default 0)
* `translateX` (type: `int`) - move the avatar horizontally (default 0, min -100, max 100)
* `translateY` (type: `int`) - move the avatar vertically (default 0, min -100, max 100)
* `randomizeIds` (type: `bool`) - randomize the IDs in the generated SVG/XML, can be useful if the avatars are included
directly in HTML and you want to avoid ID conflicts (default false)
### Specific Style Options
Specific options to get a more detailed avatar. This is different for every style. \
Click the style to see its options.
* [adventurer](https://dicebear.com/styles/adventurer#options)
* [adventurer-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/adventurer-neutral#options)
* [avataaars](https://dicebear.com/styles/avataaars#options)
* [avataaars-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/avataaars-neutral#options)
* [big-ears](https://dicebear.com/styles/big-ears#options)
* [big-ears-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/big-ears-neutral#options)
* [big-smile](https://dicebear.com/styles/big-smile#options)
* [bottts](https://dicebear.com/styles/bottts#options)
* [bottts-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/bottts-neutral#options)
* [croodles](https://dicebear.com/styles/croodles#options)
* [croodles-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/croodles-neutral#options)
* [fun-emoji](https://dicebear.com/styles/fun-emoji#options)
* [icons](https://dicebear.com/styles/icons#options)
* [identicon](https://dicebear.com/styles/identicon#options)
* [initials](https://dicebear.com/styles/initials#options)
* [lorelei](https://dicebear.com/styles/lorelei#options)
* [lorelei-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/lorelei-neutral#options)
* [micah](https://dicebear.com/styles/micah#options)
* [miniavs](https://dicebear.com/styles/miniavs#options)
* [notionists](https://dicebear.com/styles/notionists#options)
* [notionists-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/notionists-neutral#options)
* [open-peeps](https://dicebear.com/styles/open-peeps#options)
* [personas](https://dicebear.com/styles/personas#options)
* [pixel-art](https://dicebear.com/styles/pixel-art#options)
* [pixel-art-neutral](https://dicebear.com/styles/pixel-art-neutral#options)
* [shapes](https://dicebear.com/styles/shapes#options)
* [thumbs](https://dicebear.com/styles/thumbs#options)
### Formats
These are the only supported formats. \
If you have Pillow (PIL) installed you can convert `DAvatar` to a `PIL.Image.Image` object to get a
wider range of formats (Pillow doesn't support svg).
* `DFormat.svg` (default)
* `DFormat.png`
* `DFormat.jpg`
* `DFormat.json`
## Credits
Special thanks to [DiceBear](https://github.com/dicebear) ([Florian Körner](https://github.com/FlorianKoerner)) for
making this amazing API and to [all artists](https://dicebear.com/licenses) that helped making avatars!
## Licenses and privacy policy
- Dicebear **Licenses**: https://dicebear.com/licenses
- Dicebear **Privacy Policy**: https://dicebear.com/legal/privacy-policy
- Dicebear Python API wrapper (this project): https://dicebear.janvh.tk/license