# dhooks-lite
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## Contents
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Functionality](#functionality)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Contribution](#contribution)
- [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md)
## Overview
**dhooks-lite** is a library with a set of classes for interacting with Discord webhooks written in Python 3.
This library aims to differentiate itself from similar libraries with the following properties:
- is fully tested
- simple to use (only one way of doing things, same name of attributes and objects as in the [official Discord documentation](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook))
- has logging
- requests are automatically retried and have sensible timeouts
- works with older Python versions
## Functionality
This library provides following functionality:
- Posting messages in Discord channels via webhooks (synchronous calls only)
- Attaching Embeds to messages
- Retrieve send reports and from Discord
- Retrieve HTTP status and headers from Discord, e.g. for implementing rate limit handling
## Examples
Here are some examples on how to use dhooks-lite in your Python scripts.
Note that you also find the source code of all examples in the `/examples` folder of this repo.
### Hello World
Minimal example for posting a message.
from dhooks_lite import Webhook
hook.execute('Hello, World!')
### Posting with custom avatar
In this example we are setting username and avatar.
from dhooks_lite import Webhook
hook = Webhook(
username='Bruce Wayne',
hook.execute('I am Batman!')
### Complete example with embeds
Finally, here is an example for posting a message with two embeds and using all available features (shortened):
import datetime
from dhooks_lite import Webhook, Embed, Footer, Image, Thumbnail, Author, Field
e1 = Embed(
description='Only a few years ago, scientists stumbled upon an electrical current of cosmic proportions.(...)',
title='Universe\'s highest electric current found',
'Science Department',
'John Scientist',
Field('1st Measurement', 'Failed'),
Field('2nd Measurement', 'Succeeded')
e2 = Embed(description="TOP SECRET - Do not distribute!")
'Checkout this new report from the science department:',
username='Bruce Wayne',
embeds=[e1, e2],
## Installation
You can install this library directly from PyPI:
pip install dhooks-lite
## Documentation
For a full documentation of all classes please see the official docs [here](https://dhooks-lite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
## Contribution
We welcome any contribution!
If you found a bug or have a feature request please raise an issue.
If you want to help further improve this library please feel free to issue a merge request. Please adhere to the following requirements in your change:
- Code should be compliant with [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/)
- Full overage by unit tests
- All classes should be immutable
- All classes and their public methods must have docstring documentation
- All changes must be documented in the Change Log